Pipemidic acid: instructions for use

Pipemidic acid is an active substance that has a similar structure with nalidixic acid, while possessing antibacterial properties.

Available in the form of vaginal suppositories, capsules, tablets and suspensions.

Use for cystitis

Pipemidic acid is very often used to treat acute forms of cystitis, as well as to prevent exacerbation of chronic disease processes. In these cases, the drug should be taken twice a day, for ten days. In this case, a single dose of the active substance should be 400 mg.

pipemidic acid

Pipemidic acid can also be used by children from the age of one year. In this case, the dosage should be calculated individually. For one kilogram of the baby’s weight, it is worth taking 15 mg of active ingredients. In no case do not treat your children yourself. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider for recommendations.

Pipemidic acid: description

This substance is a very bitter tasting powder with a yellow-white color. When exposed to color, it gains a darker shade.

Pipemidic acid (instructions for use are described in this article) is a very effective antibacterial agent that can cope with bacteria such as E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella and others. Also, the drug has an effect on Staphylococcus aureus. However, it is worth considering who this substance is useless in the fight against anaerobic organisms.

pipemidic acid instructions

The drug is very well absorbed by the body, with most of it contained in the urine. Thus, the drug is very effective in the treatment of various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Indications for use of the drug

Pipemidic acid (instructions for use describe this drug as an effective medicine against infectious diseases of the genitourinary system) is a fairly effective medication in the presence of such ailments:

- Prostatitis.

- Chronic and acute urinary tract infections. This may include cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.

The drug also has a prophylactic effect on catheterization, endoscopy, or other instrumental interventions.

Existing contraindications

This substance is not recommended for people with a pronounced sensitivity to the components of the drug. It is also forbidden to use pipemidic acid for liver and renal failure. The same applies to people with organic brain pathologies (especially epilepsy).

Experts do not recommend using this drug during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

pipemidic acid instructions for use

Palin (pipemidic acid) can be used by children, but only if absolutely necessary. In this case, the doctor determines the dosage individually.

The drug can be used by people over seventy years of age, but only on the recommendation of specialists. Doctors do not recommend using this medication for people with impaired circulation of the brain, as well as in the presence of seizures.

Side effects

Pipemidic acid (reviews of which can be found in this article), like many other drugs, can have side effects on the human body. The most noticeable are the following reactions:

- vomiting, nausea and dizziness;

- stomach pain and diarrhea;

palin pipemidic acid

- allergic reactions, manifested in the form of rashes on the skin;

- In some cases, an increase in the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation was noticed.

Important notes

With prolonged use of the drug, it is imperative to monitor blood counts and be regularly shown to a doctor.

During treatment, completely refuse to stay in the sun, as well as from visiting the solarium.

Remember to drink as much fluid as possible. This will increase diuresis and improve the work of the drug.

Do not abuse coffee drinks, as pipemidic acid can increase the concentration of caffeine in the blood.

pipemidic acid reviews

Doctors strongly discourage the use of this drug at the same time as antacids.

If you intend to use other medications during pipemidic acid treatment, be sure to tell your doctor about this. After all, some components can both reduce the effectiveness of treatment, and vice versa increase it.

How to cope with an overdose

This tool should be taken with extreme caution. Since as a result of overdose, side effects can be detected. If you have taken a large dose of this drug, then you need to perform the following actions:

- Go to the hospital for gastric lavage. Then take activated charcoal.

- Drink as much water as possible to provide copious urine output.

- Provide symptomatic therapy.

Reviews about the drug

This tool is very often used to treat cystitis and other diseases of the urinary tract. Many patients in a very quick time notice an improvement in their health status. Doctors also know about the effectiveness of this substance, and therefore often prescribe it to their patients. However, in order for the treatment to produce the correct effect, you need to consider all the recommendations of the doctor, and monitor your condition. With the right approach to treatment, the results will be incredible.

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