How to cook sauerkraut with carrots at home: recipes and recommendations

Sauerkraut is simply an indispensable source of nutrients and vitamins. In addition, this dish is a good snack. Very popular recipes for quick sauerkraut. You can cook it at any time of the year. The main thing is that all the necessary products are available. You can use the finished snack as a filling for pies, dumplings and pancakes. How to cook sauerkraut at home? Recipes for this appetizer are in the arsenal of almost any housewife. Each of them is distinguished by its unique result.

how to cook sauerkraut with carrots

Classic recipe

Many harvested sauerkraut crisp for the winter. The recipe for this snack is very simple and does not require special expenses. At the same time, the finished product can be used to prepare other dishes. It turns out very tasty stewed sauerkraut. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Three kilograms of white cabbage.
  2. A few pieces of carrots.
  3. Two large spoons of salt.
  4. A spoonful of sugar.

How to cook sauerkraut

With carrots, cabbage is very tasty. The cooking process takes a little time. First you need to prepare all the necessary components. Cabbage should be cleaned of dirty leaves and finely chopped. To do this, you can use special equipment or a very sharp knife.

how to ferment cabbage for the winter recipe

Carrots also need to be peeled, well washed and chopped. This is best done with a coarse grater. Prepared vegetables must be transferred to a deep container. Salt and sugar should be added to the mixture. After this, the products need to be mixed well. In this case, you can rub the mixture a little with your hands. Thanks to this, more juice will appear.

The future appetizer should be transferred to a pan or a deep bucket. After that, cover the container with a plate. The cabbage should be crushed with a load and left for about four days. The readiness of the snack can be visually determined: bubbles or foam will appear on top. Store the finished product in a cool place, such as a cellar.

Such an appetizer is very popular, since everyone can cook sauerkraut with carrots. A product prepared according to this composition can be served in combination with onions and vegetable oil.

how to cook sauerkraut at home

How to cook sauerkraut with carrots and cranberries

Cabbage is a healthy and inexpensive vegetable that can be preserved and pickled in combination with other products. This appetizer can decorate any table. To prepare you will need:

  1. About 4 kilograms of cabbage. In this case, it is worth using winter varieties of this vegetable.
  2. Carrots - from 4 to 6 pieces. It depends on personal preference.
  3. Up to 4 tablespoons of coarse salt.
  4. Cranberry berries to taste.

Product Preparation

How to ferment cabbage for the winter? The recipe for such an appetizer differs from the rest in a simple set of ingredients. Of course, the choice of components should be treated with special attention. So, cabbage should be taken only in winter varieties. They are more dense and white. Cabbage of such varieties differs from other types in juicy, fragile, but thick leaves. Cutting it into thin strips is very difficult. But as a result of pickling, a crispy and tasty snack is obtained.

how much to cook sauerkraut

Before cooking, a head of cabbage should be cleaned of bad leaves, and then divided into small pieces. So it will be more convenient to grind it. Shred cabbage should be straws. If necessary, you can use special equipment. Of course, the thickness of the slices depends on personal preferences, but it is not worth chopping thinly. Otherwise, the snack will be less crispy. The optimal thickness is five millimeters.

Carrots also need to be peeled, washed under running water, and then chopped into a coarse grater. Of course, you can make a snack without this component. But since you need to cook sauerkraut at home, you need to tasty, it is worth adding carrots to it. After all, this vegetable contains fruit sugar in large quantities. This substance is not in cabbage. But it is fruit sugar that contributes to the speedy fermentation, as well as the formation of lactic acid, which gives the appetizer a unique sour taste.

Cooking process

When all components are prepared, you can proceed directly to cooking. In a large container, put the cabbage and carrots. After this, the vegetables must be sprinkled with salt and mix well. As a result, juice should appear. In the process of preparation, do not forget that salt from a particular manufacturer has its own taste. The main thing is not to overdo it with this component. Grated and mashed cabbage should be slightly salted. It is also worth remembering that a well-ground vegetable mixture should decrease in volume.

how to cook sauerkraut at home recipes

At this stage, you should try the mixture, as cooked sauerkraut with carrots can be salted. If you didn’t like the taste of the future snack, you can cut more vegetables. If the cabbage seems under salted, then you can add a little more salt. After the products are ground, you can add cranberries. This will make the snack even more healthy. The finished mixture should be laid out in jars. Do not fill them to the very top.

Cooking time

Many young housewives are wondering how much to cook sauerkraut. Snack laid out in jars should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 22 ° C. After a day, the product should give a small amount of juice. Also, bubbles may appear on the surface of the cabbage - this is the first sign of fermentation. If there is a lot of juice, then it can be drained. But this is not worth doing, as in the future he will "leave", and the snack will be more juicy.

At this stage, sauerkraut should be pierced in several places with a wooden stick. This will allow the release of gases that are formed during the fermentation process. A similar procedure should be carried out regularly for several days.

Three days later, the cans with the snack can be placed in the refrigerator or in the cellar, since the cabbage will be ready. This appetizer can be used for cooking dumplings, pancakes, pies, as well as various salads. Dishes with sauerkraut are not only tasty, but also very useful.

how to cook delicious sauerkraut for the winter

How to cook quick sauerkraut with beets

The appetizer, which includes beets, looks bright and more appetizing. At first glance, you can’t even say that it is sauerkraut. In addition, such a dish combines the beneficial properties of several vegetables at once. Since cooking sauerkraut at home is simple, you can slightly vary its composition if you wish. For manufacturing you will need:

  1. Five kilograms of cabbage.
  2. 300 grams of beets.
  3. 100 grams of salt.

Cooking steps

So, how to ferment cabbage for the winter? A recipe that includes a component such as beets can cause suspicion in many housewives. However, do not worry, as the result of cooking is a very tasty snack.

First you need to prepare the components. White cabbage must be cleaned from damaged leaves and chopped with straws. You can use special equipment.

Beets must be washed before cooking. It should be placed in a container of water and bring to a boil. Cook the beets for five minutes. After this, the vegetable should be cooled. Beets must be peeled and then cut into small pieces. You can also grate it.

how to cook fast sauerkraut with beets

Chopped beets and cabbage should be transferred to a deep container and salt. After this, the product must be mixed well and grated slightly. The container with the future snack should be covered with a napkin. The product must be pressed down with a load. In this case, you can use a bottle filled with water.

Cabbage must be left in a warm place for about three days for fermentation. After the specified time, the snack can be removed in a cooler place: in the refrigerator or cellar. Several times a day, cabbage must be pierced with a wooden stick in order to release the gases accumulated in it. In a cool place, the snack will be ready after 7-10 days.

Ready sauerkraut with beets, if desired, can be transferred to banks. Keep the appetizer in a cool place. Otherwise, the fermentation process will continue and the product will be spoiled.

You can use sauerkraut with beets in the form of a salad. For this, the snack can be seasoned with vegetable oil. If desired, a little chopped onion can be added to such a salad.


Now you know how to cook delicious sauerkraut for the winter. With proper storage, such an appetizer retains its useful properties longer. Moreover, such a product does not deteriorate for a long time and is simply an indispensable source of vitamins.

At the moment, there are many ways to cook sauerkraut. In this case, completely different components can be used. In addition to cabbage, you can put cranberries, caraway seeds, carrots, beets and even sweet peppers in a snack. The taste of the finished product will benefit from this.

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