How to fry a chestnut using a skillet, oven or microwave

This delicacy is traditionally added to meat in many European countries, and in France it is simply sold on the streets like popcorn. Of course, we are talking about chestnuts. Their fruits (more precisely, nuts) are much more useful than other dishes sold in fast food mode. And while they are incredibly tasty. However, in the domestic diet, despite its relative availability, this product did not take root. The main reason for this rejection is the lack of culture of their preparation and use. That is, people simply don’t even know how to fry the chestnut so that it becomes edible, not to mention the more complex dishes, which may include this ingredient. In order to eliminate this gap and enjoy a great taste, you can resort to one of the following recipes.

how to fry a chestnut
How to fry chestnuts in a pan

For those who have never tasted this delicacy in their life, it is better to start with the simplest recipe. For example, from this. So, before frying the chestnut, it must be incised. This is done individually to each. Otherwise, they will explode on the principle of popcorn, and it will not lead to anything good. Then they are laid out in a hot pan, covered with a lid and fried for 10-15 minutes on medium heat, periodically shaking so that they turn over. The fact that chestnuts are ready will be reported by a characteristic aroma escaping from under the lid. After the dish has cooled slightly, it will be ready for use. The chestnuts at the incision site will burst and open, which will facilitate the cleaning process. If desired, a little vegetable oil and salt can be added to the pan.

how to fry chestnuts in a pan
How to roast chestnuts in the oven

Another method of cooking is baking. The disadvantage of this method is that the whole process will take about half an hour. But at this time you can do other things, because the chestnuts will be baked themselves. Do this at a temperature of about 240 degrees, laying them in one layer on a greased baking sheet and not forgetting to make incisions.

How to roast chestnuts in the microwave

For those who are used to saving their own time, this recipe is perfect. Prepared and notched chestnuts are laid out in 1 layer in a microwave container or directly on a dish that was attached to it in the kit. They are fried at maximum power from 1 to 3 minutes, depending on the capabilities of the device and the amount of product. To accurately select the time for using a particular unit, you should experiment several times.

how to fry chestnuts in the microwave
What can be done with ready-made chestnuts

The easiest option is to just eat it. They are tasty and healthy without any additives. But if the task is not how to fry the chestnut, but to use it in some interesting dish, you can, for example, add it to the meat. This can be done on the principle of prunes, putting the finished and peeled nuts in a stew or sauce, as well as stuffing them with a roll before baking it. You can also make mashed potatoes from chestnuts, stew them or serve as a side dish.

Some useful tips

When purchasing chestnuts in a supermarket, you should pay attention to the period of their implementation. Unlike most nuts, they are recommended for use for 10 days. In the future, they may be bitter. Before frying, they should be poured with cold water. Firstly, soaked chestnuts will be easier to cut, and secondly, all damaged chestnuts will emerge, so that they can be easily disposed of.

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