Iron gluconate: harm, description, reviews

Iron is an integral element in the human body. Its lack or oversupply can be a serious problem. If there is anemia (iron deficiency), then it is easy to make up for it with various products and drugs. Usually, with such a disease, the doctor prescribes iron gluconate dihydrate.

What kind of medicine are these?

All drugs for the treatment and prevention of anemia have a minimum set of active substances. It is always based on iron glucogate . The drugs are available in the form of tablets or syrup, they have a different dosage of gluconate. Some are designed to avoid a lack of iron, some for treatment.

iron gluconate

Popular drug

One of the most common and popular iron supplements is Iron Gluconate 300. These are tablets of three hundred milligrams, for ease of use they are coated. This medicine is taken orally. The drug is prescribed to everyone who has a shortage of iron, but not only. Iron gluconate is needed to prevent anemia during pregnancy, after childbirth and during breast-feeding. Also, this substance must be taken if you have undergone surgery, you have burns, skin ulcers. After blood loss (donation or bleeding), iron gluconate must be taken to replenish iron in the blood. The formula of the drug is: C 12 H 22 FeO 14 * 2 (H 2 O).

iron gluconate calcium gluconate

How to determine the lack of iron in the blood?

This deficiency is determined in the laboratory. In order to find out if you have a predisposition to anemia, give a blood test for a general analysis. This analysis is carried out from blood taken from a finger. Conducted quickly, on the same day or the next you can get the result.

Iron plays an important role in the body. Iron deficiency can be determined independently. If you often feel dizzy, there are blackouts in the eyes and fainting, then this may be a sign of a deficiency of a substance such as iron. But you should not decide for yourself that this is exactly anemia. Such symptoms may indicate fatigue and lack of sleep, and other diseases. See a doctor.

If you cut yourself and the blood does not stop for a long time, then this is a sign that it is time to visit a specialist. The light color of blood, if it is liquid and the wound is poorly pulled, is a sign of a lack of iron.

iron gluconate harm

To whom is the iron preparation contraindicated?

You can not take iron gluconate to people who have an excess of iron. In the first trimester of pregnancy, special indications are needed to take such a drug. Older people do not want gluconate. In diseases of the stomach (ulcer, colitis), if there is an exacerbation of a duodenal ulcer and enteritis, then it is forbidden to take such drugs. Hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, blood transfusion, individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug are also contraindications to the use of iron gluconate.

iron gluconate dihydrate

Side Effects of Iron Gluconate

In case of overdose or improper use, unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, and abdominal pain (stomach and intestines) may appear. In some cases, the appearance of anorexia is associated with the use of iron-containing drugs. An allergy to the drug may occur. It is manifested by rashes, redness on the skin, itching. The most common side effect is the appearance of a black stool. Such stools may arise even from foods in which the concentration of iron is high.

In order to avoid unpleasant side effects, carefully read the instructions for use, use the advice of a doctor. If you have any contraindications to the use of iron gluconate, then it is better to refuse to take such a drug.

iron gluconate instruction

Iron gluconate: instruction

Tablets are taken orally, they must be washed down. Consume approximately one hour before a meal.

Adults and expectant mothers (from the second trimester of pregnancy) are prescribed four, a maximum of six tablets per day. This is the dosage for treating anemia. For preventive purposes, it is worth taking two tablets per day. A daily intake of the drug is designed for two or three applications.

Children are prescribed iron tablets in six years. Until the age of twelve, in the presence of anemia and its treatment, one tablet is prescribed per day. The maximum daily dose is three tablets. For prevention, take half a tablet once.

Treatment or prevention of iron deficiency is prescribed for no more than six months. The use of the drug in children under six years of age is not allowed. It is recommended to give iron gluconate in small doses to infants. If the baby is premature, then the reception can begin with two months. If it is full-term, then with four.

iron gluconate formula

Where else is iron gluconate used?

It is mainly used to treat anemia. But not only for therapeutic purposes, iron gluconate is used. Calcium gluconate preparations are prescribed to replenish calcium in the body. But these drugs are poorly absorbed, so they are prescribed in conjunction with iron-containing drugs. Iron helps calcium more efficiently and quickly absorbed, deliver it to the "destination".

Iron nitrate gluconate is used as an additive in organic and chemical fertilizers. It is a plant safe component. According to gardeners and ordinary lovers of indoor plants, this component in the fertilizer contributes to the favorable growth of the plant itself, its flowers and fruits. The fruits of cultivated plants grow and ripen faster, the yield rises significantly.

Iron gluconate is also used in the food industry as a dye. The simplest example is olives. Olives are harvested mature, they have a dark, almost black color. Olives, so that they become olives, before being packaged in jars, undergo special processing. They are stained with iron gluconate, we are familiar with this dye by the abbreviation E579. If you saw such a record on the packaging of products as a part, this will mean that the product is painted. This is done in order to give the delicacy a rich bright color. Few people look in the direction of pale sausage, bright pink looks much more appetizing. The same goes for many other products.

iron nitrate gluconate

Is E579 harmful to humans?

At one time, a whole popular uprising arose against all kinds of food additives and dyes. In the newspapers they wrote, showed on television that all products containing all kinds of E, Yu, Z, are dangerous to health. Adversely affect digestion, cardiac activity, lead to obesity and other adversities. People massively stopped buying such products, stores began to look inconspicuous, and manufacturers began to think about another business.

After all these unrest, the state launched an investigation into the validity of these rumors. All products containing incomprehensible additives and symbols were suspected, iron gluconate did not pass by. The health damage has indeed been revealed in many supplements, a list of which can be found on the Internet. Many of these additives are marked with the letter E. But the Ministry of Health found nothing harmful in E-579, 576 (sodium gluconate) and many other E. These additives and dyes were put on the list of products that are not harmful to health and the human body as a whole.

On the shelves again appeared "rosy" sausage, bright olives and other colored products. Manufacturers calmed down, consumers too. But do not forget that everything is useful in moderation. It is not recommended to include such products every meal, they can cause an exacerbation of an ulcer, digestive upset, and lead to diarrhea. The daily rate of such a dye should not be higher than prescribed, it is twenty grams. Exceeding this norm can lead to the so-called syndrome of Chinese restaurants. This is a redness of the skin of the face, a frequent heartbeat, sweating.

What is being said about iron gluconate?

As the world is great, so is the great diversity of human opinions about certain things. Many who have had to undergo iron gluconate treatment for anemia write that he really helped them. Doctors advise him as the safest and most effective iron-containing drug. Someone disagrees with such people, they write that these drugs are completely useless. They say that there is no sense in them, the iron content in the blood after such treatment remains the same. There are ardent opponents of the content of dyes and impurities in products; they prefer only home cooking. Many do not know anything about the E579, they say that they do not pay attention to the composition, but simply buy their favorite products. There are people who know about such a dye, they write that they are loyal to it.

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