Catarrhal chronic rhinitis: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Any cold is characterized by the appearance of a symptom such as a runny nose. Quite often catarrhal chronic rhinitis occurs, which is characterized by the fact that inflammatory processes occur in the nasal mucosa.

This type of runny nose does not provoke dangerous complications, however, pathology must be treated. For this, both medical and folk remedies are used, which help to eliminate the existing problem and achieve long-term remission.

Causes of the disease

The etiology of chronic catarrhal rhinitis is associated with a constant runny nose. The main provoking factors include the following:

  • allergy;
  • lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • penetration of microbes and viruses;
  • diathesis in young children;
  • malnutrition;
  • constant subcooling;
  • stresses.
Provocative factor

In addition, there may be other causes of catarrhal chronic rhinitis, which include:

  • sinusitis;
  • narrow nasal passages;
  • deformation of the nasal septum.

Often it occurs with shortness of breath, since much less oxygen enters. Because of this, a kind of greenhouse effect arises, as a result of which a favorable environment is created for the development of bacteria.

Main symptoms

Chronic catarrhal rhinitis is considered a complicated and neglected form of acute runny nose.

The main signs of the presence of the disease should include such as:

  • burning, dryness and irritation in the nose;
  • regular colds;
  • nasal congestion, which periodically passes;
  • loss of appetite;
  • discharge from the nose;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • hoarseness in the morning;
  • persistent coughing;
  • lethargy.
Symptoms of Rhinitis

Symptoms of chronic catarrhal rhinitis are not pronounced enough, however, this form of the disease is caused by regular exacerbations. A person is constantly suffering from complications such as:

  • otitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • sinusitis.

Also, chronic catarrhal rhinitis leads to gastritis, which occurs as a result of the continuous ingestion of mucus into the respiratory tract and its ingestion. If the disease develops in children, then over time this process can entail dangerous complications, which manifest themselves in the form of a change in the occlusion, pathologies of the facial skeleton, and a violation of the structure of the chest. In adults, a similar pathology leads to hyperplastic runny nose, polyposis of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity.


Diagnosis of chronic catarrhal rhinitis is carried out by the attending doctor. It all starts with a general inspection. The specialist fixes the presence of boils, eczema and cracks in the nasal cavity. During rhinoscopy, an accumulation of mucus is often detected, which blocks the nasal passages. It can form a crust that covers particularly affected areas of the nose. The mucous membranes are very inflamed, and swelling is also observed.

Examination of the posterior wall of the nose reveals the presence of adenoids and inflammation. To avoid the incorrect diagnosis, the nasal passages are lubricated with a special solution. If swelling decreases during its use, it means that this is not a hypertrophic form of the disease.

A distinctive feature of the course of chronic catarrhal rhinitis will be the absence of an unpleasant odor from the nose. In addition, congealed mucus is characterized by a grayish tint. After a visual examination, the doctor can make the correct diagnosis.

Treatment features

When the first symptoms of chronic catarrhal rhinitis appear, treatment should be started immediately to prevent the development of dangerous complications. Therapy should be comprehensive. It necessarily includes such techniques:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapeutic techniques;
  • conducting an operation;
  • the use of folk remedies.

With exacerbation of chronic catarrhal rhinitis, treatment is carried out using laser and magnetic therapy, and homeopathic medicines are also required. In addition, you need to use local antibacterial medications, which are selected separately, depending on the results of bacteriological culture of the discharge.


When the first signs of a runny nose appear, it is necessary to ensure complete mental and physical rest. It is also recommended that you drink plenty of vitamins, avoid overheating and hypothermia. It is necessary to clean the nasal passages very carefully to prevent irritation and inflammation of the organ mucosa. It is recommended to soften dried crusts and carefully remove them with a cotton swab moistened with water.

To eliminate the symptoms of chronic catarrhal rhinitis, hot foot baths with the addition of essential oil or mustard should be included in the treatment. If a person has a fever, then such events are not recommended.

Drug treatment

After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medication for chronic catarrhal rhinitis, which consists of eliminating the existing symptoms, as well as protecting from adverse factors. To destroy pathogens, nasal saline is irrigated. You can flush the aisles with sea salt. In addition, drugs such as Physiomer or Aquamaris have a good result. Throughout the entire course of therapy, the patient is recommended to conduct general strengthening procedures.

Drug treatment

Doctors prescribe vasoconstrictive drops, which help eliminate nasal congestion and swelling. These include drugs such as Siyup, Nazivin, Otrivin. You can apply them throughout the week, best of all at night. To cope with rhinitis, drugs with antiseptic and astringent effects help. These include Miramistin and Protargol.

Additionally, local funds can be prescribed to increase interferon levels. These include Grippferon and Interferon. Well-proven products that have a plant basis. These include menthol oil, as well as Pinosol.

With an exacerbation of the disease, painkillers, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs may be required. These include Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Teraflu, Coldact. Antihistamines may be required to eliminate burning, itching, and swelling. For children, the medicine is available in the form of drops. Such products as Zodak, Fenistil, Zirtek have proven themselves well. For adults, they are available in tablet form. These include “Erius”, “Tavegil”, “Claritin”.

Antiviral agents help cope with a cold at its first manifestations. These include such as Amiksin, Kagocel, Ingavirin. To increase the body's defenses, immunostimulating drugs are needed, in particular, such as Ergoferon, Anaferon, Tsitovir. To eliminate the causes of chronic catarrhal rhinitis, treatment is carried out using antibiotics in the form of "Polydex" or "Isofra". With a constant exacerbation, a nasal swab must be taken to determine the causative agents of the disease.

Folk remedies

A good result is exerted not only by medications, but also by alternative medicine. Their action is based on strengthening immunity, and they are also used for symptomatic therapy. Folk remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor, in order to prevent a deterioration in well-being.

It is recommended to systematically flush the nose with decoctions of herbs, saline solutions, which help restore the balance of local immune defense, the drainage function of the nose, and also contribute to the natural outflow of mucus.

Folk remedies

We present to your attention some recipes:

  1. Take 250 ml of water, boil, pour 2 tbsp. l medicinal herbs such as calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot. Let the broth stand and filter. Flush the nasal passages 3-5 times a day.
  2. Nasal drops can help dilute nasal mucus, as well as restore normal breathing. Knead the onion until gruel, take 3 tsp. of this mass, add 1 tsp. honey. Dilute the mixture with 250 ml of warm water. Insist, filter. Bury 1-2 drops in the nasal passage.
  3. Connect 2 tbsp. l eucalyptus leaves with 200 ml of olive oil. Bring to a boil, set to brew for 4-5 hours. Bury 1-2 drops in the nose.
  4. Recommended daily intake of fortified infusions. These include: a decoction of linden blossom with honey, infusion of currant leaves, tea from viburnum. They increase the body's defenses.
  5. It is possible to treat chronic rhinitis with the help of warming. To do this, use heated salt and a boiled egg. However, this method has certain contraindications, therefore, a doctor’s consultation is required.
  6. Intensify the therapeutic effect of inhalation. As a basis, you can use essential oils and herbal decoctions. The therapeutic course is at least 8-10 procedures. In the treatment of chronic runny nose, hot and cold inhalations are good. Therapy takes a lot of time, and also requires medical supervision.

Physiotherapeutic Techniques

With the help of physiotherapy, treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis can achieve a very good result. These include:

  • UHF on the bridge of the nose;
  • electrophoresis;
  • inhalation;
  • application of a quartz tube.

Physiotherapy is carried out for 8-12 days as prescribed by the doctor. Children can additionally be prescribed a spa treatment, as well as a visit to the salt room. The duration of the course is 10 procedures.


With a particularly severe course of the disease, surgery may be prescribed. In particular, such intervention techniques are used as:

  • radio wave disintegration;
  • ultrasound intervention;
  • conhotomy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • electrocautery;
  • laser destruction.

Quite effective cauterization of the nasal concha with tri-chloro-acetic acid. The operation is aimed at reducing the size of the nasal concha with the help of physical factors, thereby facilitating nasal breathing.

Pregnancy treatment

Treatment and prevention of chronic catarrhal rhinitis during pregnancy are of great importance, however, all methods should be as gentle as possible so as not to harm the baby. Often a cold occurs in the first and third trimester of pregnancy. Drug treatment during this period is strictly contraindicated.

That is why, when the first signs of a cold appear, a pregnant woman needs to urgently consult a doctor. Basically, therapy is carried out by washing the nasal passages with a solution of sea salt or saline.

Rhinitis in pregnant women

Vasoconstrictor drops are not recommended. However, to clear the nasal passages, you can do inhalation with the addition of infusions of herbs or essential oils. If a woman has an increase in temperature, then Ibuprofen or Paracetamol can be taken. To increase immunity, Viferon suppositories and Grippferon nasal drops are prescribed.

It is also worth remembering a plentiful drink. It is recommended to consume cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, warm tea with honey and lemon, and water.

Possible complications

If you do not conduct comprehensive timely treatment, then rhinitis gives complications to the respiratory system. It can provoke the occurrence of such consequences as:

  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis.

In addition, chronic runny nose can be complicated by sinusitis. All these complications develop due to the fact that a person has difficulty breathing and is forced to breathe through his mouth. Reduced immunity promotes the rapid reproduction of various bacteria, as the body has no protection.

In no case should rhinitis be triggered, since it threatens with serious consequences, which are much more difficult and longer to cure. That is why you should not delay a visit to the doctor.


To avoid relapse, prevention of catarrhal chronic rhinitis is required. It is quite simple. The most important thing is the hardening of the body, since with constant hardening procedures it will not react so sharply to temperature changes. It will be much easier for a person to survive hypothermia, and it also helps to strengthen immunity.

In addition, to prevent the transition of rhinitis into a chronic form, you need:

  • exclude the influence of irritants, allergens;
  • treat all respiratory diseases under the supervision of a doctor;
  • regularly wash your nose with saline;
  • fix existing abnormalities in the structure of the nose;
  • refuse alcohol and tobacco;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle, temper, strengthen immunity;
  • do sport.

Drops for the nose should be selected only by your doctor and you can not use them thoughtlessly. Workers in hazardous industries need to take measures to clean the air, as well as personal nose protection. With a tendency to the emergence of a chronic form of rhinitis with complications, it is worth thinking about changing activities.

It is also necessary to regularly air the room. This will reduce the risk of rhinitis of viral and bacterial origin. Fresh air destroys pathogens.

Combined therapy will significantly speed up the healing process. It is important to combine medications, as well as alternative medicine. Significantly reduce the risk of relapse helps to abandon bad habits and preventive measures.

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