In the article, we consider first aid for sprain of the ankle joint.
Many in my life at least once had an injury of this kind. Ligaments are bundles of connective tissue that hold bones together and fix the joint in a specific position. This allows him to move in the right direction.
Stretching often leads to sudden movements that exceed the usual amplitude and do not coincide with the norm of movement of the joint. Also, pathology can occur due to prolonged overvoltage during work with uniform repetitive actions. The ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joints and hands is more prone to stretching; less often, injuries of the ligaments of the elbow, knee, and shoulder joints are observed.
During sports, such damage often occurs, especially if the technique of performing physical exercises is incorrect. However, people are not safe from injuries in everyday life.
If you wear uncomfortable shoes, especially in high heels, walk on uneven surfaces, accidentally fall or turn badly, then ankle sprain is also possible. First aid for this pathology should be able to provide everyone.
What are the main causes of the disease and what are the symptoms?
As already noted above, the ankle and knee ligaments, and less often the elbow ligaments, are more often stretched. Injury is mainly caused by physical activity - during running or jumping. The most common cause is sharp movements in athletes, when the muscles are still not warmed up enough. Stretching in the ankle leads to a woman wearing uncomfortable shoes in high and unstable heels.
What are the symptoms of ankle sprain? Photos of the disease are presented in the article.
First of all, intense pain is felt immediately after the traumatic movement has occurred. Pathology is characterized by muscle weakness, which is responsible for the functioning of this joint, the appearance of swelling and sometimes the formation of a hematoma (subcutaneous hemorrhage or, in simple words, a bruise). When moving, pain in the limb increases.
Does the temperature rise?
In case of severe injury, an increase in body temperature is not excluded. It is important to understand that it will be possible to stabilize it with the help of antipyretic drugs only for a while. This often happens with fractures of the limbs, while in the presence of a dislocation, the general condition of the patient does not suffer. However, it will not be amiss to provide competent assistance, a traumatologist should do this.
Pathology classification
There are several degrees of severity of an injury of this kind:
- The first degree is a small amount of fiber breaking. This is accompanied by a slight soreness, the activity is not limited.
- The second degree of severity - the ligaments are broken in part, however, already with severe pain, swelling, bruising, mobility is difficult.
- Third degree - there is a complete rupture of the ligament. All this is accompanied by acute pain, severe swelling, restriction of movements, extensive hematomas.
How to identify stretching?
Before starting stretching therapy, a diagnosis of the alleged focus of pathology should be performed to determine the degree of injury and potential complications. The speed of restoration of health depends on 70% on how correct the actions of the doctor are. First of all, mobility must be limited, and then contact a traumatologist as soon as possible.
The doctor will palpate the damaged limb. However, after his actions are completed, he can make a diagnosis only hypothetical. Pathology is not visually determined. A more complete diagnosis involves the following measures:
- ultrasound examination of a damaged joint;
- arthroscopy;
- roentgenography;
- analysis of urine and blood (in order to clarify the diagnosis).
Pathology therapy
To restore ligaments and movement in the joint, an integrated approach to the problem is used. Unlike a fracture, there is no need to apply gypsum to the injured area. However, an elastic bandage may still be needed. The patient expects a difficult period with such injuries, since he is shown bed rest and physiotherapeutic procedures.
First aid for ankle sprain
Here's what you need to do first of all immediately after the injury:
- Provide peace and stillness. The victim should be laid or seated comfortably, to exclude the movement of the injured limb. You can also raise your leg so that the swelling does not increase.
- Apply cold. To reduce pain and reduce swelling, ice is used immediately after injury and during the first day. Frozen cubes are poured into a plastic bag or rubber heating pad, wrapped with a towel and applied to the joint for twenty minutes. A cold compress during stretching can be repeated several times with a break of half an hour. It is unacceptable to apply ice to bare skin for a very long time, because this can lead to a violation of blood circulation.
- Protect from stress. The affected joint is fixed with an elastic bandage. An eight-shaped bandage is also often applied to the ankle joint.
- In order to reduce pain and get rid of swelling in the first days after the injury, ointments or tablets with anti-inflammatory and analgesic components will be effective.
After stretching over the next few days, it is contraindicated:
- Move the injured joint. Physical activity can enhance damage to the ligamentous apparatus.
- Apply heat and massage. It is forbidden to visit a bathhouse, take a hot bath, apply hot compresses, rub and knead a joint, because this can lead to an increase in edema and hemorrhage.
- Drink alcohol. Alcohol enhances tissue edema, as a result of which recovery slows down.
The listed first aid measures for sprained ankles in mild cases will be sufficient. After a few days, when swelling and pain disappear, you should perform special exercises aimed at recovery, and gradually increase the load. This strengthens the muscles and prevents stiffness in the joint. The use of warming procedures and massage can lead to good results.
In the home, when there is no opportunity to immediately resort to medical care, you can use the following remedies to relieve pain:
- The protein of one egg, grated laundry soap (about 100 g) and a little water are mixed to a homogeneous consistency. A piece of gauze is abundantly moistened in the prepared mixture and applied to the affected area. The recipe is effective for injuries to the ligaments of the ankle joint.
- Chop the medium-sized onion, mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar and the resulting slurry to put on the affected area. Wrap polyethylene on top and fix.
In case of serious injury, seek medical attention immediately. The specialist will prescribe an x-ray of the joint in order to exclude dislocation or fracture and determine the degree of damage. The doctor applies a bandage for fixation, prescribes medicines if necessary, and develops a rehabilitation program. In especially severe cases, surgery may be prescribed.
If the treatment is illiterate or untimely, the occurrence of complications is not excluded. This includes a tendency to frequent damage, weakness of the ligaments, chronic pain.
An urgent consultation with a traumatologist is necessary if:
- The joint is practically immobilized.
- The deformation of the joint is clearly visible, that is, an unnatural position of the limb is observed.
- There is severe pain, swelling and hematoma.
- Increased to 37.5 Β° C body temperature, the skin around the joint feels hot to the touch, hyperemia is noted.
- Improvement does not occur 2 to 3 days after damage.
Exercise that helps strengthen muscles and ligaments should be performed regularly. It will be a great prevention. You can start exercises that are associated with weight lifting only after the warm-up warm-up is done. Body weight should be within normal limits, since extra pounds increase the load on the joints and ligaments. Clothing and shoes should be carefully selected, they should be comfortable and appropriate to the occupation.
If a little time has passed after the stretching, and the soreness is very strong, you need to contact the emergency room. If the victim was at home, was treated for several days, but there is no effect, you can make an appointment with a surgeon at the clinic in the community.
Eight Bandage
To fix an ankle motionlessly, apply an eight-shaped bandage on an ankle joint. An elastic or regular gauze bandage can be used. Also used for this pharmacy rigid orthoses for the ankle joint and bandages.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- You need to take a bandage, the width of which will be 15 - 17 cm.
- The patient sits down or lies down, as he is comfortable.
- To stop the foot hanging freely, put a chair under the foot or lay a pillow, a solid roller.
- If there is a wound, cover it with a sterile cloth.
- Bleeding can be stopped by applying a tourniquet.
- How is the bandage applied to the ankle joint? The bandage roll is held in the right hand, the starting edge is taken in the left hand, bandaging is carried out from left to right.
- First, the bandage is fixed on the lower part of the lower leg with 2 to 3 rounds of bandage.
- The bandage is on the back of the ankle, around the foot.
- Make a cross again on the shin in order to fix the bandage.
- Repeat 8 to 10 times until the joint is fully fixed.
Thanks to this bandage, the load on the affected area is reduced. The joint is fixed at a right angle, as a result, the pain decreases, swelling subsides.
Often taping of the ankle joint is performed with sprain. This is considered a modern method of therapy. With its help, the joint stabilizes, and mobility is not limited. This creates optimal conditions for quick recovery.
If the ligaments are affected, pain cannot be avoided. With its complete absence, one can judge the post-traumatic shock, which will soon end. In this situation, you need to take painkillers with sprains of the ankle joint, which temporarily dull the pain and lower body temperature.
The following drugs will be most effective in this case: Ibuprofen, Febrofid, Naproxen, Ketorolac, Artradol (in the form of intramuscular injections).
Also, doctors often prescribe pills "took". They are a combined preparation containing a non-narcotic analgesic, myotropic antispasmodic and M-anticholinergic as active substances. It has analgesic, antipyretic and mild anti-inflammatory effects. Tablets "Took" should be taken orally, preferably after a meal.
Locally, anti-inflammatory gels and ointments can be used. They quickly relieve inflammation, swelling and pain, in addition, restore blood flow in the affected area. This will improve the regeneration of damaged tissues. When stretching, doctors often prescribe a heparin ointment or cream to the patient.
Ointments for ankle sprains
Ointments according to their mechanism of action are divided into warming, anti-inflammatory, cooling, painkillers.
Means perfectly cope with the removal of pain with sprain of the ankle joint. There are also drugs with complex effects that have all of the above properties and guarantee successful therapy.
Complex influence agents
The advantage of these medicines is in a wide spectrum of action. They relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation in tissues, anesthetize, which is especially important for injuries. They have a warming and absorbing effect. These funds include:
- Dolobene;
- "Finalgon";
- Nikoflex
As with any medication, these ointments have a number of contraindications, including age restrictions. Therapy with these drugs begins only after consultation with a specialist.
Ointments with a warming effect
In the composition of these ointments with sprains of the ankle joint, there are poisons - bee or snake. Alternatively, they may contain pepper or mustard.
Such ointments effectively cope with the effects of sprains, but it is better not to use them at the time of the injury. Preparations from this category are perfect for athletes or those who exercise from time to time to prevent stretching.
This group includes drugs:
- "Vyprosal."
- Apizartron.
- Efkamon.
- Deep Reelif.
- Capsicum.
What other medications are used for sprain ankle ligaments?
Ointments and cooling gels
The task of such drugs is the cooling of the affected area of ββthe body, which helps to soothe the pain. These medications can be used immediately after injury. They contain cooling components such as menthol and essential oils. They well relieve swelling and promote resorption of the hematoma. The analgesics that are present in them have an analgesic effect. The doctor will recommend the ointment in accordance with the injury. It could be:
- Myoton
- Naftalgin;
- Lidocaine
- "Dimexide."
Anti-inflammatory ointments
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ointments are used as painkillers and antipyretic drugs. The course of therapy is prescribed by the doctor. NSAIDs do not tolerate abuse. The therapeutic effect is observed in the first 14 days from the date of use of the drug. These are ointments such as:
- Ketoprofen.
- Diclofenac.
- Voltaren.
- The final gel.
- "Fastum gel."
- Diklak.
Additional drugs
In order to prevent the spread of puffiness, steroid preparations are used. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, fight an allergic reaction, relieve itching and irritation. Hormonal steroid drugs include:
- "Prednisolone."
- "Hydrocortisone."
With stagnation of blood at the site of damage, a blood clot may occur. To prevent what heparin ointment is used. With its help, blood circulation improves, blood liquefies and inflammation decreases. Apply it only as prescribed by the doctor, after 1 - 2 days after receiving an injury.
To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, angioprotectors are prescribed. They restore venous circulation and resolve hematomas. Effective drugs such as Troxevasin and Venoturon. Which ointment to choose, the doctor will tell.
Surgical therapy
The first and second degree of stretching are treated at the emergency room, and the third patient is urgently hospitalized. A few weeks are to be spent in the hospital, since the patient will be prescribed surgery and a long rehabilitation period. The purpose of the operation is the quick restoration of the lost functions of the ligaments, the return of their integrity and the acceleration of the postoperative period.
An experienced surgeon will perform a similar operation with ease, but the result will depend on the actions of each patient. Do not be too scared of the upcoming intervention.
Assistive Therapies
You can also use physiotherapeutic procedures. Doctors recommend the following inpatient settings:
- diadynamic current;
- UHF therapy;
- massage;
- compresses;
- electrophoresis;
- paraffin;
- physiotherapy exercises;
- occupational therapy.
It is important to minimize the load on the focus of the pathology, and begin to restore activity should be after 1 - 2 weeks from the moment of injury. Only in this case can positive dynamics be observed, and the risk of complications will be minimized. Competent experts recommend:
- the implementation of static and dynamic breathing exercises;
- training complex to strengthen muscles;
- gymnastics for a healthy limb to maintain the symmetry of both.
The first few days should not move at all, the focus of the pathology should remain at rest, be sure to use an elastic bandage. During this period, it is strictly forbidden:
- drinking alcohol;
- massage;
- warming up;
- weight lifting.
These requirements must be followed without fail in order to exclude the possibility of serious complications.
How many days does an ankle sprain pass? Rehabilitation takes an average of 10 days.