Son of Bruce Lee: life and death on stage

The son of Bruce Lee - Brandon, like his father, is known not only for memorable fighting scenes and acting, but also for the tragic death on the set. Friends after the incident spoke of their family as a dynasty that attracted troubles. The elders-philosophers from Chinatowns were sure that "bad weather" fell on their heads because of pride. As if they did not like to ask fate for favors, but openly declared to her their demands.

Son of bruce lee

Life path

The son of Bruce Lee - Brandon - was born in 1965 in California (USA). His childhood passed in moving. When he was 6 years old, the family left for Hong Kong. In 1969, Brandon had a sister - Shannon. After the death of Bruce Lee (1973), his wife Linda Lee Cadwell returned with her children to America.

From an early age, Brandon studied Chinese martial art according to his father's system and owned it well. While still at school, he participated in theatrical productions, later studied acting at college, then at the institute. He loved music, composed it himself and played the guitar.

At the age of 20, he began his career in cinema and managed to star in ten films. Young Brandon was initially aimed at serious dramatic roles, but the producers saw in him the son of a famous kung fu master.

In 1990, Brandon met with Eliza Hatton. At that moment, she was an assistant director. Brandon and Eliza have been living together since 1991. Their engagement was later announced, but Brandon did not live 12 days until the appointed wedding date in April 1993. He was fatally wounded on March 31, during the filming of the movie Raven, and died in a hospital. He was buried next to his father, on the shores of Lake Washington in Seattle.

Son of bruce lee movies


Brandon Lee began acting in films in 1985. The glory of his father overshadowed his personality. Brandon wanted the main roles, but the beginner actor in Hollywood did not offer them. After several unsuccessful trials in low-budget films - “The Crime Killer” and “Kung Fu: Movie Version” - the son of Bruce Lee throws this venture and leaves for China, then to return to the cinema again.

From 1986 to 1989, Brandon Lee managed to star in several full-length action movies: “Kung Fu: A Legacy of Anger”, “Substituted”, “Kung Fu: The Next Generation” and “Operation Laser”. There were also two minor roles in the series: CBS Summer Playhouse and O`Haara. After successful work in the film "Soldier of Fortune" (1990), Brandon was noticed seriously. In the action "Showdown in Little Tokyo" (1991), he already plays in tandem with Dolph Lundgren.

In the film “Quick Fire” (1992), in addition to playing the role, he himself acts as the director of battle scenes. The latest movie by Brandon Lee - “Raven” (1994), which began in 1993, was completed without his participation. Bruce Lee's son was mortally wounded during the filming. The last episodes in the film were filmed with the participation of his understudy. In the final crucial scenes, Brandon Lee's image at the editing stage was imprinted using computer graphics.

Son of bruce lee brandon

Fatal role

In the mystical action movie Raven, Brandon Lee played the role of a rock musician. According to the script, he returns from the other world to avenge the bride’s desecrated honor, after a gang of rapists, breaking into the house at night, brutally cracked down on them.

Almost all of the filming cycle, Brandon was forced to wear a face mask depicting a death mask. He, according to the authors, got out of the grave to become the Avenger Raven. The hero must find the killers and restore justice.

The last episode, which Bruce Lee's son managed to play before being wounded on the court, was the final in the cycle where firearms were to be used. Michael Massey - an actor who played the role of a gangster, shot Raven from a revolver from five meters. Brandon had a device that simulated a bullet entering his body. The cartridges in the revolver were used idle, but, despite this, after a shot and a fall, Raven did not rise to his feet.

The death of Bruce Lee's son

Death of Bruce Lee's son

After the director’s command about a successful take, Brandon was still lying. The film crew thought that he was playing them, and no one was in a hurry to check his condition. When it became clear that Brandon was wounded in the stomach, he was immediately sent to the hospital.

The operation lasted 5 hours, but the surgeons could not stop the bleeding. A large artery was torn and internal organs damaged. Brandon died after his bride came to him. He waited for Eliza for a long 12 hours, until she was urgently taken to the hospital after notification of the incident.

It turned out that a bullet remained in the barrel of the revolver after the previous scene with shots. It was planned to use fake cartridges, but because of the rush in the store they bought military ones, and gunpowder was removed from them. Weapons were not checked due to negligence, they did not notice a stuck bullet, loaded with blank ammunition with a reduced dose of gunpowder. Despite this, the charge was sufficient so that a 45-caliber bullet , once in the stomach, pierced it and stopped at the spine. On that fateful day, Brandon refused to use body armor.

After Brandon's death, rumors spread about the possible involvement of the Chinese mafia in this. They also spoke of a bad omen. After all, his father died during the filming of the movie "Game of Death" under strange circumstances, and the son of Bruce Lee died no less tragically. Films with his participation became the most popular after the death of the actor. "Raven" for fans of Brandon Lee's talent has become a cult, as well as the movie "Exit the Dragon" after the death of Bruce Lee.

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