The meat in the bag, cooked in the oven, is juicy, tender and aromatic. This dish is popular among housewives. For it, you can use beef or pork pulp. It is baked with various spices and vegetables. If you add a minimal amount of fat to the food, the dish will turn out to be low-calorie and healthy.
Oven-style soya beef dressing
For her, the following ingredients are needed:
- A kilogram of meat.
- Onion head.
- A large spoon of olive oil.
- Seasonings.
- Salt.
- Two tablespoons of soybean dressing.
The meat in the bag for this recipe is easy to cook.
The bulb is peeled and divided into semicircular slices. Add soy dressing, oil, salt, spices. Beef pulp is cut into medium-sized cubes. Pieces of meat are combined with other products. Keep in the marinade for several hours. At this time, the oven should be warmed up. Pieces of beef are put in a sleeve. Cook the meat in a baking bag in the oven for about 60 minutes.
Pork belly recipe
For this dish you need:
- 50 grams of soybean dressing.
- 100 g adjika.
- Spices for pork.
- A kilogram of brisket.
According to this recipe, the meat in the baking bag in the oven is juicy and aromatic. It can be served for lunch or dinner.
This dish goes well with buckwheat, fresh or stewed vegetables, and potatoes.
First of all, pickle the pork flesh. To do this, adjika is combined with soya seasoning and seasonings. The breast is divided into small squares. Rubbed with marinade and left for several hours. The oven is heated to a temperature of 200 degrees. Pieces of pork should be placed in the sleeve. The meat in the oven in the bag is cooked for about an hour and a half.
Potato dish
It will require:
- 600 grams of pork pulp.
- Basil.
- Coriander.
- A pound of potato tubers.
- Ground red and black pepper (to taste).
- Salt.
- Thyme.
- Savory.
How to cook meat in a bag for this recipe?
First, peel and rinse the potatoes. The tubers are cut into round slices, placed in a baking sleeve, sprinkled with a mixture of spices and salt. Pork pulp must be rinsed and cut into medium-sized cubes, covered with a seasoning layer. Then the meat is combined with potatoes. The sleeve must be tied and two small holes made using a knife. The dish should be cooked in the oven for about 80 minutes.
Pork pulp with spices in a package
For this meal you will need:
- A pound of meat.
- Seasonings (marjoram, ground pepper, thyme and rosemary) - to taste.
- Salt.
How to make meat in a bag with spices?
The pork pulp is rinsed and dried. Divided into cubes with a knife. Seasonings and salt should be mixed. The resulting mass is rubbed with pieces of pork. Put the product in a cool place for two hours, then put it in a bag. The ends of the sleeve should be fixed and small holes made in it. The bag is placed in a baking dish. Cook in the oven for about 1 hour. A few minutes before turning off the plate, the film should be cut, then a delicious golden crust forms on the surface of the food.
Dried Plum Dish
The following components are necessary for it:
- 50 grams of mayonnaise sauce.
- Soy dressing in the amount of 50 milliliters.
- 250 g dried plums.
- A piece of pork pulp weighing one and a half kilograms.
- Ground pepper and salt (to taste).
- Dijon mustard in the amount of 1 small spoon.
To make meat in a bag with dried plums, rinse the pork and divide it into small pieces. The pulp does not need to be cut to the end. Then the product is sprinkled with salt and ground pepper. Each hole on the surface of the pork is filled with washed dried plums. Lubricate the meat with a mixture of mayonnaise sauce, mustard and soy dressing. The marinade must be carefully rubbed into the cuts. The product is left in a cool place for several hours. Then the pork pulp is placed in a baking bag. The dish is cooked in an oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees. A few minutes before turning off the oven, the sleeve must be incised.
Mushroom pork pulp
To prepare the food you will need:
- 750 grams of potatoes.
- Champignons in an amount of 400 g.
- Half a pork pulp.
- 20 grams of mustard with grains.
- Salt, seasoning.
The meat is rinsed, divided into small slices. Slices of pork are beaten, smeared with a layer of mustard, sprinkled with seasonings and salt. Keep in a cold place for about two hours. The mushrooms are washed, divided into plates and sautéed over low heat with spices added for about 4 minutes. Rinse the potatoes, peel them. Cut into small cubes, combine with salt. All products are placed in a baking sleeve. Fasten the ends of the package. Prepare the dish in the oven for 50 minutes. It turns out very delicate and fragrant.