The drug "Pimafucin" (tablets). Instruction manual

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The drug "Pimafucin" refers to antiparasitic, anthelmintic, antimicrobial, antifungal agents of the macrolide group. The medication has a wide spectrum of action. The tool has a fungicidal effect. The active ingredient is natamycin. The active substance binds sterols of cell membranes, negatively affecting their integrity. This leads to the death of microorganisms. Most yeast fungi are sensitive to the drug, especially the Candida genus. To a lesser extent, the drug affects dermatophytes. The resistance of bacteria to medication is not observed in practice.

The medicine "Pimafucin" (tablets). Application

The drug is prescribed for fungal lesions on the mucous membranes and skin. The indications include acute and pseudomembranous atrophic candidiasis against cachexia, immune deficiency, after receiving cytostatic, corticosteroid and antibiotic therapy. The medicine "Pimafucin" (tablets), the instruction recommends for candidiasis of the intestines, nails, skin, as well as external otitis media, otomycosis, provoked by fungi of the genus Candida or complicated by candidiasis. The drug is prescribed for vulvitis, balanposthitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, due mainly to the activity of pathogens of the genus Candida. Dermatomycoses are also referred to as indications.

The drug "Pimafucin" (tablets). Instruction Contraindications

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The medicine is not prescribed for intolerance to the components. Against the background of pregnancy and lactation, taking the medication is not prohibited. Therapy during these periods should be monitored by a doctor.

The drug "Pimafucin." Instruction Price

Tablets on the background of intestinal candidiasis are taken within a week. The recommended dose is a tablet four times a day for adults, and half a tablet twice for children. For the treatment of vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, suppositories are used for intravaginal administration. Recommended dose - 1 pc. per day. The duration of treatment is 3-6 days. The introduction is carried out in a horizontal position (lying). It is advisable to use the drug at night. Against the background of the persistent course of pathologies provoked by the activity of Candida fungi, an oral administration of the medicine can additionally be prescribed. The cost of the drug in pharmacies is from 500 rubles.

Medication "Pimafucin" (tablets). Instruction Side effects

Against the background of treatment, digestive tract disorders, diarrhea, and nausea are likely. Typically, these manifestations are characteristic of the early stages of therapy. During treatment, these symptoms disappear on their own without additional exposure. The drug "Pimafucin" (tablets) (instructions indicate this) in some cases can provoke irritation reactions, a burning sensation, redness of the skin (in the genital area with intravaginal administration).

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additional information

In practice, no cases of overdose have been reported to date. The medicine should be stored in a place inaccessible to children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. Tablets for oral administration can be used for four years, suppositories for intravaginal - for two years.

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