The best movie about prison

Hollywood movies about jail often paint a not very real picture of people's lives in such places. But some artists managed to convey this atmosphere in their works.

One of the legendary films was “Shawshank Redemption”. It is based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. Shawshank is the name of a prison from which it would seem impossible to escape. The main character of the film Andy Dufrain gets there on charges of double murder.

prison movie

The vice president of one of the largest banks was sentenced to two life sentences for killing his wife and child. Andy swears that he did not, but the jury made a decision, and now he is already in prison. The Shoushenk was famous for the fact that in its entire history no one managed to escape, and for the fact that a harsh regime and no less severe punishments reigned in it. For the slightest fault or disobedience, cruel measures of restraint followed, up to death.

This happened to one of the newcomers to this regime. Guard Head Kedley simply beat the poor man to death. The main character in the first days of his stay there becomes a victim of harassment of a local gang. He tries to resist them with all possible efforts, despite the constant beatings.

But still, no matter how cruel the jail movie, the plot gives the protagonist a chance. One day, Andy gives security advice on filing tax returns that help them save good amounts. Over time, he will become the banker's own security chief, which gives him some priorities in the environment in which he is located.

movie about prison 2013

After almost twenty years, the protagonist seeks money from the Senate to open a local library. He begins to cultivate the local society. From one of the prisoners, he hears a story about a double murder, in which he recognizes himself. He begins to demand assistance from the head of security in drawing up an appeal and reviewing the case. Naturally, Norton does not want to lose his personal banker, and with all his might tries to prevent a revision.

Of course, in every movie about prison, screenwriters give the protagonist the opportunity to escape. Andy was digging a tunnel during his time in custody. And during a thunderstorm, he escapes from prison through the basement and the sewage system. At the end of the film, the hero finds himself on the shores of the Pacific Ocean with his prisoner friend, Red.

A successful movie about the prison in 2013 was the film "It's not too late." The bottom line is that the host each time meets with another prisoner and simply listens to his life story, thereby giving the opportunity to speak out or even repent. It gives criminals the opportunity to start a new life for their souls. All the stories shown in the film are not made up, but the most real.

about the movie zone and prison

About the zone and prison of cinema in Russia, they shoot almost every day. But how differently, when almost half of the country is directly connected with these cruel places. Often the plots of these films are no different from each other, only the names of the main characters change. But there are also quite entertaining pictures that were shot with good funding.

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