Oatmeal: proportions, cooking features and recommendations

Oatmeal has a high nutritional value . It is extremely important to observe proportions if you want to cook not only healthy, but also tasty dish. And choosing the right additives, you can turn ordinary oatmeal into a culinary masterpiece.

oatmeal porridge proportions

Chemical composition

A nutritious and healthy product is oatmeal. The proportions, if kept correctly, provide the dish a pleasant texture. But first, it’s worthwhile to understand the composition of oatmeal. It contains such useful substances:

  • vegetable proteins;
  • biotin (helps strengthen immunity);
  • valuable amino acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • a rich complex of minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc);
  • starch (complex carbohydrate).

proportions of oatmeal in milk

Calorie dishes

Perhaps the main element of any diet is oatmeal. Proportions, of course, are important, but first of all, many are interested in the calorie content of the dish. So, on average, porridge cooked on water contains about 88 kcal per 100 g. But if you take milk as a basis, calorie content rises to 102 kcal per 100 g. By adding a little butter, nuts, dried fruits, sugar or chocolate, you can increase the amount calories up to 300 and above.

how to cook oatmeal proportions

The benefits of oatmeal

Not without reason in the diet of most people there is oatmeal. The proportions of cooking will interest you even more if you know about its beneficial properties. It:

  • removes toxins from the body;
  • envelops the stomach, protecting its walls from the harmful effects of acids;
  • normalizes acid-base balance;
  • provides mechanical cleaning of the intestine, due to the increased content of fiber;
  • stimulates the metabolism;
  • helps to eliminate acne on the face and body (as a result of bowel cleansing);
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • takes part in the processes of muscle tissue formation;
  • helps to increase mental activity and improve memory;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • helps to lose weight.

oatmeal on a water proportion

Possible harm

Oatmeal is a favorite product of many. Almost everyone knows the recipe, proportions, because they eat this dish from childhood. Nevertheless, it is worth considering the possible harm from its use, which consists in the following:

  • if oatmeal in large quantities is consumed daily, calcium leaching from the body may begin, as well as its absorption is difficult;
  • if you use low-quality cereals, cook them incorrectly or introduce too many additives, there is a risk of heartburn.

Proportions of oatmeal in milk

Traditionally, the most delicious cereals are boiled in milk. It makes the dish even more healthy. How to cook oatmeal? The proportions largely depend on what consistency you want to achieve. So, for a thick porridge, 1 part of oatmeal will need 2 parts of water. If you like a more rare and sticky consistency, add 3 parts of the liquid.

The duration of the preparation depends on which raw material you use. So, Extra flakes, characterized by a fine texture, just pour boiling milk and steam for a quarter of an hour. But Hercules will have to boil for at least 20 minutes.

Whole oatmeal is cooked the longest (it is also the most wholesome). To start, the raw materials are poured with water and soaked for 5 hours. Next, pour the cereal with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and cook for 40 minutes. At the final stage, add 1 part of milk and cook until thickened. In order for the dish to “reach” and acquire a particularly delicate texture, you need to hold it in the oven for several minutes.

oatmeal proportions of water and cereals

Oatmeal on the water: proportions

Many people prefer to cook oatmeal in the water. This dish turns out less caloric and retains more nutrients. If you are interested in oatmeal porridge, the proportions should be as follows:

  • one and a half glasses of oatmeal;
  • 2 glasses of water.

First you need to boil the water, and then add the oatmeal. If you are not on a diet, you can salt the porridge and put a little sugar in it. After a quarter of an hour, the dish will be ready. Do not forget to stir constantly so that the porridge does not burn.

The most useful supplements

Now that it is clear in what proportions to cook oatmeal, it’s worthwhile to deal with additives. The dish itself is quite fresh, and therefore many flavored it with sugar, condensed milk, chocolate and other goodies. Nevertheless, supplements should be not only tasty, but also useful. The latter include:

  • Prunes It will be useful to those who suffer from stool disorders. Dried fruits help quickly and gently release the intestines. In addition, the spicy smoked taste of prunes will be in perfect harmony with neutral porridge.
  • Fresh fruits (bananas, apples, pears, berries). They will help make up for the lack of vitamins. As a result, immunity is strengthened and complexion improves.
  • Salt. This is a good supplement for those who eat oatmeal for weight loss. It will give fresh porridge a little piquancy and protect the body from dehydration.
  • Nuts and seeds. This is not just an excellent flavoring supplement, but also an indispensable source of vitamins E and B. They also contain magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and valuable dietary fiber. All these elements will delight your skin, hair and nails, making them healthy and radiant. Do not be afraid that nuts and seeds contain fats. They are processed during the day and excreted from the body.
  • Yogurt or kefir. This is one of the best oatmeal supplements. It is desirable that the product does not contain additives, and its fat content ranged from 1.5-3%. Sour-milk products saturate the body with B vitamins, as well as valuable proteins, calcium and phosphorus. You can add a little yogurt to the porridge to regulate its density. And if you use instant cereals, they can completely replace water or milk.
  • Cinnamon. It will be a great addition to morning porridge. It is a wonderful antioxidant that will rid your body of all harmful substances. In addition, just half a teaspoon of spices will give your dish a unique oriental flavor.
  • If you like sweets, don’t add sugar to your porridge. Try flavoring porridge with honey. It is absorbed much easier, does not harm the figure and contains a lot of useful substances. The main advantage of honey is the content of enzymes that accelerate metabolic processes.
  • If you want to make the dish more satisfying, add some high-quality butter to it.

in what proportions cook oatmeal

Oatmeal for the smallest

Doctors believe that oatmeal is one of the most useful products for pregnant women and infants from 5 months. If the child does not have a negative reaction to gluten (this can be manifested by bloating and digestive disorders), then this product can be gradually introduced into his diet. So, if you want to please your baby with a dish such as oatmeal, the proportions of water and cereals should be as follows:

  • 2 tablespoons of cereal (it is better to grind them in a coffee grinder in advance so that the porridge acquires the consistency of baby food);
  • 200 ml of water (it is better to take a specially purified liquid).

Cook the porridge on the stove until it boils, and then simmer for another 5 minutes. At the same time, no additives are allowed at the initial stage. As the child grows up, you can gradually (and then completely) replace part of the water with milk. When the baby’s body is fully accustomed to the new dish and you realize that it’s tolerating it, you can experiment with small amounts of sugar and oil.

oatmeal proportions


"We are what we eat" ... If you think about it, you will realize that this expression is fully true. One only has to compare what the person who eats healthy food looks like and the one who eats fast food, fatty fried foods and other "harmful" daily. Naturally, each of us wants to be healthy and fit. The first step towards beauty and well-being will be oatmeal. Let it become a healthy and nutritious breakfast for you. You won’t even notice how quickly the work of the digestive tract will improve and the condition of the skin will improve.

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