The drug "Essential Forte": properties and application

The main purpose of the drug "Essential Forte" is the restoration and protection of the liver.

Therapeutic effect

Essential fofolipids, which are a fraction of highly purified phosphatidolcholine, are the main active substance that is part of the drug.

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By their chemical nature, they are comparable to the basic structures of cell membranes. Due to the amphiphilic properties that allow regulating the permeability of cell membranes, phospholipids are involved in the regeneration, differentiation and division of cells. Deficiency of phospholipids in the body can lead to impaired fat metabolism, resulting in fatty liver disease.

The drug "Essential Forte": properties

The instruction indicates that the drug increases the antitoxic function of the liver, regulates cell membranes, and slows the growth of connective tissue in the liver. The tool restores and preserves cellular structures, reactivates membrane-bound enzymatic disturbed systems and receptors.

The medicine "Essential Forte": analogues

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Essential Forte Capsules
Essential drugs, Phosphoncial, Livolife Forte and Antraliv can be classified as analogous drugs by the active component. The release form of the drug "Essential Forte": capsules and solution for internal administration.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, radiation syndrome, toxicosis during pregnancy. An effective medication for toxic pathologies and various etiologies of fatty liver degeneration. The drug "Essential Forte" is prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis as an adjunct therapy.

Contraindications and side effects

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The instruction indicates that the drug should not be used with hypersensitivity to auxiliary or active components. In addition, it is unacceptable to use it for children under three years of age. Reviews of many patients indicate that in most cases the medication is well tolerated. Rarely, small deviations in the functioning of the digestive organs can be observed, manifested in the form of a weakening of the stool and a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. With increased sensitivity to the drug, allergic reactions can be observed.

The use of the drug "Essential Forte"

Capsules must be taken within three months. The daily dosage varies from 4 to 6 pills, which are divided into several doses. If necessary, the course of therapy is prolonged or repeated after a short break. The solution is administered intravenously very slowly, using 1-2 ampoules per day. In complex cases, the volume of the drug is doubled. There have been no cases of overdose with the use of the Essential Forte medication, as well as significant drug interactions with other medicines. The medicine can be purchased freely without a prescription at the pharmacy.

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