What is an extract? Benefits of Plant Extracts

In recent years, in many world countries there has been a sharp increase in demand for products made on the basis of natural raw materials. So, in cosmetology, dietetics and pharmaceuticals, dry herbs have long been used, which have proven themselves in the treatment of many diseases. After reading today's article, you will learn what extract is.

Basic concepts

The extract is also called extract. This is a special dosage form obtained by extracting the active substance from plants. In the process of its production, special solvents are used (glycerin, ether, water or alcohol).

what is an extract

Those who do not know what the extract is, it will be interesting that this term is called concentrated extract, completely cleaned of sediment. Depending on the solvent used, it can be ether, glycerol, alcohol or water. In addition, there are thick, liquid and dry extracts.

Production Features

Having figured out what an extract is and what it can be, you need to say a few words about the technology for its preparation. Immediately, we note that, despite the existing variety of forms, all of them are produced according to general principles. The raw materials used are the roots, leaves and flowers of plants. They are mixed with glycol, water or alcohol and placed in a special apparatus (extractor or percolator). It is inside this device that all the basic processes take place. All valuable substances are extracted from the prepared solution. As for the extractant itself, it is almost completely evaporated. In some cases, a small amount of solvent remains in the finished product. But it is so small that it does not affect our health.

Those who have already understood what an extract is, it will be interesting that it can be obtained at home. This technology was known to our distant ancestors. To obtain an extract, you need to grind vegetable raw materials, pour boiling water over it and insist. Then you need to evaporate about half the original volume and strain the resulting product. An aqueous extract made in this way can be stored much longer than infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. In addition, he is characterized by great activity.

What is the use of liquid chestnut?

Just note that this is one of the relatively new products. It is obtained from guarana growing in Brazil. Visually, the fruits of this plant are similar to chestnuts, hence the name of the extract.

liquid chestnut

The main component of this tool is guaranine. Its properties are as close as possible to those characteristic of caffeine. The only difference is that it is not so quickly excreted from the human body.

In addition, liquid chestnut contains theobromine and theophylline. These plant alkaloids enhance the effect of the main component. Also in the composition of this tool is potassium, calcium, magnesium, saponin and antioxidants. However, all of them are present in relatively low concentrations.

It is believed that guarana extract helps to cleanse toxins, reduce appetite, normalize digestive processes, strengthen immunity and destroy fat cells. Plus, it improves performance and endurance. In most Latin American countries, it is used as a dietary supplement.

Chamomile extract

This tool has a tonic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It enhances the regenerative processes in the skin cells. Plant extracts based on chamomile flowers have long been used in cosmetology. They perfectly eliminate irritation and peeling, giving the skin a healthy matte finish.

plant extracts

This product contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C, A and P. It is very effective in controlling inflammation. Due to the presence of such an active component as azulene, chamomile extract has a good anti-allergic effect. The second, no less significant component is bisabolol, which has a calming, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Useful properties of calendula extract

This tool has good healing and antimicrobial properties. It is recommended for use in the common cold and inflammatory processes in the stomach, intestines, respiratory and urinary tracts. Natural extracts based on calendula are quite successfully used in cosmetology. They help reduce pores and reduce sebum secretion. Similar remedies are indicated for acne, acne and oily seborrhea.

natural extracts

Calendula flowers contain ascorbic acid, carotene, tannins, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids and essential oils. Therefore, their extract is used to produce all kinds of creams and tonics.

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