Novosibirsk Conservatory: brief information, concerts, student groups, competitions

Glinka Novosibirsk Conservatory is one of the best higher musical educational institutions in our country. It was discovered seventy years ago. Future vocalists, conductors, musicians, composers, musicologists study here.

About the conservatory

Novosibirsk Conservatory

The Glinka Novosibirsk State Conservatory opened its doors to students in 1956. She became the first musical university in Siberia. The name of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka has been conservatory since 1957.

The building in which it is located is almost a hundred years old. It was built for Daltorg. The architect who created the project for this building is Andrey Kryachkov. Since 1981, a museum has been opened here at the conservatory. Among the exhibits are documents, posters, audio recordings, photographs.

The Novosibirsk Conservatory offers training in the following areas:

  • Conducting.
  • Piano
  • Orchestra.
  • Folk instruments.
  • Theory of music.
  • Composition.
  • Solo singing.
  • Stringed instruments.
  • The history of music.
  • Wind and percussion instruments.
  • Musical Theatre.
  • Ethnic musicology.

The educational building of the conservatory is located at: 31 Sovetskaya Street.

Several levels of education are supposed here: specialty, undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate (full-time and part-time forms), assistant internships, and secondary professional education.

Student groups

Novosibirsk State Conservatory

The Novosibirsk State Conservatory has created several permanent student groups. This allows students to put their knowledge and skills into practice.

Collectives of the conservatory:

  • Symphony Orchestra.
  • Opera Studio.
  • Chamber orchestra.
  • Academic Choir.
  • Orchestra of Russian folk instruments.
  • The ensemble "Laboratory of new music."


Glinka Conservatory of Novosibirsk

From September to July, while the academic year lasts, the Novosibirsk Conservatory offers residents and visitors to visit their concerts. Most programs require free admission. They are mainly students who study here. But also often teachers, graduates and laureates of various competitions take part in the programs of the conservatory.

Concerts and performances of the conservatory:

  • "German classics in Russia."
  • "Acting tests".
  • "Beautiful Galatea" (performance of the musical theater department).
  • "Man is what he believes in."
  • "Alkina Song" (opera).
  • Parade of vocalists and choirs.
  • "Under the sails of spring."
  • "Famous bodies of Europe."
  • "Mozart - 260th Birth Anniversary."
  • "Musical stories."
  • "Portraits of composers".
  • Concert of choral music.
  • "Christmas tale".
  • New Year's parade of soloists.
  • "Guitarists of Siberia".
  • "The riddles of composers."
  • "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland."
  • Violin evenings.
  • Concert of teachers of the conservatory.


The Novosibirsk Conservatory is the organizer of a large number of contests and festivals at the city, regional, regional, national and international levels.

The most important of them is called "Siberian Seasons". This is an international festival among contemporary music performers. It is held annually. In addition to concert and competition programs, creative laboratories and master classes are held as part of the festival. The guests of the “Siberian Seasons” are the most famous contemporary musicians, conductors, dance groups, vocalists, artists and so on. Over the years, such outstanding personalities and collectives have visited here: GAM Ensemble, Manuel Navri, “Eye”, the duet Elettro Voce, Oleg Payberdin, Dirk Rothbrust, Timm Ringevaldt, National Music Orchestra from China, Harmonia caelestis, Vladimir Martynov and many others. The motto of the festival is in tune with the credo of the famous "Russian Seasons" by Sergey Diaghilev - this is the phrase "Surprise Me."

The Novosibirsk Conservatory, in addition to the Siberian Seasons, holds the following competitions:

  • Watching piano concerts.
  • Competition named after L. B. Myasnikova among vocalists.
  • Festival of chamber ensembles.
  • Conducting Competition.
  • Olympiad in musical historical and theoretical disciplines.
  • Competition of young performers on percussion and wind instruments.
  • Festival of research work.
  • Competition for young violinists.

Concert hall

glinka novosibirsk state conservatory

The Novosibirsk Conservatory has two concert halls - Maly and Bolshoi. In the first there are chamber programs, in the second - large ones. The Great Hall is considered one of the best stage venues in the city. Its capacity is 470 seats. An organ is installed in the hall, as well as three concert pianos.

The opening of this stage took place in 1968. In honor of this event, a concert was held at which students and teachers of the conservatory performed.

The Great Hall hosts various concerts, performances, events, meetings, exams, rehearsals. It is here that guests of the city come on tour. During the school year, more than a hundred concerts take place in the Great Hall.

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