Acne on the back

Acne, or acne, is an inflammatory process characterized by the accumulation of infiltrate in the pores of the skin. Acne can be localized absolutely anywhere in the human body, but their most frequent localization is the face and back.

Acne on the back is a problem not only for adults, but also for many adolescents. Of course, acne on the face is a more noticeable cosmetic defect, so more attention is paid to it. But keep the beautiful skin of your back - this is also important!

How can acne appear on the back?

First, you need to know that acne is a very insidious disease, it is extremely susceptible to external factors, and the slightest irritation can lead to aggravation of the process.

Secondly, the theory that acne is an age-related phenomenon has nothing to do with reality. In some people, acne may persist after 30 years.

The manifestations of this disease are very diverse and variable, and it also has a tendency to progress. The rash on the back can be single, small and quick resolving. In this case, there is no trace left after the acne element.

However, in more severe cases, we can see the clinical picture of the multiple elements of acne on the back. These are large-sized inflammatory formations, full of infiltrative fluid, very painful, have a periodic nature. Such elements most often leave dimples or scars.

The most advanced form of acne is acne on the back of a generalized nature, with the addition of a secondary flora, which is permanent. These elements simply completely cover the entire back area, can be layered on top of each other. By the time one element is resolved, two or three new ones are rushing to form in its place. An acne of this nature very often opens independently or after a slight trauma, the exudate is blood-purulent, it can only be purulent.

Acne on the back: causes

There are many theories that identify the causes of acne, however, with an accuracy of 100% it is impossible to determine the etiology of this disease in a particular patient. Therefore, dermatologists prefer to say that this disease is multifactorial.

One of the first theories of acne can be called carbohydrate. Its essence lies in the fact that acne occurs in patients who abuse easily digestible carbohydrates. However, at the moment, American scientists have completely disproved this theory.

However, no one denied the fact that acne is a disease that begins to form in early infancy. Those. if the baby was not breastfed or fed too little, then it is likely that at puberty he will suffer from this disease.

The principle of genetic theory suggests that all diseases are inherited, which means that if your parents suffered from skin diseases, then you can probably inherit them.

According to dermatologists and gynecologists, one of the most acceptable theories is hormone failure theory. Those. if there is no hormonal balance in the body, then the result will be manifested in the form of acne.

Acne on the back and other places may be due to the spread of synthetic detergents. The fact is that in the modern competitive world, not all manufacturers of cosmetic detergents treat these products with complete seriousness. As a result, we can see the manifestations of acne as an allergic reaction to the components of personal care products. And what is most worrying, people do not stop using these funds, thereby making the disease worse.

Acne on the back: treatment

Every patient with acne must understand the seriousness of his illness. In some cases, doctors allow patients to be treated on an outpatient basis, but hospitalization is required in difficult situations. As for the localization of acne on the back, it is best to carry out treatment in a hospital. After all, it is very problematic to apply ointments and chatters 2-3 times a day at home 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to take into account the fact that all these products have a very specific smell, so it will be difficult to be surrounded by home, and even more so at work.

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