The Ladies' Whim Cake, a recipe for which many housewives have known since Soviet times, is a slightly modified honey cake. From the latter it is distinguished by a larger number of shortcakes, another cream and a coating of glaze. How to cook a Ladies Caprice cake if you want to follow a traditional recipe, but at the same time give chocolate to the cakes? Let's experiment!
Cake "Ladies whim." Recipe
The photographs depict this delicacy layered and well-soaked. It really will turn out just like that if you follow all the recommendations listed below. Do not be alarmed that the Ladies Caprice cake, the recipe of which we will now analyze in detail, requires baking a lot of cakes, as well as observing some details. The result will be unusually tasty: the chocolate-honey flavor is emphasized by nuts, and the dough will be unusually soft. For glaze you will need chocolate and vegetable oil. The cream will go a glass of sugar and peeled walnuts, a tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa and wheat flour, a little vanilla, half a pack of butter, a couple of large eggs, and 2 tbsp. milk (better than whole, not low fat content, because all the same this delicacy will be high-calorie, so it makes no sense to take dietary ingredients).
From this amount of products you get a big Ladies Whim cake. The recipe can be adapted for smaller sizes by dividing all the ingredients into two.
Cooking cream
Better to cook it right away. While you cook the dough and cakes, it cools down. If the milk that you took for the cream is not guaranteed to be fresh, it is better to boil it and then cool. Beat milk with flour, sugar and eggs with a whisk. Then place the container in which you beat, on medium heat and, measuredly and continuously stirring with a whisk, bring the resulting mass to a boil. After boiling, stir a little more intensely. Fire should be reduced to a minimum. The cream should thicken well, but keep the viscosity so that it saturates the cakes well. While the cream is still hot, add cocoa and vanillin to it and mix well until smooth. To prevent the film from forming on its surface after cooling, you must either periodically stir the mass or cover the container with cream with a lid or plastic bag. Before you grease the cakes, in the cream you will need to mix the butter with a mixer and add the ground nuts.
Cake "Ladies whim." Dough Recipe and Assembly
For cakes need eggs (2 pcs.), 2 tbsp. l honey, butter and unsweetened cocoa, a glass of sugar, 2 tsp. soda. Flour will need to be sprinkled on the eye, guided by the consistency of the dough. All ingredients (except flour and cocoa) should be mixed and heated in a water bath. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it will begin to foam. At this very moment, you need to add flour in portions. The finished dough can be divided into sixteen or eight parts - depending on the amount of time that you are willing to spend on rolling. Bake cakes on a baking sheet, cool. Lubricate with cream. Soak at room temperature, glaze and refrigerate for several hours.