Movies for watching together. Top adult movies

It turned out a quiet evening with your family, and you are going to spend a pleasant time? In this case, the ideal option is to watch romantic films. Men and women have different views on love pictures: women love them, and men look so as not to offend their soul mates. But there are films that everyone likes, regardless of cinematic preferences. If it’s difficult for you to make a choice yourself and give preference to certain films, then this information will help you decide which films to watch together will make your evening romantic and memorable.

"The Notebook"

If your feelings for each other began to fade away, then, having watched the film "Diary of Memory", it will be difficult not to believe in eternal love again. The story of young people who fell in love at first sight will affect even the most petrified heart. Having walked along with the heroes of the film a long way, you understand that everything passes, but love remains. Despite mutual reproaches and insults, only love could save two lovers from loneliness.

movies for watching together

The touching story of two elderly people is filled with passion and sincerity. It gives hope for the resurrection of even those feelings that have long since cooled down. There is always a great story behind every great love. Neither different social strata, nor parental bans, nor hostilities prevented the two lovers from being together. The story of Ellie and Noah is not a fairy tale with a good ending, it is a life that a couple passed, believing that their love is immortal.

"How to get rid of a guy in 10 days"

What other recommended films for watching together? Speaking of romance, one can not help but remember the film "How to Get Rid of a Guy in 10 Days". Where there is excitement, love may appear there. And where there is love, there is no room for deception. Andy and Benjamin were involved in a dispute organized by their friends. But, as you know, there is always only one winner. A strange acquaintance with a share of adventure led to the fact that mutual feelings appeared between the young people, but the argument is the most expensive. To save love or to win a bet, to leave or to stay is difficult to make the right choice.

"Changing Reality"

Excitement, romance, passion ... All this can be found in the film "Changing Reality". Only a man in love is ready for the sake of love to change the world. This is what David has to do to be with his beloved.

changing reality

The intersection of two people was not provided, but you will not escape fate. Despite all the barriers, David found a way to reunite with his beloved. Risky life, he passed through the walls, leaving no trace.


What other films are known for watching together? One of the best is Intuition. The picture once again proves that fate loves persistent and confident people. Sarah and Jonathan are a couple who have retained their feelings for many years. And when each of them met a soul mate, they once again decided to test their feelings. Believing their intuition, they did not stop hoping that someday they would meet again. He is almost a husband, she is almost engaged, but the last attempt to find each other changes the lives of four people. Looking at Sarah and Jonathan, it's hard not to believe that intuition never fails.

American Beauty

Americans can make good love films. American Beauty is one of these films. Most men experience a midlife crisis, but not everyone knows how to control desires, especially when it comes to love for a young person.

American beauty

Leicester is a man who has ceased to respect himself, since at work and at home they no longer pay attention to him. And only after falling into depression, he realizes that his salvation is in love. The subject of adoration of an adult man is a young girl, the same age as his daughter. Such relationships will not lead to good, but passions in life can add. And only after falling in love again, he can enjoy life.

"Exchange Holidays"

What other interesting films are known for watching together? If you have not been on vacation, then it's time to go on vacation with your other half. But if this did not work out for you, then the film “Vacation on Exchange” will take you to the atmosphere of a Christmas tale. Four people in a short weekend were able to find their happiness over 10 thousand kilometers. Going on vacation to an unknown city, living the life of another person, you can not only meet love, but also change your worldview. Life loves those who take risks, Iris Simpkins is a woman who found happiness only because of her ability to take risks.

"One day"

Love does not die, love sees no barriers, love exists. The film "One Day" is a life-long story. Dexter and Emma were good friends for many years, but he did not even realize that she loved him. Every year on the same day they met, each of their meeting was an opportunity to change something. He started a family, and she continued to love him.

one day

How many feelings were in one day, how much tenderness. And only after many years, when they realized that they were madly in love with each other, fate gave them so little time. Having lost Emma, ​​Dexter only regrets that their meetings were too short, and he could not tell her the most important thing.

"Friends with Benefits"

Where there is love, there is sex. The film "Friendship Sex" once again proves that sex cannot be without love. But where there are obligations, there are disappointments. Two young people, having decided that they did not need love for sex, did not notice how they crossed the borders, and feelings began to prevail over them. Mutual reproaches and disagreements led to the fact that friendship began to crack at the seams. Jamie and Dylan did not want to have a serious relationship, deciding that sex without obligation is for them. But sleeping with each other, without demanding anything in return, was much more difficult than they expected. And in order to maintain relations, young people decide to regain friendship, but relations between them have long ceased to be friendly, and one step is left before love.

Don't say that, and love not only saves the world, but also makes life brighter. So brighter that sometimes everyone wears pink glasses and ceases to notice the obvious. Watching a romantic film, each of us lives the life of the main characters, takes at their own expense their victories and disappointments. We can rejoice with them, but we can also shed a tear. If your evening mood suggests that it is time to start a tear, do not restrain yourself! After all, you can cry even from happiness.

friends with Benefits

It is difficult for men to understand women, but even they are sometimes able to let through the sad story of a stranger. And if after the above pictures the heart did not flinch, we continue to study the best of them further. To determine which films can still please you on a cold evening and add a bit of romance to the relationship, films about love, the list of which is attached, will help.

Movies for two:

  • "The invention of lies."
  • "I would be in heaven."
  • "Start".
  • "Australia".
  • "The story of us."
  • "My blueberry nights."
  • "Last Love on Earth."
  • "Elusive Beauty."
  • "The key to all doors."
  • "Jack and Jill."

Each film from this list is a classic that is permeated with the spirit of romance, passion and pleasure. Watching these films together, you once again catch yourself thinking that your person is near, the most beloved and dear.

Top adult movies

Speaking about films about love, one should not forget that love is not only romance, love is also sex. Among the paintings released over the past years, it is worth highlighting the best films for adults, in which passion seethes and exposes the soul and body.

One of the best adult films is the film “Color of the Night”. Bill, who lost his job and friend, finds himself in an unfamiliar environment, where love plays with death. Bill, getting acquainted with a young and sexy person, does not even suspect that he is becoming her victim. Passion and love cloud the young man's mind, and he, not paying attention to the clues of fate, more and more puts his life at risk. And only the victory of common sense over feelings will enable Bill to stay alive.

movies about love list

It is not a secret that all relationships are based on the truth, but not always the truth can save love. “The Perfect Guy” is a film in which passion and hatred go hand in hand. A woman who does not have a relationship with her lover, having met a handsome and charming man in a bar, forgets everything, losing her head in love. What is needed for happiness when an ideal person is nearby , but everyone knows that there are no ideals. Behind the mask of a passionate lover is a real maniac.

Russian films about love

One of the modern films about love is Love in the Big City. What could be better than a story with a sense of humor of real people who know how to love and forgive. Many modern Russian films about love not inferior to American films. From the same series are paintings “8 First Dates” and “Peter FM”. But against the backdrop of comedies, the film “It's Simple” is a drama about real feelings, about betrayal and disappointment. Even in the worst days, faith in love warms the soul and heart.

As it turned out, the ideal relationship between Nadi and Zhenya is just an illusion. While Nadia was studying in London, her lover did not waste time in vain, spending evenings in the company of a beautiful and charming young lady. After the betrayal of her beloved, Nadia's ideal world collapsed, and she found herself face to face with her problems. But fate was fair for the girl, rewarding her with new friends and true love.

modern russian films about love

Each film is the whole life that each of us lives with the main characters. There are a lot of films for evening viewing, and all of them prove that love breaks stereotypes, overcomes barriers and destroys walls of silence. Each film is special and deserves special attention. Having settled down comfortably and embraced your soul mate, you can enjoy excellent films every evening, receiving a sea of ​​positive and good mood.

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