Useful book comments

The life of every self-respecting person is somehow connected with books. The wisdom contained in the works of past years is able to beneficially influence modern life. Reading high-quality literature sometimes replaces communication with a smart person. It is not for nothing that they say that the book is the best interlocutor, wise and attentive. The need to comprehend the truth is inherent in human nature, because many of us are so eager for a source of knowledge. This article contains statements about books and reading that may be useful to a thinking, intellectually developed reader.

“People stop developing when they stop reading” (D. Didro)

The French writer and thinker spoke about the need for each person to master the creations of the best masters and find in them something useful for himself. Statements about the books that he left to the world contain deep philosophical implications and indicate the importance of turning to reading as often as possible in your life.

sayings about books

In our age of information technology, for some reason, there is an opinion that they have become incommensurably less read. This is actually not the case. Modern youth reads, but does it mainly at home in comfortable conditions. Now they really began to go to libraries less, but this does not mean that the book as such is losing its meaning. Electronic versions are in great demand; people often shop at online bookstores. It is necessary to accustom to reading from childhood, so as not to lament later that the child has grown undergrowth. Statements about books for children are especially useful for their educational impact.

“It is better to read few books, but useful ones” (N. Krupskaya)

There are a lot of works in the world. Do not re-read. Classical literature is rich in multifaceted characters and problems that are relevant today. Nadezhda Konstantinovna gives the idea that the book itself does not help to develop human thought, but only a deliberate, attentive reading.

statements about books and reading

After all, if we simply collect great works, but do not comprehend them, there will be little sense. One cannot just “swallow” books, if only to increase the amount of reading. The only important thing is what we can get out of the magic pages, otherwise it’s not worth reading. Statements about the books of great people actually help to appreciate the importance and significance of this type of leisure.

“Love for the book is a wonderful leisure, bringing joy” (Montesquieu)

Sometimes people spend their time so boring and monotonous that sometimes they don’t notice how the years go by, and only emptiness remains inside. To avoid this, it is necessary to accustom yourself from a young age to be interested in high-quality, good literature and to master it a little. We must strive not to read as many works as possible, but to enjoy the book, to be able to recognize its individual taste and significance. Know how to listen to yourself, the heart does not deceive, it tells you the way! Writers' statements about books like this contain an immeasurable source of spiritual wealth.

“It is necessary to read a lot, but not much” (Pliny the Younger)

It is no secret that educated people just strive to be as erudite as possible. Unfortunately, the pursuit of collecting a huge amount of books read does not lead to enrichment of the soul. Yes, you can quite boast to your friends and colleagues of your impressive list, but your heart will not rejoice from this, it will not rejoice.

sayings about great books

The fact is that books only bring tangible benefits to a person when there is a meaningful, thoughtful reading, accompanied by deep emotions, “connecting” to the life of the characters. As a result of such an action, we suddenly begin to feel happy. Unreasonable pride leaves when the person realizes that reading has become her spiritual need, and not at all an obligation. Statements about books admirably affect the direction of a person’s thinking, and correct their values.

“A book read in time is important, it can change life” (P. Pavlenko)

This statement is also true. Studying statements about the books of great people, we could not ignore the wonderful commentary of this thinker. It sometimes happens that a person is in some kind of difficult situation and does not know how to do it right. It is at this point that the book comes to the rescue.

writers' statements about books

There is a dialogue between the writer and the reader, a connection between generations, the transfer of thought, truth is revealed. And here are the answers to burning questions found. This happens most often invisibly to the person, but reading magically helps not only to deal with small failures, but also to overcome serious life barriers. And statements about books can bring a new meaning to the life of a seeker, thinker, make him take a fresh look at reading.

“Books are true friends in old age and teachers in youth” (S. Smiles)

Everyone, probably, wants to have a faithful companion nearby who will help in a difficult situation and tell you what to do in one case or another. This is true: great works can become real guides for young people seeking and comfort in old age. Statements about books positively affect the minds of the intelligentsia, make us make new amazing discoveries while reading. I just want to hope that in our country there will be more and more thinking people.

statements about books for children

Thus, statements about books and reading must be re-read to each person in order to learn to better understand the surrounding reality. It should be remembered that acquaintance with the works of great creators can bring such benefits and joy that you did not expect to receive.

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