How to cook cheese souffle? French Cheese Souffle

Who knows a lot about creating a romantic atmosphere and knows how to truly enjoy tastes? Of course, the French! It is from them that we will borrow the idea of ​​a beautiful, airy and incredibly mouth-watering dish, which is ideal for a romantic dinner or for a family holiday dinner. And we will cook cheese souffle! Yes, for someone it may be a discovery that soufflé can be not only sweet, but also salty. But, believe me, having tried this dish once, you will want to cook it again and again!

souffle cheese

Talk about combinations

Studying how to cook cheese soufflé, you first need to get at least some idea of ​​what it is best to combine with. This dish is very well complemented with a fresh vegetable salad with lots of herbs. Place a bottle of good red wine on the table, light candles, serve a table with salad, cheese souffle and sliced ​​red fish - and your romantic dinner is ready. In addition, you can serve this delicacy with fresh pastries and a cup of strong black coffee. In general, there are many options for combining gourmet French dishes with other products. Therefore, the time has come for the most important thing - cooking the main course of the evening.

Cheese souffle in the best French traditions

The set of products is quite simple and inexpensive. You can select only one "costly" component - cheese. For this dish, you can use cheeses of various varieties, as well as combine them with each other. For example, take cheddar or edam as the basis, and add gorgonzola, dorblu or other blue cheese for the zest. And you can make cheese souffle exclusively from goat cheese. It all depends on your personal preferences.

how to cook cheese souffle

List of required components

We will take the amount of ingredients based on the fact that we will have 200 grams of cheese (it should be rubbed beforehand). So we need:

  • 8 eggs;
  • 600 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard;
  • 100 grams of sifted flour;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 50 grams of breadcrumbs (for sprinkling molds).

Preparation of souffle base - white sauce

The first thing we do is prepare a thick sauce. To do this, on a small fire in a saucepan with a thick bottom, melt the butter and add mustard and flour to it. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Cook for a minute on medium heat, then reduce it to a minimum and gradually (in half a glass) pour the milk. After adding each serving, stir the sauce very well and only then add the next. When all the milk has been poured into the pan, you can increase the heat again and cook the mass, stirring for about 10 minutes. Remove the thick white sauce from the stove and cool.

In a separate bowl, mix the yolks of eight eggs and grated cheese, and then add to the cooled sauce. Mix thoroughly - the mass should be homogeneous. In another bowl, beat the chilled proteins with a drop of lemon juice (so the foam turns out more magnificent). Gently, so as not to damage, we introduce the protein mass into the yolk-cheese-milk. Mix with a spatula from bottom to top so that the proteins do not settle.

multicooker souffle

Bake souffle in the oven

The baking dish can be taken one or several (if you want to make the dish portioned). Grease it well with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs on top. Excess (that does not stick to the walls) is poured. We pour the cheese mass into molds (or pour it into one), using a plastic spatula, separate it from the edges of the dishes so that the souffle does not stick during the baking process and is easily pulled out of the mold when ready-made.

In the preheated oven, carefully put the molds with our future souffle. The temperature inside should be 180 degrees for a gas and 200 for an electric stove. The dish is cooked for about half an hour, but do not forget to sometimes glance into the oven - the appearance of a lush golden crust indicates that the cheese souffle is ready. It is better to serve it right away, since it does not have time to settle, it will be hot, fragrant and airy. Although the fallen hat will not worsen the taste of this amazing dish, only its appearance will suffer slightly. A big plus is that French soufflé can always be different, you just have to use a different type of cheese, and the choice is truly huge: Roquefort, Suluguni, Parmesan, Brynza, Goat, Gouda, Adyghe and others.

souffle cheese recipe with photo

New performance of the classic dish

Often, the housewives, having tried some interesting recipe, begin to experiment with it - they change to their own tastes, as well as depending on the ingredients available in the house, the availability of cooking time, etc. This happened with this French dish. Taking it as a basis, our mistresses came up with a new recipe. And now we can make a cheese souffle pie in a slow cooker . Cheese is still the main one here, but yeast is added to the list of ingredients. So, for 200 grams of cheese you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 1.5-2 cups flour;
  • 5 grams of yeast;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • dessert spoon of mustard.

In half a glass of sour cream, we breed yeast, add a little salt. Grind butter until white and mix with sour cream. Pour in flour and knead the dough. divide it into three equal parts and roll it out slightly. For the filling, mix in the blender all the remaining ingredients, except for the proteins (beat them separately). Combine both masses and mix gently.

Time to tackle the slow cooker

We pass to the tab of components in the multicooker. Lubricate its bowl with butter, spread one layer of dough - then half the filling, again the dough, the remaining cheese mass and cover with a third layer of dough. Close the lid and turn on the "Baking" mode. Pie is prepared on average up to 40 minutes. The result is a very beautiful and satisfying cheese souffle pie. The recipe with a photo of the finished dish, which is presented in our article, will help you cook this chic and very tasty dish on your own.

french souffle


Dilute the usual and already fed up holiday snacks with this delicious delicacy - you will see that the guests will be delighted. Tip: if you cook for a large number of people (more than 4), it is better to make the souffle portioned, and in the case of a pie, cut it in advance and serve it to everyone, decorated with fresh vegetables and herbs.

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