Peeling of the skin of the eyelids is a very unpleasant phenomenon, and not only in aesthetic terms. Quite often, it is accompanied by redness, burning, itching, pain in the eyes, and this greatly exhausts and reduces performance. Indeed, an incredible load lays on the organ of vision in our time, and even healthy eyes can get very tired by the end of the day.
If the eyelid flakes, then most often this indicates the presence of a disease. In the case of eyes, self-medication is strictly not recommended. First of all, an accurate diagnosis is necessary, made by a doctor in a medical institution. Diseases that cause peeling on the eyelids can have a different nature, which means that the treatment requires completely different.
Redness and peeling of the eyelids can be caused by allergic, bacterial, viral, fungal or demodectic lesions.
Demodecosis The disease causes an invisible ciliary mite, a natural inhabitant of the hair follicles and microflora of the eyelids. Under normal conditions, he does not manifest himself in any way, but can activate his life activity with reduced immunity and impaired metabolic processes in humans. When a tick is affected, patients complain of redness, peeling of the eyelids, eyelash loss, the appearance of scales between them, discomfort in the eyes, itching in the morning, tightness of the skin, purulent discharge. The tick lives in other parts of the face. From its rapid reproduction, the skin on the eyebrows flakes , affected areas appear on the cheeks, forehead, ears, and allergic eye diseases occur.
Viral diseases. The cause of redness, itching, the appearance of vesicles and peeling of the eyelids can be herpes simplex, which manifests itself under such adverse conditions as a decrease in immunity, infectious diseases, and is very contagious. With the viral nature of the disease, one eye is usually affected. Herpes is settled in our body forever, so relapses are possible.
Scaly blepharitis or seborrhea of โโthe eyelids. Another disease in which the eyelid is peeling, itching, burning, thickening of its edges, lacrimation, slight photophobia are noted. With this disease, flakes of white, yellowish, grayish color appear between the eyelashes and at their base. They are formed from dried glandular secretions and dying epidermal cells. Itching with blepharitis makes you want to rub your eyes, but this should never be done, since the situation will only get worse. Scaly blepharitis requires serious treatment, otherwise the disease can last for years.
Bacterial form. Eyelid diseases can be caused by various bacteria, such as chlamydia. The disease is characterized by abundant mucous secretions, can proceed quite severely and is, like the viral form, acutely infectious.
Allergies. If the eyelid swells, reddens and flakes, then it is quite possible that this is an allergic reaction to cosmetics, medicines, food, chemicals, radiation, plant pollen. Allergies are characterized by damage to both eyelids.
Fungal lesions of the eyelids. The causative agents of fungal diseases are present in large numbers around us. Sources of infection can be sick people, animals, plants, soil, water, dust. Unfavorable factors are summer time, heat and moisture, unsanitary conditions at home and at work. Often, fungal conjunctivitis is associated with unreasonable and uncontrolled use of antibiotics. If the eyelids are affected by a fungus, prolonged treatment under medical supervision is required.
If the eyelid flakes, then this can be caused by a poor condition of the body and various ailments: malnutrition, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, gastrointestinal pathologies, metabolic disorders, infection with helminths, diabetes, tuberculosis, diseases of the nose, throat, teeth.
Treatment for peeling of the skin of the eyelids depends on the causes of its occurrence. For allergies, hormonal and antiallergic drugs are prescribed. Diseases caused by fungi are treated with antifungal drugs. For herpetic lesions, antiviral agents, immunomodulators and external dyes (iodine, brilliant green) are used. With the bacterial form of the disease, antibiotics are used. Tick โโlesions are treated with antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Of great importance is the prevention of diseases of the eyelids, which consists in the daily and correct removal of eye makeup, the rejection of the habit of rubbing and touching your eyes with your hands, maintaining cleanliness at home, at work and in public places.