Broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs for humans: reviews and recommendations

A person can become infected with parasites in various ways. Common things such as tap water, unwashed fruits, poorly fried fish and meat often become the fault. At risk are also children who have close contact with peers in the garden, school, camp. These are not the only ways to pick up helminths, and often this is inevitable. The question is which broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs can be used periodically, what people who have experience in removing helminths from the body say, and what recommendations experts give.

How to understand that it’s time to take an antiparasitic course

There is no need to describe the types of parasites that can find shelter in our body. But it is worth knowing that they settle not only in the intestines. Some species live in the lungs of a person and in his muscular system, and they are the most dangerous, because they cause serious damage to organs. At the same time, intestinal parasites are more common. It is possible to determine that the body is poisoned by them by the following signs:

  • Abdominal pain, impaired stool, nausea, dysbiosis.
  • Constant exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  • Low immunity and, as a result, frequent colds.
  • Intoxication.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Allergic reactions may occur.

broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs for humans

Features to consider when treating helminthiasis

People have long known the problem of helminthiasis, and earlier, only herbal antiparasitic drugs with a wide spectrum of action were used to eliminate it. Today, medicine has stepped forward, and synthetic agents have been invented to eliminate parasites.

Each of these methods has its own treatment features, but in any case, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  1. Since parasites strongly inhibit the patient’s immune system, chronic ailments during this period are exacerbated. But some antiparasitic drugs contain toxic substances that the weakened body is not able to withstand, and double damage is done to health.
  2. For treatment, it is advisable to use not just the best antiparasitic drug, but several types of agents, and the entire process of removing helminths should take place in several stages, which takes more than one day. These measures are important because not only adults can be in the body, but also larvae and eggs.
  3. The property of parasites to adapt to drugs has been identified, so the course must be taken without interruption. Some species, if attacked, begin to produce an enzyme that causes severe allergies in the infected person.
  4. All antiparasitic drugs for people only kill helminths, but do not remove their residues from the body. Given this, the course of treatment should include enterosorbents and antitoxic agents to get rid of dead parasites and eliminate toxic secretions caused by their decomposition.

broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs

Procedure for the treatment of helminthiasis

Of course, everyone understands that for effective treatment you need to know your diagnosis, which is determined by the doctor. It is he who should prescribe the main drugs.

But treatment should in any case include the following steps:

  1. Preparation for the removal of parasites. For this, linseed or pumpkin oil is often used . It can also be sorbents that bind toxins that appear as a result of the activity of helminths.
  2. Medications are taken that have a direct effect on the worms. In this case, the drug is selected taking into account the age of the patient and the type of parasites. It is better if they are broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs for humans, but it is worth considering that they can cause many side effects.
  3. The next thing to do is normalize the digestive tract and liver. It is also important to drink a vitamin complex to maintain immunity.
  4. After three or four weeks, the course of treatment is repeated. This will help exterminate parasites that have hatched from eggs after or during antiparasitic cleaning. If you have dogs or cats, they also need an antiparasitic course.

antiparasitic drugs for people

Two types of drugs against parasites

As already mentioned, in medicine two groups of antiparasitic drugs are used - herbal and synthetic. The first category includes not only garlic, pumpkin seeds, etc. Pharmacists offer herbal preparations. They are more effective, quickly expel pests and do not cause much damage to the liver and other organs.

Synthetic drugs have a detrimental effect on "outsiders", destroying their cellular structure, or paralyzing their activity. But most of these medicines are aimed only at specific worms, while most often for treatment it is required to use antiparasitic drugs with a wide spectrum of action. For a person, these are precisely those medicines that are made on the basis of plants. They effectively remove any worms due to the high concentration of poisons. They act gently and not so often cause allergies in the patient. What exactly are antiparasitic drugs for people, and in what cases they are taken?

best antiparasitic drug

Drug selection

For a long time, medicine such as Praziquantel and piperazine have been used in medicine for helminthiasis. Also, doctors often prescribe "Dekaris" and "Vermox" to their patients. With giardiasis and helminthiasis, Nemozol has recently been used. Increasingly, many opt for Metovite and Artromax. These are broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs for humans, which not only cleanse the body of worms, but also improve liver function and support immunity. In addition to direct treatment, these agents can be used for prevention.

What other anthelmintic are there?

antiparasitic drugs reviews

"Riol" - a herbal preparation

Recently, the anti-parasitic drug Riol has been popular, which is suitable not only for adults, but also for children from birth. It does not cause side effects, its administration can be lengthy. It is also allowed to be used as a prophylactic. "Riol" is considered a broad-spectrum drug and additionally strengthens the immune system. All its components are exclusively vegetable.

antiparasitic drug riol

Other commonly used medicines

There are various broad-spectrum antiparasitic drugs for humans, which are often used for mixed helminthiasis. Such funds include:

  • “Combantrin” (“Helminthox”) - this drug is effective for trichocephalosis, enterobiosis, necatorosis and hookworm infection.
  • "Medamine" ("Carbendazim") is used in the fight against ascariasis, enterobiasis, necarotosis, trichocephalosis, hookworm infection.
  • "Mebex" ("Vermox", "Vormin") is prescribed for trichocephalosis, ascariasis, teniosis, echinococcosis, enterobosis, mixed helminthiasis, trichinosis and some other diagnoses.
  • "Cestocide" ("Nicklozamide", "Devermin") is used for infection with bovine and dwarf tapeworm, broad tape, hymenolepidosis, diphyllobothriasis. Tablets are taken only after a diagnosis, because with different parasites, the dosage regimen is different.

What are antiparasitic drugs for children?

If you are going to carry out antiparasitic cleaning for a child, it is important to choose the drug responsibly. It is important to remember that antiparasitic drugs for children should have a mild effect and at the same time carry a minimal risk of an allergic reaction. Doctors include the following medicines in this category:

  • "Dekaris" - affects most parasites. Beneficial effect on the immune system. This drug is drunk only once.
  • "Pirantel" - has a pleasant taste and usually does not have a bad effect on the condition of the child.
  • "Vermox" - also has a mild effect and after some time it completely leaves the body. You need to take it only once. It has a destructive effect on most helminths.
  • "Riol" is a drug that is well tolerated by babies. If necessary, you can take it for a long period.

antiparasitic drugs for children

What people say

If an adult is infected with helminths, he has the right to decide what methods to treat, but if it concerns a child, a doctor’s consultation is mandatory, and it is forbidden to prescribe antiparasitic drugs on his own. Parents' reviews show that even some folk methods are unsuitable for treating a fragile body. In addition, adult patients need to be careful with drugs that contain albendazole. Although this component is a powerful tool, it has many side effects, so it is better to consult a doctor.

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