Galina Makarova: biography and creativity

Galina Makarova is the most sincere woman of Soviet cinema, who knew a comprehensive audience love at the age of 57.

Galina Makarova
The simplicity, inner beauty, strength and wisdom of the People's Artist of the USSR, on the account of which - more than fifty roles in the cinema, attract TV screens to the audience, giving them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with true creativity.

Galina Makarova: biography

Galina (real name - Agatha) - a native of the village of Starobin, Soligorsky district (Belarus). According to official figures, she was born on December 27, 1919. According to the calculations of the actress herself, the year of her birth was approximately 1916. The girl’s father, Klimenty Chekhovich, served in the tsarist army during the First World War. The family even kept a gift from the sovereign - a tea service and a silver tray. With the advent of Soviet power, he fought on the side of Denikin’s army, was arrested and spent about a year in prison. In order to rehabilitate, the Chekhovichs, who were left with the stigma of a family of deprived people, had to destroy identity documents; Agatha took her mother’s surname and became Apanashchik.

At the beginning of an acting career

At the age of 16, Agatha left for Minsk, where she got a job as a housekeeper, and then as a nurse in a clinical hospital. In parallel, the girl participated in amateur performances.

Galina Makarova actress
Her talent was noticed by the famous surgeon Shapiro and advised me to try in the theater. The attempt failed. An influential father of a friend helped to enter the theater studio to a talented girl. There, Agata with a light hand of Valentina Semenyuk became Galina, and the name of Makarov went to her from her husband.

Personal life of Galina Makarova

The handsome Ivan Makarov once came to the theater and at first was fascinated by one of the actresses, and then gradually switched to Galina. Easily, without a drop of regret, the actress in love in 1939 left the theater and left with her military husband in Kandalaksha (Kola Peninsula). There, the couple gave birth to a son, Edward.

The war has begun. Galina’s husband went to the front, and she and her son evacuated to Yaransk, then moved to Moscow and had an interview at the Vakhtangov Theater. From the front, the husband did not come alone, but with a traveling girlfriend, which for Galina was a big blow. In 1944, she divorced, moved to Minsk and returned to the stage of the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater, where she achieved great success. Makarov never believed in the talent of his ex-wife and was very surprised to learn about the awarding of her the title of People's Artist. Years later, the former spouse was very offended when Galina Makarova, an actress already known and in demand, coming to Moscow, did not call him.

Galina Makarova biography
Then he himself dialed the hotel number and, proudly introducing himself as a relative, asked: “Has the People's Artist of the USSR stayed here?” Former spouses never interrupted their communication. When Makarov died, a hypertensive crisis occurred with Galina. The second time, Galina Makarova was married to the actor of the Kupalovsky theater - Pavel Pekura, from whom she gave birth to her daughter Tatyana. She appreciated and respected him, but until the end of her life she loved her first husband.

Galina Makarova - actress from the people

The finest hour of the talented artist struck after the play "Lyavonikha in orbit", the script for which was written by Andrei Makayonok. Prior to this, actress Galina Makarova, whose biography is genuinely interesting to the modern generation, played secondary roles on the stage or duplicated the prima of the Rzhetskaya theater. Macaenok made a condition: either Galina is given the role of Lushka in his performance, or he takes the play. As a result, this stage image Galina Makarova played more than six hundred times.

Actress Galina Makarova biography

In the movie for the talented actress, the starting point was the film "The Widows" (1976), where she piercingly and believably played the role of Alexandra Matveevna Gromova, an old woman who looked after other people's graves. Then the pictures “White Dew”, “Autumn Dreams”, “Ivan”, “White Clothes” appeared on the screens. And in each of them Galina Makarova was real, organic, colorful. In 1983, the documentary “Korolev I did not play” was released about the actress.

About the kindness of Galina Makarova

Legends can be compiled about the kindness of Galina Makarova. A strong and wise woman, she never turned a blind eye to someone else's grief. She could feed ice cream an entire class of children walking past the orphanages or carefully cover with a blanket and put a pillow under her head for a drunken man who was sleeping near a house on a bench. Pitying abandoned children, Galina always wanted to adopt an orphanage. For a long time, she and her daughter visited the girl Tonechka, who was in the hospital. Her relatives then took her away, and some time later, Galina found out that Tonechka died of bleeding.

Nature, work and family are the three vital components from which the folk actress received true pleasure. Galina Makarova spent all her free time in her country house, located 30 kilometers from Minsk. On a small piece of land, the actress broke a gorgeous botanical garden and constantly replenished it, bringing from all business trips seeds of outlandish plants. For example, only peonies grew over 100 bushes. Galina Klimentyevna was very fond of the land and after the performance on the train she could go to the cottage and with the moon weave her own plot. It was there that the last minutes of her life passed. Galina Makarova died on September 28, 1993. The folk actress was buried in the Eastern cemetery of Minsk.

On October 23, 2009, a stamp dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Galina Makarova was put into circulation.

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