Chicken with pineapples in a slow cooker: recipes for delicious dishes

Tender chicken meat in combination with sweet pineapple acquires a very original and spicy taste. And thanks to such a kitchen appliance as a crock-pot, which today is available to many housewives, you can cook such a dish simply and quickly. Be sure that this dish will not leave indifferent either your home or guests. So, chicken with pineapples in a slow cooker can be cooked in several different ways. We will talk about some of them in our article.

multicooked chicken with pineapple

Chicken with pineapples in a slow cooker: a very interesting recipe

In order to prepare this aromatic and mouth-watering dish, we need the following ingredients: medium-sized chicken, 600 grams (or one can) of canned pineapples, one onion, 1 sweet pepper, soy sauce - two tablespoons, the same amount of flour, pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking process

We wash the sweet pepper , clear it from the seeds and cut it into strips. Chop onions in half rings. Chicken into small pieces and fry in a pan until a brown crust forms. Pour chopped peppers and onions into the multicooker bowl, spread the chicken on top. Do not forget to salt and pepper, and also, if desired, add any spices to your taste. Close the lid and cook for 20 minutes in the "Baking" mode. After that, carefully mix the meat with onions and peppers and add the pineapples, cut into small pieces. Preparing the fill: pour the pineapple juice from the can into a separate bowl and mix it with soy sauce and flour. Pour the resulting mass to the chicken and cook for another half hour in the "Stewing" mode. Pour the finished dish with sauce and sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired. Thus cooked chicken with pineapples in a slow cooker goes well with rice, mashed potatoes or other side dishes, as well as with vegetable salad. Enjoy your meal!

chicken with pineapple and champignon

Recipe for chicken with pineapple and champignon in a slow cooker

To prepare this delicious dish, we need the following products: six pieces of chicken, 400 grams of fresh champignons, 6 cups of canned pineapple, three heads of onions, two teaspoons of soy sauce, the same amount of vegetable oil. For chicken marinade we also need a sauce consisting of ingredients such as honey (three tablespoons), the same amount of mustard, ginger root, one teaspoon of soy sauce, mayonnaise - 200 grams and allspice to taste.

The washed meat is cut into small pieces. We mix all the ingredients for the sauce and pour the chicken in it. We send the meat to marinate for half an hour in the refrigerator. At this time, we clean, rinse and finely chop the mushrooms. Peel the onion and chop it into small cubes. We combine champignons, onions, soy sauce and, if desired, seasoning in a separate bowl. Cut canned pineapples into small pieces. We lay out all the ingredients in a multicooker bowl and cook in the "Extinguishing" mode for an hour. Chicken with pineapples and champignons, prepared according to this recipe, is very aromatic, juicy and tasty. Enjoy your meal!

chicken with pineapple and garlic

Chicken with pineapple and garlic: a recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

For this dish we need: three chicken legs, a can of canned pineapple, one onion, two cloves of garlic, mayonnaise, pepper and salt to taste.

Cut the meat into slices, salt and pepper. Grind the garlic in a garlic squeezer and mix with mayonnaise. Chop the onion into small pieces. Grease the chicken with garlic mayonnaise. We put all the ingredients in a multicooker bowl and cook by setting the β€œBaking” mode for 50 minutes, stirring occasionally. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add pineapple to the meat. Chicken with pineapples in a slow cooker is ready! Enjoy your meal!

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