Red spots appear on the skin and itch: causes and treatment

With the appearance of red spots, any pathological disease that can hide not only in the layers of the epidermis, but also in the internal organs, can be suspected. Depending on the type and type of redness, the doctor may make a more accurate diagnosis.

Skin redness

In some cases, such symptoms only indicate temporary problems that do not have a negative effect. Therefore, you need to carefully look not only at the skin formation, but also pay attention to the presence of itching and other symptoms. If red spots itch, then this may indicate an allergic reaction or other ailments. It all depends on the physiological characteristics of the person and the conditions for the appearance of the rash. Consider the most common causes of this ailment in more detail.

Pityriasis versicolor

In this case, we are not talking about red spots, but about a white rash that appears in the first stages. In some situations, pityriasis versicolor may occur if more sensitive areas of the human skin have been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

After a while, the white rash turns into a reddish inflammation, which causes discomfort. If the lesions are not treated in a timely manner, this can lead to the development of chronic pathologies.

Big acne

If a person found red spots on the body, but he was not in the sun, then pityriasis versicolor should not be excluded. The fact is that this ailment can be transmitted from other people. Therefore, do not use clothing and hygiene items belonging to other people.

Atopic dermatitis

For this ailment, the appearance of red spots is also characteristic. They itch both in very young children and in adults for a long time (up to several months). As a rule, the focus of inflammation is on the face, fingers and toes. Redness also forms in the areas of the limb bend.

If we talk about how the disease manifests itself, then everything depends on the physiological characteristics of the carrier, as well as on its age. For example, if red spots due to atopic dermatitis appear in adolescents aged 10-13 years, then they usually begin to "get wet". This is due to the fact that plasma begins to leak a little through the thin walls of young vessels.

If the lesion affects an adult, then in this case the red spots on the body itch and in their places of localization appears rough skin, on which cracks can also form.

Identifying this ailment is quite simple. To do this, press on the red spot. If it turns white, then this indicates the presence of the disease.


If you look at the photo of red spots, then many come to the conclusion that these are the first symptoms of this particular common disease.

Signs of chickenpox

The appearance of such pronounced inflammation can really cause an acute viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. As you know, most often this illness affects young children and adolescents, as well as pregnant women who have not previously had rubella. It is worth noting that this ailment occurs at a young age in a milder form than in adulthood. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the most common manifestation of this disease.

First, red spots appear on the skin of a person and itch. In this case, there is a slight increase in body temperature. A red rash spreads throughout the body and begins to itch very badly. If the disease struck a small child, then there is nothing to worry about, the ailment will pass in a few days. The main thing is to monitor the baby so that he does not comb the spots, otherwise ugly scars will remain in their place. If we are talking about an adult, then in this case you need to see a doctor.

Serum sickness

This ailment occurs against the background of therapeutic treatment, which includes the use of special natural serums to enhance human immunity. In this case, a rash appears on the human body, which itches quite heavily. In some situations, affected areas of the body swell. Additionally, the serum model may be accompanied by fever, joint pain and myocarditis.

Treatment of red spots in this case is a complete rejection of drugs that caused a similar reaction. After this, the patient usually has to take a course of antihistamines and corticosteroids.

Allergic eczema

This ailment is very difficult to identify, since reactions of this type occur in the human body in several stages, significantly different in symptoms. First of all, red spots appear on the patient's body, which itch for a long time. If the allergen is eliminated, the symptoms do not disappear. After 3-4 weeks, skin lesions become β€œwet” and in some situations even bleed. At the last stage of allergic eczema, red redness begins to peel off and become covered with a film.

Itchy hand

However, doctors quickly determine this ailment by several distinguishing features. For example, with allergic eczema, spots appear symmetrically. This means that if redness appears on the right shoulder, then they will certainly be on the left side of the body.

If the patient also complains of flu, signs of acute respiratory infections, intestinal infection, or other diseases during a visit to a specialist, this also makes you think about eczema.

Also, when this ailment occurs, redness quickly enough after the first physiotherapy (massage, mineral bath, etc.). The same reaction is observed after taking anxiolytics.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that when allergic eczema occurs, spots often change sensitivity. The skin in these places becomes too rough or the patient feels even a very light touch. This is due to the fact that with eczema, damage to the nerve endings occurs.

It is worth considering that this kind of ailment, even despite the innovations of modern medicine, is quite difficult to treat. Therefore, when this ailment appears, there is a great chance of its exacerbation for a long time.

Stress and nervous exhaustion

Sometimes the causes of red spots are depression and other mental disorders. If a person suffers from nervous exhaustion and is constantly in a depressed state, then not only his nervous system, but also his immune system weakens.

Itchy neck

White spots with red spots are a similar type of rash. Sometimes pimples also appear on the body (for example, red spots on the face or any other part of the human body).


Excessive sweating can also cause redness. As a rule, in this case, the spots begin to stick out a little, but peeling does not occur. Usually this kind of acne appears in the armpits and other places that constantly sweat.

If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to change the antiperspirant. It is better to give preference to formulations without alcohol.


This kind of red rash most often affects children. Adults are practically not affected by this ailment.

It is worth noting that urticaria should not cause much concern. As a rule, quickly started redness also quickly disappears from the child's body (after a few days). In medical practice, only isolated cases were recorded when small patients suffered from an illness for more than a month. In this case, we are already talking about the chronic development of urticaria.

You can distinguish this ailment from many other diseases on your own. To do this, you need to pay attention to the nature of the rashes. Redness can be of different sizes, but most often they are small red dots, like after a bite of a midge.

Scratches the back

However, this is not the main distinguishing feature of urticaria. The fact is that within a few days the spots begin to change their location. Therefore, if the redness on the child’s body disappeared from the shoulder and appeared in the abdomen too quickly, this may indicate this ailment.

It is also worth noting that redness will be actively scratched. If this ailment brings severe anxiety, then you should consult a specialist. As a rule, even without the use of specialized therapy, redness disappears after 1-2 days. However, it is worth listening to the opinion of the doctor, since urticaria can be caused by an allergen, which will need to be excluded from the baby's life.


Sometimes the reason why red spots appear on the human body is completely harmless things. For example, if a rash of a pinkish tint formed on the skin, then this could happen due to a long exposure to direct sunlight.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some people are completely contraindicated in sunbathing. If the skin is too sensitive, then this can lead to the development of photodermatosis. In this case, small and large pimples resembling blisters filled with liquid can be found on the body. As a rule, such rashes are localized on the shoulders and chest, since it is these parts of the body that are most likely to burn in the sun, so it is very important to take care of protecting these areas when in the sun.


This name is commonly referred to as non-infectious lesions of the skin. In this case, a distinctive feature of psoriasis is peeling of redness, which acquire a convex shape. Outwardly, it resembles irritation, which itches quite heavily, due to which psoriasis can quickly spread to large areas of damage. In this case, redness is localized in the places of bends of large joints (for example, in the armpits or in the inguinal region). In addition, some do not even notice the appearance of psoriasis, as it sometimes appears on the scalp.

It is worth noting that to date, doctors have not been able to identify the exact cause of this ailment. The only thing that was able to establish is that psoriasis is a hereditary disease.

Lichen planus

This ailment is distinguished by the appearance of numerous red dots in the form of nodules. In this case, the rash can be localized not only on the skin, but also on the nail plates or mucous membranes. The main symptom of lichen planus is a severe itching that the patient experiences. Due to the fact that a person cannot tolerate, he begins to comb the lesion, which brings intolerable painful sensations and increased burning sensation.

In the event of this ailment, do not scratch the redness, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo a course of therapy.

Red Spot Treatment

In order to properly prescribe therapy, the doctor must determine exactly what caused the appearance of redness. As it became apparent from all of the above, unpleasant red spots can appear due to a variety of reasons. In some cases, treatment is not required at all.

Acne on the face

In other situations, a dermatologist may prescribe topical drugs or a medical course of treatment. For example, with the occurrence of atopic dermatitis, only hormonal ointments and anti-allergic drugs can help. For the treatment of rubella or other varieties of the disease, these funds are not suitable. Therefore, in no case should you self-medicate. If red spots appear, it is best to immediately visit a dermatologist, take the necessary tests and listen to an accurate diagnosis.

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