Lazy dumplings: recipe with photo

All recipes of dumplings are based on a combination of dough and toppings, but the appearance of the product is implied by itself. In the case of lazy dumplings, the taste of the finished dish is imitated, but the way it looks is already secondary.

Ideas for the Lazy

The classic recipes for dumplings are great: tasty, satisfying and even somewhat festive, but not everyone has enough time to cook them. Moreover, not all young housewives generally know how to cook them correctly, therefore they are often avoided, despite requests from households. What to do in such situations? Of course, prepare a simplified version - lazy dumplings!

dumplings on water recipe

It is much simpler, faster and does not require special technical skills. For instance:

  • All your favorite dumplings with potatoes can be replaced with their express version in the form of lumps of dough. In Italy they are sometimes called gnocchi, and in Ukraine - dumplings.
  • Dumplings with cabbage: a step-by-step recipe for a lazy version is presented in this article.
  • Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese: they can be sweet or salty with the addition of dill.

Developing these ideas, you can also try to cook a dish with mushrooms, berries or meat, and what if you will become the discoverer of a new recipe that will go down in history?

Ordinary lazy dumplings

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning lazy dumplings is the cottage cheese variant: sweet lumps of dough flavored with thick sour cream were often served in almost every kindergarten.

lazy dumplings classic recipe

This recipe with photos of lazy dumplings makes it possible once again to plunge into childhood, you just need to decide to cook and try them, a touch of light nostalgia for carefree childhood is provided. To make dumplings you will need:

  • 1/2 kg of cottage cheese;
  • three eggs;
  • one hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two tbsp. l butter;
  • 170 grams of flour.

It should also be stocked with butter and sour cream to serve the finished dish, the amount of which depends on personal taste preferences.

Recipe preparation (with photo)

Dumplings with cottage cheese in a lazy version are prepared very simply: pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or a blender. This is done in order to remove the graininess of the product, then the dough will be more uniform, and the dumplings themselves are much more tender in taste. Combine the grated cottage cheese with eggs and salt, add sugar mixed with melted butter.

recipe for lazy dumplings

Thoroughly mix the curd mass and add flour at the end, kneading a soft dough, which will be slightly viscous and slightly sticky. Do not worry about this: sprinkle flour on a table or cutting board, roll out the dough into a two-finger-thick sausage and cut into slices one finger wide. Moreover, each piece is slightly crushed with a finger in the middle, forming a small pit - this is how our grandmothers traditionally molded lazy dumplings.

Boil water with a little salt and put lumps of dough in it, be sure to mix with a slotted spoon to make sure that the dough does not stick to the bottom of the pan. From the moment of boiling, boil lazy dumplings for five minutes, and then put on a plate and pour over melted butter. Immediately before serving, add a generous spoonful of thick and fat sour cream to each serving plate.

With cabbage

But the step-by-step recipe for dumplings with cabbage, or rather their lazy version, differs from the above option: in it dough and filling are separately prepared, as when cooking in the usual way, and then they are mixed together in one dish. It looks unusual in appearance but tastes identical to simple dumplings with cabbage. The recipe is as follows:

  1. For the test: 1 cup of water, 1 egg, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and flour, how much will take the dough.
  2. For the filling: 500 grams of white cabbage, one onion and carrot, 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper and the same amount of coriander, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking dough

The easiest dough for dumplings is on the water. According to the recipe, you need to mix slightly warmed water, an egg and salt, turning the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture, and then, gradually adding the sifted flour, knead the dough. You can also add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it to make the dough more plastic, although this is not necessary.

dumplings with cabbage recipe with photo

It should form in an elastic lump, which should be thoroughly kneaded on the table, and then left for half an hour under a napkin: the dough should reach its condition. Further molding can occur in two ways:

  1. Roll tesla into a layer 0.5 cm thick, which is cut into squares with a side of 2-3 cm. You can also use a curly knife for slicing, small cookie cutters to make pieces of dough more fun to look at.
  2. Just pinch off pieces of the size of the phalanx of a finger from a coma of dough and throw into boiling water. This option is good for those who are constantly in a hurry or just do not like to mess with the dough. Just do not need to make large pieces, otherwise they will not boil, and the dish will disappoint with its taste precisely because of the dough.

Boil slices of dough in salted water, recline in a colander and mix with previously cooked cabbage. In fact, these are dumplings with fried cabbage, but the taste is typical dumplings.

Heat treatment of cabbage

Following the recipe for delicious dumplings, it is necessary to chop cabbage, sprinkle with salt and crush with your hands, simulating a dough, which makes it softer and more convenient in the process of frying.

dumplings with cabbage

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the cabbage, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, not forgetting after ten minutes from the start of cooking add carrots grated on it, and onion, sliced โ€‹โ€‹in thin half rings. Fry vegetables under the lid until cooked, and five minutes before the end of the heat treatment add spices and slices of dough, previously boiled. Stir thoroughly and serve.

Option for creative natures

Another recipe for dumplings with cabbage (photo below) has a similar principle for preparing the main components: dough and cabbage, but the molding is more interesting. Roll out the dough prepared according to the previous recipe with a 2-3 mm thick layer and spread the prepared and chilled fried cabbage over its entire surface. Its layer should be uniform and not too thick. Carefully lifting one edge of the dough, roll it into a roll, which is cut into pieces three centimeters long. Put them in a wide saucepan or stewpan, pour boiling water and put on fire. If cabbage is left after molding, then it can be laid out on top in pieces - it will give the top edge an additional flavor of fragrant cabbage, and the finished dish will come out a little more. When the dumplings boil, reduce the heat and cook them for twenty minutes, if necessary, trying a piece to make sure that it is ready.

lazy dumplings with cabbage

When serving, carefully spread the dumplings on a portioned plate and on each we plant a little sour cream, you can also pour dressing from fried onion in oil. Using the same principle, you can try to cook lazy dumplings with minced meat or mushroom, which must first undergo the initial heat treatment.

With potato

The recipes of dumplings are so multifaceted that their lazy options do not keep you waiting: for example, with potato you get very satisfying dumplings, which are good to serve as a side dish instead of boring pasta, boiled potatoes and cereals. Even just with sauce or thick gravy, they very well satisfy hunger. Only a few ingredients are needed for cooking:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • two eggs;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • a small bunch of dill;
  • spices to taste: black pepper, nutmeg or coriander.

The potato is peeled and boiled until tender in a small amount of water, while in the process of cooking it should be salt. Then drain the water, and mashed the potatoes. Grind dill with a knife, mix with potatoes and season with a small amount of pepper or other spices to your liking.

Step cooking

Further, following the step-by-step recipe for dumplings, you should add eggs, salt, and flour to the potato mass. You should get a soft potato dough from which to roll the sausage and cut it into small pieces (as in the case of lazy dumplings with cottage cheese).

lazy dumplings

Boil water for boiling dumplings by adding a couple of laurel leaves into it, lower the lumps of dough and after a minute stir with a slotted spoon to make sure that they are not stuck to the bottom. From the moment of boiling, cook for no more than five minutes, and then remove into a wide bowl and pour onion dressing. To prepare it, it is necessary to fry onions, sliced โ€‹โ€‹in small strips (1 piece) in three tablespoons of vegetable oil. If desired, you can add one finely chopped clove of garlic for flavor.


Recipes with photos of lazy dumplings can be seen even among foreign bloggers from America, Australia and Western Europe, despite the fact that this dish is originally Slavic, rooted in Ukraine. It is there that the variety of additives to dumplings and their lazy "brothers" sometimes reaches ten: mayonnaise, sour cream with garlic or finely chopped cucumbers, ketchup, tomato sauce with garlic and pepper (resembling Mexican salsa), onion gravy with pepper, sweet berry sauces - From all this magnificence dizzy. They want to eat, eat and eat again, despite the urges of an inner voice.

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