Actor Anatoly Romashin: biography, personal life, family, films and photos

Anatoly Romashin - famous film and theater actor, director and people's artist. He played in the theater for more than ten roles. 106 roles were performed by him in cinematic films. The famous artist tried his hand as a director and even voiced films. The death of a talented actor was unexpected for everyone, but the audience continues to love and remember him.


Romashin Anatoly was born in Leningrad on the first of January 1931. Parents of the actor had nothing to do with cinema. So, Vladimir Vasilievich, the father of the future actor, was a worker. Little is known about the actor’s mother. Lidia Nikolaevna Orren was an ethnic Estonian. It is known that the future actor also had a younger brother - Vladimir, who later became an opera singer.


The future actor spent his childhood in Leningrad. It is known that during the war, Anatoly Romashin, whose biography is eventful, was evacuated from his hometown along the Road of Life. After graduating from school and receiving a certificate, Anatoly Vladimirovich entered the Moscow Art Theater School. He got on the course of a wonderful actor and teacher Viktor Yakovlevich Stanitsyn. In 1959, he successfully completed his studies.

Theatrical career

Romashin Anatoly

Immediately after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Anatoly Romashin becomes an actor in the Mayakovsky Academic Theater. On his stage, he played in twelve performances, where he performed diverse roles. For example, in the theatrical production “Mother Courage and Her Children”, he played Eilif, and in the play “Nightingale Night” - Timofeev. Interestingly, he was played by John the Fourth in the play “The End of the Sixth Book”.

In addition to this theater, Anatoly Romashin, whose actor the whole country knows and loves, also went to the stage of the Theater of Modern Play. Here he played in many performances. The photo of Anatoly Romashin, which is in this article, shows a serious and strong-willed person. In 1986, a wonderful actor begins his career as the head of the VGIK workshop. Soon he also became a professor.

In the last years of his life, Anatoly Romashin played in the famous metropolitan theater of the moon, where the director was Sergei Prokhanov. According to the theater director and critics, the talented actor Romashin was ideally suited to play intellectuals. That is why in his creative piggy bank there were many such roles.

Cinematic career

Romashin Anatoly, actor

In the cinematic career of actor Romashin, there are 106 films. The first film, where the aspiring actor Romashin played, was "Wind" directed by Vladimir Naumov and Alexander Alov. In this film, which was released in 1958, Anatoly Vladimirovich plays a cameo role as a white officer.

In 1961, the famous actor starred in the film "Long Day" directed by Rafail Goldin. A new day leads to the comprehension of the whole life of the three heroes of this film. Katya, who wants to leave the engineer Roman, performed by Anatoly Vladimirovich, wants to work. Peter and Roman understand their life mistakes and want to fix them.

An interesting role played by actor Romashin and the role of Wolf in the science-fiction film "Engineer Hyperboloid Garin" directed by Alexander Gitsburg. This film was released in 1965. According to the plot, an engineer from Russia Petr Garin in 1925 creates a hyperboloid, which has a powerful force that can destroy everything. He needs this invention to conquer the world and become its ruler. Soon after Garin and this unusual invention, a real hunt begins.

In 1971, actor Romashin also successfully starred in the film "Girl from Camera No. 25" directed by David Rondeli. War comes to Simferopol, and the Germans soon occupy the city. But the partisans are not going to give up and are constantly conducting provocations. At the center of all these events is a young girl, Zoya Rukhadze, who helped the partisans and died in prison at the Germans. A talented actor in this film plays the role of Victor Nikolayevich Golitsyn.

In the film "Sveaborg" directed by Sergei Kolosov, which was released in 1972, and in the film "Agony" directed by Elem Klimov, filmed in 1974, the famous and talented actor Romashin plays Nikolai II.

Often, directors offered to play actor Romashin in criminal and detective films. In 1975, he starred in the film "Investigators are Experts. Retaliatory strike ”directed by Yuri Krotenko, which tells about the everyday life of the criminal investigation department. In this film, the famous and talented actor played Boris Lvovich Bach.

In 1979, Romashin played the role of KGB lieutenant colonel in the film "Profitable Contract" directed by Vladimir Savelyev. The artist Nikitin arrives in Odessa and is attacked almost immediately. And just the fact that a police officer was not far away saved his life. When the investigation began, it turned out that this attack was being prepared for another person who had exactly the same jacket.

A responsible and serious role was played by Anatoly Vladimirovich in the film “The Return Move”, directed by Mikhail Tumanishvili. This film tells how the Shield military exercises were held. Romashin played the role of Major General Nefedov. This film was released in 1981. And in 1982, the role of investigator Beloded in the film "Rooks" directed by Konstantin Ershov was also successfully played. This film tells about the rookie gang Rooks, which constantly attacks people.

In 1987, actor Romashin talentedly played Dr. Armstrong in the movie "Ten Little Indians" directed by Stanislav Govorukhin. Hero Romashina comes to the island with the rest of the characters by invitation. Soon, he notices that something incomprehensible is happening on this island, but he cannot leave it.

The last film of the actor

Anatoly Romashin, biography

It is known that the last film, where actor Romashin played, was the film "Faberge Shadows" directed by Alexander Borodyansky. This film was released in 2008. Actor Romashov plays the main male role - Karl Gustav Fab. It is known that in the film used those materials that were shot during the life of the actor. In the early 90s, Karl Fab came to the capital to search for Karl Faberge's Easter egg.

To find him, he begins to meet different people: collectors, experts and members of the royal courts. But still, not finding the egg, he dies. The second part of the film already occurs in 2000, where the Thai monk is already looking for an egg.

Director's career

Anatoly Romashin, personal life

In 1989, Anatoly Romashin, whose films are interesting to the audience, decides to try his hand as a director. The film “Without Hope I Hope” really liked the audience. The main character - the writer Kostyash, who successfully spoke at the environmental forum, expects guests who are going to make sure the truth of the facts about his area. Kostyash, wanting to warn the local authorities about this, begins to travel around the district and sees how preparations are being made for the reception and falsehood reigns everywhere.

Scoring movies

Wife of Anatoly Romashin

Since 1969, for 20 years, Anatoly Vladimirovich was engaged in dubbing films. In his piggy bank is about seven films. So, in the film "Red Tent" he voices the hero of Zappi, played by Luigi Vanucci. In 1985, in the film "And trees grow on stones," a talented actor reads an off-screen text. In 1989, in the film "It" directed by Sergei Ovcharov, the author’s text is also pronounced by Anatoly Vladimirovich.

Personal life

Anatoly Romashin, films

Actor Anatoly Romashin, whose personal life is interesting and amazing, was married five times to three women. The first chosen one of the famous actor was Galina, who in marriage gave birth to his daughter Tatyana. Subsequently, the daughter of a famous actor chose the career of an announcer on television.

The second wife of the famous actor is actress Margarita, who was Spanish by her nationality, but was taken to the Soviet Union during the war. In marriage, a daughter, Maria, was born. It was Margarita that Anatoly Vladimirovich married three times.

The third wife of Anatoly Romashin is Julia Ivanova, who was born in Kiev. He met her in 1989 in Chernivtsi on the set of the film "Etudes about Vrubel". Julia starred in the movie under the pseudonym Julianne Orren and was 40 years younger than her famous husband. In 1997, the son Dmitry was born in this union. It is known that a few years after the death of actor Romashin, Julia again married, but soon this marriage broke up.

Actor's death

Photo by Anatoly Romashin

Actor Anatoly Vladimirovich Romashin died suddenly. The accident occurred on the eighth of August 2000. He was at his own dacha in Pushkino. The famous actor with a chainsaw cut pine trees, and one old and huge tree fell right on him. Romashin was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. And after six months, this summer house unexpectedly burned down.

It is known that after the death of the actor, a special prize “Daisy” was created, which is awarded to talented actors every year.

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