How to cook delicious chicken dumplings

In order to learn how to cook dumplings, you must first find out what this dish is. It came to us from Europe. But experts can’t finally determine which country should be considered its homeland. After all, the product name is French. Nevertheless, the Poles for some reason consider it their national dish. Traditionally it is customary to cook chicken dumplings. Although any other meat or fish can be used as the main ingredient.

Classic version

To make real chicken dumplings, you need to know that in essence they are ordinary meatballs. True, the consistency of this product should be much softer and more tender. As a rule, the desired result can be achieved due to the special composition of the stuffing. To start cooking chicken dumplings, you need to collect on the desktop a certain set of products: 0.5 kilograms of meat, 150 grams of milk, 2 eggs, salt and 50 grams of white bread.

chicken dumplings

The process itself will look like this:

  1. First you need to make stuffing. To do this, first of all, you need to grind the meat with a meat grinder, and then, to make the product more tender, rub the mass through a sieve.
  2. Then you need to beat it, lowering the pan in a bowl with ice or cold water.
  3. Gradually introduce egg whites and all other ingredients.
  4. Put a pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  5. Form the workpiece with a tablespoon. Some chefs use two devices for this. By shifting the mixture from one to another, you can get the perfect semi-finished product.
  6. After that, it must be carefully lowered into boiling water and wait until the cutlet emerges. This will take 3-4 minutes.

Ready-made chicken dumplings can be taken out of boiling water and served with a garnish and white sauce.

Great addition

Sometimes air patties are used as a complement to various first courses. Mushroom soup with chicken dumplings is very tasty. To prepare it, you must have: for 2.5 liters of water - 1 carrot and 250 grams of fresh champignons. For the knelles themselves: 200 grams of chicken breast, 1 egg, 100 grams of fresh baguette, egg yolk and half a glass of milk.

chicken dumplings soup

Cooking such a soup is very easy:

  1. First you need to boil the water in the pan, and then dip the carrots, peeled and cut into thin circles, into it. She should cook for about 10 minutes.
  2. At this time, all the knel ingredients must be loaded into a blender and a homogeneous plastic mass prepared from them. Then it should be lightly salted and a little pepper.
  3. Using two spoons, shape the knels and dip them into boiling water.
  4. Cut the washed mushrooms into quarters and also send them to the soup. After boiling, wait 5 minutes, then turn off the water and cover the pan with a lid.

Before eating, you can add a little fresh greens to each plate.

Diet product

Those who have stomach problems can also make chicken dumplings for themselves. A photo will help to consider how these meat balls should look if they are steamed. The minimum set of products includes: 300 grams of chicken, egg, 2 tablespoons of rice and butter, as well as 50 milliliters of milk.

dumplings chicken photos

The dish is prepared in several stages:

  1. First you need to grind the meat into minced meat.
  2. Then boil rice.
  3. Collect all the components in a blender and beat them well.
  4. Form balls from the minced meat with a wet spoon and place them in a double boiler.

After 35 minutes, the knives can be served on the table, seasoning them with your favorite sauce. Such a dish will appeal to everyone who, due to circumstances, is forced to adhere to a strict diet. Such fragrant knelles are wonderful for a hearty breakfast or a light dinner. Cooked strictly according to the recipe, they will not only give pleasure, but also help to solve a health problem.

Childhood memories

In childhood, many mothers cooked chicken dumplings. The recipe used by kindergarten cooks is very similar to the home option. For him, based on 1 child, it is necessary to have: 7 tablespoons of minced meat, salt, an egg, 2 tablespoons of flour and a slice of loaf soaked in milk.

Then everything is done very simply:

  1. Collect all the ingredients in a blender bowl, and then thoroughly beat them to make the mass look like a fairly thick sour cream.
  2. Gently pinch off pieces of the mixture with a spoon and send them to boiling, slightly salted water. As soon as the balls pop up, the dish can be considered completely ready to eat.

chicken dumplings recipe

You can eat such dumplings with sour cream or butter. Children really like these balls, so they eat them with great pleasure. For a side dish, it is better to choose something dietary (rice or any vegetables). Otherwise, the very purpose of making dietary dumplings makes no sense whatsoever.

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