Unsuitable cookies - what is it? What dough is made from non-baked pastry?

Unsuitable cookies - what is it? What dough is made from non-baked pastry?

The choice of cookies in stores amazes with a variety of shapes, colors, and a combination of components. It would seem that there is only one problem - to make a choice. But modern food often contains so many chemical additives and dyes that it is scary to eat and even more so to give children who are sweet and don’t think about the consequences.

Caring mothers prefer to cook their own pastries in order to know what they are made of and how. On the Internet, especially on sites dedicated to health and diets, one may come across questions: non-butter cookies - what is it, from which dough to make it, what is it useful for?

Differences between butter cookies and butter cookies

To answer these questions, it’s easier to go from the opposite and talk about pastry. To put it simply, baking is understood as baking, flavored to improve the taste with all sorts of fatty and sweet additives: butter, eggs, milk, chocolate, cream.

The opposite of baking is an unbread cookie. What kind of imagination do you need to come up with and knead the dough without eggs and fats? But in Russia, famous for its savvy people, inedible pastries quickly gained popularity, in particular inedible cookies. Types of products that use inedible dough are firmly included in the Russian diet. This, for example, dough for dumplings, inedible bread, all kinds of buns and biscuits, today an inedible base for pizza is widely used.

non-biscuit cookie is what


To fix in mind the answer to the question: “Unsuitable cookies - what cookies are these?”, You need to talk about its advantages:

  • Low calorie content. The lack of fatty and sugary supplements makes inedible cookies a low-calorie meal. If one hundred grams of ordinary butter biscuits accounts for about 400 kilocalories and more, then the basis of the butter dough is flour, water, a little sugar and vegetable oil, that is, it does not have calories of butter, milk and a lot of sugars.
  • Cheapness. The main cash costs for baking butter buns are on the additives. Prices for sour cream, eggs, chocolate are much higher in comparison with prices for the same flour.
  • Simplicity. A small number of ingredients and simple cooking principles make unbroken dough a reasonable choice for people who like to cook quickly and plainly.
  • Long stored. There is almost nothing to spoil in such baked goods, so it can be stored for much longer than muffin.
  • Utility. Due to the low content of fats, sugars and dyes, inedible baking is considered a dietary product, which is prescribed for weight loss and many diseases. But this should be described in more detail.
    stiff dough

Diet and fasting

Inedible cookies are a miracle for dieters. In the context of a greatly reduced diet, it is difficult for people to give up long-term eating habits, such as bread or traditional tea with cookies. A person holding a therapeutic diet, as a rule, lacks motivation and volitional control so as not to eat food that brings suffering and threatens death.

But with losing weight everything is different. They are constantly in tension. Surrounded by the temptation and abundance of food, they always run the risk of breaking loose. And breakdowns often start with just one cookie or candy at the time of a bad mood. All efforts are in vain, excess weight returns, sometimes bringing with it new kilograms.

Inedible cookies are an ideal compromise that allows you to suppress cravings for prohibited foods on time. A couple of not very sweet cookies will not harm the diet, but will satisfy the immediate need to eat something tasty with tea. Dry dry cookies are also included in the daily diet for common and formidable diseases such as diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, heart disease, liver, digestive system and others.

During Orthodox fasting, many components of pastry are banned. Unfood dough, on the contrary, consists of ingredients allowed by church canons, which makes it a welcome guest on a fasting table. Sometimes spores are caused by vegetable oil, which is banned on some days of fasting. But firstly, there are a lot of allowed days (these are weekends and church holidays), and secondly, inedible cookies can be baked without oil.

Inedible Cookies: Examples

This baking is inferior in taste to buns and liver. After all, there are no fatty and sweet additives in it that give an attractive taste and a stupefying smell so beloved by our receptors and the brain. But this does not mean that inedible cookies should be tasteless. There are many original recipes for delicious pastries, the main thing is to approach it creatively. Unfinished dough goes well with fruits, cottage cheese, berries, which, almost without increasing calorie content, make dishes beautiful and mouth-watering.

Unsaturated Dough


  • Flour - 700 g.
  • Water - 350 ml.
  • Yeast - 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt, vegetable oil - to taste.


1. Sift flour, add yeast and salt, pour warm water and mix thoroughly with a spoon, and then knead the dough with greased hands.

2. Leave the dough in a greased bowl for 5 minutes.

3. Put the rested dough on a board, stretch or roll into a rectangle, then fold it in half and leave for 10 minutes. Repeat this operation four times.

4. Put the dough in a bowl, it will be ready for baking when it rises about twice.

Lemon Butter Cookies

dry non-biscuit cookies


  • Flour - 200 g.
  • One lemon.
  • Water - 60 g.
  • Salt, powdered sugar, vanillin - to taste.
  • A whisper of soda.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.


1. Mix the zest removed from the lemon with oil, powder, water, salt and mix thoroughly.

2. Add to this mixture soda previously quenched with lemon juice.

3. Pour flour and knead the dough.

4. Roll the dough into a thin layer (thickness - about half a centimeter), from which cut the cookies with a knife or a cookie cutter.

5. For half an hour, send to the oven (180 ° C) until cooked, the cookies should brown.

Non-carrot cookies

unprofitable types of cookies


  • Flour - 350 g.
  • Sugar - 60 g.
  • Carrots - 250 g
  • Salt to taste.
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml.


1. Finely grate the carrots.

2. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough.

3. Form balls or cookies of a different shape as desired.

4. Put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment.

5. Bake for half an hour in the oven at 180 ° C.

6. Reduce the temperature to a minimum and darken the cookies for another half hour, so that it ripened.

Oatmeal Oatmeal Cookies

inedible cookies examples


  • Oatmeal - 3 cups.
  • Sugar, salt, raisins - to taste.
  • Flour or starch - 1 tablespoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 70-100 ml.


1. All components to mix until a homogeneous test.

2. To make out cookies and to put it on a baking sheet, it is possible without parchment paper, it is enough to grease a baking sheet with oil.

3. Let the liver stand for about ten minutes, so that it takes shape and is evenly saturated with liquid.

4. Bake for 10 minutes at high temperature, approximately 250 ° C. The main sign of cookie readiness will be the characteristic smell of oatmeal. Cookies are prepared quickly, but with such heating of the oven, they quickly burn out, so you need to be careful not to be distracted by extraneous activities.

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