Low blood sugar

Low blood sugar is hypoglycemia. This disease is most often manifested in those who adhere to a strict diet. The main symptoms are palpitations, pallor, sweating, trembling, restlessness, fainting, irritability and lethargy.

Low blood sugar can be increased by eating. After a person eats, the pancreas will begin to produce insulin, so the amount of sugar in the blood will increase. But it also happens that there is an excessive secretion of hormones, after which the level of glucose in the blood becomes too low.

Low blood sugar is often observed in people with diabetes, which they increase by eating something sweet. In healthy people, this happens less often, and the process proceeds in a milder form. However, there are exceptions. With an unusual diet, even a healthy person who does not suffer from diabetes can manifest hyperglycemia.

The causes of the disease.

The main causes of low blood sugar:

-Big breaks in eating food. A low blood sugar will appear if, after a few hours after a meager meal, all the energy of the body is exhausted.

-Low calorie intake. It manifests itself when a little glucose enters the body with food, and the blood sugar level decreases after its absorption.

-Intensive exercise. As a result of long workouts, all glucose in the body can be exhausted. In this case, there will be symptoms of glycemia, and it will become difficult to train further. In order to avoid this, athletes eat carbohydrate-rich foods before and after training.

- Excessive consumption of sweets. If a person eats something sweet or starchy, this causes a sharp increase in insulin in the blood, followed by a decrease in glucose. Due to the use of, for example, a box of chocolates, a person will receive a high dose of serotonin (a hormone of pleasure), but then drowsiness, fatigue, weakness may occur, and he again wants to eat something sweet.

- The use of alcohol and highly carbonated drinks. Drinks that have a high sugar content can contribute to a rapid increase in its amount in the blood. Alcohol drunk on an empty stomach is the same sugar, and has the same consequences.

Symptoms of the disease.

Low blood sugar is manifested by many symptoms, for example, profuse sweating, tingling sensation of fingers and lips, pallor, constant hunger, palpitations, muscle weakness, small tremors, fatigue. If the nervous system is affected, then it is possible: pain in the head, double vision and blurred vision, rapid yawning, spastic muscle contraction.

In addition, there is also a mental symptomatology, which manifests itself as low blood sugar. There are depression, insomnia at night, a nap during the day, as well as irritability. Often, instead of glycemia, other diagnoses are made, for example, neurosis or depression, since it has common symptoms, the most dominant in this case is the anxiety reaction.

To avoid a quick drop in blood sugar, there are a few simple rules:

Try to lower your caffeine intake, as low blood sugar is caused by increased insulin.

No smoking. Smoking interferes with the normal production of blood sugar. So it is better to give up such a bad habit.

Consume foods that have chromium, as they help regulate blood sugar.

The right diet and lifestyle will help everyone to maintain their health for many years. Pay attention to your condition and well-being.

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