A symptom of a white spot is observed with asphyxia in newborns, as well as with severe shock conditions. This property was discovered back in 1901 by a neuropathologist researcher Manteuffel. Following him, the symptom was described in detail in his writings by Lignel and Levastin in 1924.
Symptom often serves as a sign of obliterating endarteritis or neurointoxication. In case of shock conditions, acute oxygen deficiency, a white spot can remain on the forehead or on the victim’s finger for more than 20 seconds.
Manteuffel's symptom, or in another way - a symptom of a white spot, indicates a lack of blood circulation in the capillaries of the lower and upper extremities due to heart problems or lack of oxygen.
It is observed with shock conditions in connection with blood loss. On the finger in the middle of the nail bed, when pressing the end of the nail, an extension and narrowing of a clear white spot will be observed. The same spot will be on the feet near the toes when a finger is pressed on the skin. A positive symptom is determined if the stain lasts at least 3 seconds.
Why does the stain hold, does not go away immediately after pressing? This is due to the increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system in shock.
Symptom of a white spot with suffocation
Sometimes complications occur during childbirth: entwining the fetus with an umbilical cord, improper presentation, or other causes. Such accidents during childbirth lead to the fact that the baby lacks oxygen and he is born with asphyxia. In this case, breathing and palpitations may be completely absent, or breathing is intermittent and unstable.
How seriously the suffocation of the newborn is shown by the Apgar scale is a general assessment of the newborn in the first minute of his life. Based on the symptoms described in the table, doctors can differentiate between mild, moderate, and severe degree of asphyxiation of the newborn.
White spot syndrome is present with severe to moderate suffocation. Within a few seconds after pressing on the heel, the stain does not go away. If at the same time breathing is extremely weak, the heartbeat is absent, the neonatologist must take urgent measures to restore breathing and heart rate.
With timely help, the child quickly restores respiratory function. However, you need to do some research and find out if damage to the brain tissue from a lack of oxygen has begun.
Signs of suffocation
Hypoxia (from Greek) - a lack of oxygen (ancient Greek. Ὑπό - below + Greek. Οξογόνο - oxygen). People say - choking. It happens in children and adults, for example, with carbon monoxide poisoning. The following symptoms may indicate suffocation:
- Blue skin.
- Weakness.
- Dizziness.
- Headache.
- Possible nausea.
- Symptom of a white spot.
Due to a lack of air in the blood, capillaries on the extremities immediately suffer. One of the characteristic signs of hypoxia is the studied manifestation lasting 3 seconds. Pressure should be applied to the base of the toes of the foot 1-3, and hold for about 2-3 seconds.
Asphyxia of the newborn ICD 10
According to the international ICD code, severe asphyxia of newborns is encoded by code P 21. A heartbeat of less than 100 beats per minute.
If the asphyxia is mild, and there is no symptom of a white spot in the newborn, then the doctor may not write this diagnosis to the child’s card at all and take no special measures.
Shock conditions
In case of shock conditions due to severe fractures, stab wounds and blood loss associated with the wound, it is necessary to check the symptom of a white spot. If it is, it means that the body has already lost a lot of blood and is lacking in nutrients and oxygen. With a shock of the 3rd degree, the amount of blood loss reaches 50%, and the total heart rate is 130–140 beats. per minute.
Any shock occurs in 2 phases. A shock reaction begins with the erectile phase, when psychomotor agitation increases. Then comes the torpid phase, when the pressure gradually drops. A white spot symptom is normal - it's literally a couple of seconds. If the mark lasts longer than 5 seconds, then the second phase begins with a drop in cardiac output and a pale skin.
Shock caused by a heart attack, or cardiogenic shock, leads to a sharp decrease in cardiac output. This leads to hypoxia and in 90% of cases to instant death.
In shock, qualified first aid is needed for the patient. His skin becomes wet, cold due to lower temperatures, acquires an unusual marble tint. Pressure drops sharply and a person loses consciousness. The symptom of a white spot in shock caused by a heart attack is useless to check.
Manifestation of neurointoxication
Neurointoxication due to poisoning or due to infection will also be stressful for the heart. A symptom of a white spot with a shock of 3 degrees will also be observed. In addition, other vivid symptoms will be present:
- confusion of consciousness;
- reduced temperature;
- beaten sinus rhythm of the heart - bradycardia;
- intestinal paresis;
- skin cyanosis.
First aid for severe intoxication is to induce vomiting. And urgently call an ambulance.