How to make pork skewers: recipes

Pork kebab is a favorite treat for many. How to cook it in such a way that the meat remains juicy and tasty? The main rule of a successful barbecue is to choose the right marinade for a particular type of meat.

So, we will consider several options for what you can marinate this type of meat, as well as some features of its preparation.

Pork skewers

How to choose meat

Properly selected meat is the key to a delicious and soft pork skewers. What parts of pork carcass should you choose for cooking? First of all, being on the market, you should pay attention to the loin, neck and brisket. Also for this purpose, the lumbar region is perfect. It should be noted that for the preparation of pork skewers, you can not use a spatula, ribs or ham.

What should I look for when choosing the meat itself? First of all, it should not contain a huge amount of fat on its surface. In addition, the freshness of the fillet is also of no small importance. A pleasantly smelling, with a mild aroma, meat of a uniform pink color is what is necessary for all those who have a desire to cook a really correct and tasty kebab.

Marinade preparation

The second point, on which the taste qualities of the finished dish directly depend, is a perfectly selected marinade. However, the pickling process is also necessary according to certain rules.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to what material the container is made of, in which the process will be carried out. When choosing it, you should be aware that aluminum and plastic pots will not be the best options. We must give preference to dishes made of glass or ceramic. Enamelled bowls may also be suitable.

What foods can be in marinades? Very often there is an opinion that pickles made on the basis of vinegar adversely affect the taste of pork. However, in reality this is not entirely true, because in the right combination, this ingredient can only emphasize the originality of the flavor bouquet.

Wine, soy sauce, honey, beer, soda water, tomato juice and even fermented milk products are often used as the basis for marinade. as for spices, then in the choice of such an element there really is where to roam. This type of ingredient may include a mixture of peppers, zira, mustard, herbs, caraway seeds, sesame seeds, and many others. Be sure to add onions to it, and in large quantities - it is he who gives juiciness to meat.

How to fry kebab

Another question that is often asked by novice kebabs: how to fry the juiciest pork skewers? When answering it, it should be noted that large pieces of meat cannot be used to prepare such a dish - they will not have time to fry in the smoke. As for the small pieces, they will be dry. In the process of cutting, preference should be given to medium-sized pieces - provided that they are cooked properly, they will be well-cooked and juicy.

How long does it take to cook pork skewers? As you know, there are several methods for its preparation: on the grill, in the oven, in a special barbecue, as well as in a frying pan. Depending on the selected method of frying, it is necessary to cook meat for a different period. So, on an open fire, it is recommended to do this for 20-30 minutes, until the juice stops flowing when cutting the pieces. In the process, the skewer must be constantly turned over so that the fillet is evenly fried from different sides. The procedure takes place over an hour in the oven, which is heated to a temperature of 180 degrees. In a special device for frying meat (barbecue), this will take literally 15-20 minutes, and in a pan - about half an hour.

Juicy pork skewers

Kebab in marinade with vinegar

The recipe for pork kebab with vinegar is perhaps the most common among the Russian population. To prepare the marinade for it, cut into half rings 300 g of peeled onion peeled from the husks, then gently crush it with your hands until it starts to secrete juice. After this, it is necessary to add a couple of kilograms of pork meat, previously washed, dried and cut into pieces of medium size. In this composition, the ingredients should be mixed well and add to them the seasoning bought in the store (bag). Following it, it is necessary to pour a little more than a glass of table vinegar (6%). After thoroughly mixing the components, they should be covered and sent to the refrigerator for 4-5 hours so that the meat is pickled.

After it is ready to cook, add salt (to taste) to the marinade, stir everything again and, having strung on skewers, fry the pork skewers.

Marinated pork skewers

Kebab in lemon marinade

Meat prepared according to this recipe turns out to be incredibly juicy and delicate in taste. In addition, it has a pleasant acidity, which harmoniously combines with the taste characteristics of pork.

To prepare the correct marinade, cut into medium pieces 1.5 kg of pork, without veins, which before use must be washed and dried with a kitchen towel. Then the pieces must be put in a container for pickling and pour juice squeezed from a pair of lemons. Pour a small amount of pepper mixture, salt (to taste), a package of seasonings for barbecue, bought at the store (about 10 g), as well as 1.5 kilograms of onion, cut into rings. After this, the filet with the rest of the ingredients should be mixed well and covered with a lid, marinated in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After the specified time, the meat should be removed and sent to the barbecue.

Some culinary experts note that pickling pork in lemon juice should be no more than three hours, since if you increase this time, then in the end the meat will turn out to be acid and tough.

Pork barbecue with vinegar

Kebab in marinade based on kefir

Practice shows that a tasty and soft kebab is obtained if you marinate it in kefir with onions.

To make such a marinade, you need 1.5 kilograms of fresh pork, wash it well, dry it on all sides with paper towels, and then cut it into medium-sized pieces. Next, the meat must be laid out in a bowl for pickling. After that, it is necessary to cut six large onions into rings, pour a small amount of pepper mixture, add salt, a couple of teaspoons of sugar and mix. Then the ingredients must be diluted with 500 ml of kefir with a high fat content and after the next stirring, send to the refrigerator under the lid.

Culinary experts recommend pickling meat in this composition for at least 12 hours - it is during this time that it will be fully enriched with juice. According to most reviews, the most delicious pork shish kebab is obtained precisely in the case of using a brine consisting of kefir with onions.

Kebab in mayonnaise

Very often chicken is cooked in such a marinade. However, if you make pork skewers marinated in mayonnaise, you will also get a very tasty dish. To prepare it in this way, it is necessary to pretreat with a sirloin piece of pork (wash, dry), and then cut into pieces of medium size. After this, the meat should be put in a dish of a suitable size and copiously filled with mayonnaise, which will require about 300 g of sauce per kilogram of the main ingredient. Next, add three large onions, chopped in rings, a packet of spices for the preparation of barbecue, salt to taste, as well as a small amount of ground pepper (you can use shop assorted).

Further, all the components must be thoroughly mixed, covered and sent to the refrigerator so that the meat is well marinated. In order for pork kebab with onions and mayonnaise to learn the most delicious and juicy, you must marinate it for at least an hour (for old meat - 2-3 hours).

Pork BBQ recipe with photo

Cream pork

Pork shish kebab is very tasty, tender and juicy if you pickle the meat in cream first. To prepare such a marinade, you should take a couple of large heads of onions, three cloves of garlic, peel them and put them in a blender bowl. It must be carefully chopped vegetables (if desired, you can do it with a knife, but only very finely).

In a separate bowl, mix finely chopped basil leaves (5 grams), as well as a mixture of red and black pepper (you can take the assortment offered in the store). As practice shows, if you use dried basil for making such a barbecue, the taste does not deteriorate at all. Mixed spices should be sent to the onion with garlic.

After the main preparations for the marinade are done, you should take 1.5 kilograms of pork, wash the piece, dry it with paper towels, and then cut it into medium-sized pieces. Each of them must be abundantly grated with gruel made from onions, garlic and spices, pour in heavy cream (500 ml), then put everything in one bowl, cover and send to a cold place overnight (at least 6 hours). Before the very start of frying, it is necessary to drain the marinade into a separate bowl - they can water the meat. Next, pickled fillet must be salted to taste and sent to the coals.

If you follow all the recommendations proposed in this recipe, you can make a very juicy kebab of pork. The meat marinated in such a sauce will be perfectly cooked in a barbecue - this one will take no more than 20 minutes.

Kebab in mineral water

As mentioned above, pork shish kebab has excellent taste, a photo of which can be seen below, soaked in a marinade made on the basis of mineral water. How to marinate it this way?

In order to get the best pork kebab, you will need high-quality and properly selected meat in the amount of 2.5 kg. It must be thoroughly washed, remove all unnecessary elements, and then dried and cut into pieces of medium size. After that, you can start cooking the marinade itself directly.

In a meat, laid out in large containers, pour a liter of mineral water. There you need to crumble six large onion heads, which will ensure the juiciness of the finished dish. Also in the marinade should add your favorite spices and salt to taste. By the way, you can take a ready-made set in the store as spices. When all the ingredients are collected, mix everything thoroughly and cover with a lid and send to the refrigerator for 2.5 hours. After this time, add a quarter cup of vegetable oil to the marinade with meat, stir again so that it is well distributed throughout the mass, and then again send it to a cold place for another half hour. Once the specified time has passed, the meat can be strung on skewers and grilled on hot coals.

Pork skewers with onions

Soy Sauce Marinade

How to cook pork skewers in such a way that it is tender and tasty? To do this, you can use an acidic marinade, which is prepared on the basis of soy sauce and lemon. The entire list of ingredients presented here is designed for three kilograms of pork fillet, however, if necessary, change the volume of meat, you can calculate the desired amount of other elements.

To prepare the barbecue, you need to take carefully washed and dried pork fillet, cut into pieces of a convenient size. After that, 5-6 heads of onions should be cut into rings into meat, and then mash it together with sirloin pieces so that juice is formed, which ensures the juiciness of fried meat.

After the described manipulations are done, it is necessary to evenly distribute the juice squeezed from one lemon over the onion-meat mass, as well as spices: a tablespoon of salt, a package of seasonings for pickling pork and a mixture of peppers (to taste). After this, it is necessary to mix everything well again so that the seasonings are distributed throughout the mass. After that, you need to add soy sauce (a couple of tablespoons) to the meat, cover and send to the refrigerator for three to four hours (you can overnight).

Kebab in olive marinade

If you want to cook a delicious pork shish kebab, then in this case you can use the marinade recipe made on the basis of olive oil. To prepare it, you need to create a mixture of spices in a separate dry bowl. It is made from a teaspoon of paprika, the same amount of ground coriander, as well as a mixture of peppers, cinnamon, nutmeg and ground ginger in small quantities (by a pinch). Shredded bay leaf should be sent there. After all the spices have been combined, they must be stirred and pour four tablespoons of olive oil. After this seasoning, it is recommended to stir again and send in the refrigerator for 20 minutes in a sealed container.

While the marinade will be cooked, you should do the cooking of pork. The entire amount of spices presented in this recipe for pork skewers (photos of various options for the dish can be seen in the article), is designed for 1.5 kilograms of meat. In order for the fillet to be ready for pickling, it should be washed and dried well. After the tenderloin, it is necessary to grind into pieces of medium size (about 5 x 5 cm), and then send it to the marinade made earlier. The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly so that they interact, and then left on the table, at room temperature. Professional kebabs recommend periodically stirring the mass, which is associated with the ability of the oil to drain to the bottom of the dishes. It is necessary to salt the marinade half an hour before the process of roasting meat on charcoal.

Shish kebab juicy

This is another recipe for how to cook pork kebab with vinegar. The entire amount of ingredients presented here is designed for a small amount of meat - about seven hundred grams, so if desired, all volumes can be counted based on your situation.

Delicious soft pork skewers

Cooking barbecue in this case should begin with the preparation of the marinade for him. To do this, peel a couple of onions and a couple of cloves of garlic. Chop the vegetables, add 1.5 teaspoons of salt to them, as well as a pinch of thyme, marjoram, red and black ground peppers. In addition, there should be sent a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil and 3% vinegar. All this must be stirred to a state of complete homogeneity and set aside for a while.

In the meantime, you should tackle the meat itself. Above it should be pretreated, which consists in washing, drying, as well as cutting into medium cubes. After this, slices of fillet should be immersed in the marinade, mix well and marinate in cool conditions for at least 1.5 hours.

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