Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz: collaboration and the most popular films

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz were especially similar to each other in their youth. During their busy career, they managed to play in a variety of paintings and even were noted for their joint work. The article tells about this episode of the career of film stars and gives a brief description of the biography of talented women.

general information

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz began their career at about the same time, with a difference of only a few years, and were best friends. Their first works did not bring worldwide recognition, but gave an impetus to continue acting.

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz

In the 90s of the last century, each of them starred in more than ten different films. Salma's most popular films were From Dusk Till Dawn, On The Edge Of A Break, and Studio 54. Penelope distinguished herself with the works “Open Your Eyes”, “Talk of Angels”, “The Girl of Your Dreams” and other cult projects. In the 90s, young actresses coped well with roles of any type. During this period, popularity came to them, which later yielded amazing results. In the new century, every actress went her own way.

Continuation of the biography

With the advent of the 21st century, Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz continued their creative activities. The first not only starred in different films, but also founded her own production studio. During its existence, such works as The Miracle of Maldonado, Frida, and others came to the world. During this period, she did not stop agreeing to roles in various works. Many viewers can recall the actress on such movie masterpieces as “After Sunset” and “Once Upon a Time in Mexico”.

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz movie

During this period, the girl did not stop communicating with Penelope Cruz, who also followed her own creative path. Penelope’s career developed even more successfully than that of her friend, because it was during this period that she was invited to the most popular paintings. At this time, she, along with Johnny Depp, starred in the film "Cocaine", with Tom Cruise in the cult melodrama "Vanilla Sky" and became the main character in the odious "Gothic". This track record is far from complete, because the modeling business also attracted Penelope Cruz. Salma Hayek was not seen in him, but her merits in the film industry are not diminished by this.

Creativity of recent years

The biography of Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz did not end at the peak of the popularity of two actresses. Over the past few years, they still starred in various films. The first is known for its role in the comedy Odnoklassniki-2, the main character in the film Terrible Tales, and she also brought to life the image of the wife of the main bandit of the tape The Bodyguard of a killer.

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz biography

At this point, she was married to a fairly wealthy man named Francois-Henri Pinault. Two years before this, a couple was born to the couple, who was named Valentine. Salma is an interesting personality, speaks four languages ​​and has not lost her acting skills.

The same can be said of Penelope Cruz, who most recently starred in the detective story Murder on the Orient Express. Prior to that, she was seen in the paintings "Counselor" and "Brothers from Grimsby." The personal life of the actress is known that she had an affair with Tom Cruise, but she managed to build a real relationship with Javier Bardem. Young people met during teamwork. The couple has two children and a happy marriage.

Joint shooting

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz in the 2006 film “Bandits” played two main roles. Girlfriends ideally agreed on the images, but because the picture was quite successful. The plot tells about Mary from a simple family and Sarah - a representative of high society, whom fate brought together when robbing a bank.

Despite their origin, they have the same motives - revenge for fathers and deceived landowners.

Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz photo

The first attempt ended unsuccessfully, but because the girls decide to learn robbery from the famous thief Billy Buck. After some doubt, the man agrees to take them as a student. Over time, Maria and Sarah became real deft robbers, and after a couple of major raids on banks, everyone in the district already knew about them. Detective Quentin Cook is sent by the authorities to capture the clever villains. With the help of tricks, the girls intercept him and talk about who really deserves punishment in this territory. Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek in the photo from the shoot both look amazing, because their external data are very similar. They also completely coped with trusted roles, which can be judged by the enthusiastic reviews of the audience.

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