Glycelax candles for newborns: instructions, reviews, prices

Not a single baby has grown up without taking any medications. Some drugs are used to lower the temperature and normalize the condition, while others can eliminate allergies. Quite often, babies have to put Glycelax candles. For newborns, they should be used only as directed by a specialist. It is about this drug that will be discussed later. You will find out what the instructions for use are for Glycelax (for newborns). It is also worth mentioning the price of the drug and reviews about it.

glycelax for newborns

"Glycelax" for newborns

This drug is in the form of suppositories. They contain the main active substance - glycerol. In addition, the product contains magnesium carbonate, polysorbate, distilled monoglycerides, as well as solid fat, which allows you to shape the candle.

The drug is available in a dosage of 1.5 grams and 750 milligrams. For young children, it is preferable to choose the second form of the drug substance.

Indications for the use of the medication

When is Glycelax for babies prescribed? The main indication is a long delay in the stool. Also, the medication is recommended for administration to those children who suffer from increased flatulence and intestinal colic.

Among the indications that are indicated in the instructions, it is possible to distinguish persons with reduced mobility. After all, it is the children of the first months of life who are forced to be in the same position for a long time.

glycelax candles for newborns

Contraindications for treatment

In what cases is the drug “Glycelax” for newborns strictly forbidden to take? First of all, it is worth saying about self-appointment. Doctors strongly do not recommend using a medication to correct bowel function without a doctor’s prescription.

Also, the medicine "Glycelax" for newborns can not be used with increased sensitivity of the child to one of the components of the drug. With the development of hemorrhoids, treatment can aggravate the condition. If the baby has an intestinal disease in the acute stage, then you should refrain from using the drug.

glycelax for newborns reviews

How to use the medicine

Glycelax candles can have two patterns of use: internal and external. Consider both of them.

Rectal introduction

The medicine must be removed from the box and separate one cell. After that, it is worth splitting the suppository into two parts. This can be done with a knife or a conventional blade. Take the end of the medicine with the beveled tip. Insert it into the anus of the baby and push your finger further. After that, you need to bring the baby's legs together. This will help to prevent the suppository coming back.

It is better to use the medication in the morning, immediately after eating. However, in emergency cases (with colic and flatulence), the drug can be used at other times.

Outdoor application

Rectal suppositories can be applied to the baby’s skin. The drug softens the tissues and dermis of the baby. Apply this method for redness, itching and irritation. Long-term use of the drug in this way is not recommended. Otherwise, there is a high likelihood of allergies.

The medication is used by the following method. Open one suppository and grease with its end the necessary area for processing. After that, put the drug in the refrigerator. In this form, you can store candles for several days. However, you can not enter them after that into the intestines of the child.

glycelax for newborns instruction

Glycelax candles for newborns: reviews

Parents and pediatricians say that the drug is very effective. It acts within a few minutes after administration. The candle begins to quickly dissolve and irritate the intestinal mucosa. Also, the medication softens stool and strengthens the urge to defecate. Bowel movement begins within minutes.

Doctors also say that you should not abuse a laxative. Otherwise, it can lead to a decrease in the natural intestinal motility and more frequent constipation.

Parents of the kids claim that the drug is very easy to use and quite safe. If conventional laxatives are contraindicated in newborns, then Glycelax suppositories are not absorbed into the blood. As a result of this, there is no negative effect of active substances on the body of crumbs. After cleansing the intestine with rectal suppositories, the condition of the child improves significantly. A newborn becomes more fun. He also disappears pain in the abdominal cavity, which is caused by flatulence.

How much is the drug?

What is the price of Glycelax candles (for newborns)? It all depends on in which region the drug is purchased. The medication provider is also of great importance. The wrapping up of a trading network plays an appropriate role.

A remedy with a dosage of 1.5 grams costs about 100 rubles. For this price, you can purchase 10 suppositories for local and internal use. A drug that has a dosage of 750 milligrams will cost you about 150 rubles. In this case, you will also receive 10 cells in a cardboard box.

The cost of the drug can also vary greatly with some promotions. Many pharmacy chains provide special discounts on certain types of goods. In this case, it is possible to purchase rectal suppositories several percent cheaper.

glycelax for babies Price

Little conclusion

You now know how to use Glycelax candles for newborns. Remember that the drug should be recommended by a healthcare professional. Babies should not enter the suppository completely. This dosage is quite large for them. Always use the advice of a pediatrician and follow the recommendations given to you. In this case, you will be maximally protected from complications and unexpected adverse reactions. In some cases, it makes sense to choose an alternative way of acting on the intestines of the child. Health to you and your newborn baby!

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