Sexual neurasthenia: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Nowadays, an increasing number of the country's population is suffering from psychological illnesses. Sexual neurasthenia involves a significant problem, which deprives an adult of a full existence.

sexual disorders

What is this phenomenon?

You should start with a general definition of neurasthenia, as this can help to better navigate the nuances of the disease and realize how it can differ from other diseases of this kind. Neurasthenia is a psychological disorder that belongs to the group of neuroses. It appears on the fact of the ultimate exhaustion of the human nervous system as a result of a stable and strong load on it. According to statistics, this violation occurs at different ages, from 20 to 40 years. A disease alone can be determined by a large number of factors, but the results are unpleasant.

Sexual neurasthenia is a pathology of the central nervous system that leads to a decrease in a personโ€™s sexual life. Pathology mainly affects young people, and more often these are representatives of the stronger sex. Scientists have confirmed that the disease appears due to prolonged emotional and physiological stress. Everyone experiences regular stress under various circumstances. For this reason, neurasthenia can be safely described as a disease of civilization, since it affects those who are unable to cope with hard working days.

sexual neurasthenia symptoms

Causes of sexual neurasthenia

Frequent initiating conditions of sexual disorders are considered pathologies of the excitability of the central nervous system. According to statistics, numerous young and middle-aged men suffer from neurasthenia and have sexual disorders. The human nervous system simply responds to all kinds of unnerving conditions, spends its own forces that can accumulate again, and for this reason a person with good health constantly has them in stock to perform intellectual and physiological work.

But with stresses on the nervous system, its exhaustion nevertheless takes place, and functional work decreases, fatigue, short temper occurs.

With a lack of entertainment, good sleep and nutrition, reserves run out, and over time, the resulting neurasthenia disrupts good physiological functions, and various kinds of sexual abuse, along with the formation of neurasthenia, stimulate sexual disorders. Problems of sexual activity are considered a factor or a result of pathologies of nervous activity.

Weakness and fatigue over time, under the influence of a harmful condition, take possession of a person and this is especially noticeable by the occurrence of more frequent emissions, a low erection or its absence. Frequent complaints of patients are stitching pains during ejaculation, poor orgasm or premature ejaculation.

There is also a decrease in ordinary sexual feelings, their slowdown, the occurrence of coldness and loss of sexual desire. Sexual disorders in women with neurasthenia are less common than in boys. However, a change in the functioning of the sexual organs, a transient reduction in sexual opportunity is also characteristic of girls. Factors of weak sexual activity are anxiety, fear, anxiety, grief. Mental fatigue, emotional feelings, negative feelings lead to overwork of the nervous system.

In men

Guys have high excitability, functional weakness with improper treatment is complicated by prostatitis. Irritability, gloomy mood, decreased labor activity, discomfort and unpleasant feelings lead to disorders in the functions of the sexual sphere, as a result of which sexual impotence can form.

sexual neurasthenia in men

Among women

In women, such disorders provoke the appearance of vaginismus - a disease that causes contraction of the muscles of the vagina, discomfort, burning and pain during vaginal penetration, which makes the sexual act unfeasible. Both girls and boys suffering from sexual neurasthenia are predisposed to early and prolonged masturbation, to sexual excesses, interrupted acts, as this all produces prolonged arousal. In the prostate sphere in boys and in the body of the uterus in girls, chronic hyperemia is traced, due to which nervous disorders appear involuntarily.

strong excitement

Manifestation and symptoms

Most patients prefer not to resort to a doctor. Such an action is caused by a lack of understanding of the danger of the situation. Symptoms of sexual neurasthenia in men and women are quite similar. They are usually as follows:

  1. Permanent emissions.
  2. Frequent sensation of intense excitement.
  3. Erection problems.
  4. Painful, premature, involuntary ejaculation.
  5. Weak sensations during the period of sexual intercourse.
  6. Loss of sexual desire.
  7. Dominant depressed state, poor state of mind, lack of interest in life, disability.
  8. Pain in the lower back, problems with stool.

The problem is often accompanied by such annoying conditions:

  • weakness;
  • tantrums;
  • excessive sensitivity;
  • the presence of concomitant phobias;
  • illogical and inappropriate behavior.

The patient has eating disorders and sleep disturbance. An advanced stage neurosis can be a factor in the onset of depression. The personโ€™s self-esteem decreases, he fears that his deviation will be known to others, and seeks to fence himself off from people of the opposite sex.

Sexual intercourse in case of a disease is a way of self-expression, a method of showing your partner your own usefulness. Staying in constant tension and fear of doing something wrong, the patient ceases to enjoy this process.

causes of sexual neurasthenia

Treatment of sexual neurasthenia

In order to effectively cure, a personโ€™s mood is very significant, as far as he wants to get rid of this uncomfortable illness, which significantly reduces self-esteem.

Doctors have created a number of technologies that make it possible to completely get rid of sexual neurasthenia, however, for this it is necessary to strictly observe absolutely all the prescriptions that were prescribed by a competent professional.

sexual neurasthenia treatment methods

To begin with, the patient must refrain from various harmful habits, which somehow aggravate his well-being. In addition, during the period of treatment you need to refrain from sexual activities. Moreover, it is not recommended to stay in medical institutions throughout the entire treatment process, this will not allow the patient to move away from the disease, and because of the excitement, the quality of treatment may decrease.

For healing, it is important to normalize the quantity and quality of your own sleep. It is recommended to relax often and well, this will make it possible to extract all the accumulated stress. Do not forget about proper nutrition, it will directly provide the body with strength in order to fight the disease. In accordance with the advice of medical staff, it is best to rest in a horizontal position on the back - this will not allow blood to linger in the bone marrow.

Water therapy

An effective method of treating sexual neurasthenia can be characterized by water therapy: passing it, the patient calms down extremely, enjoys and stops thinking about his inferiority. This type of therapy makes it possible to free yourself from various stresses and to avoid the emergence of a new one.

acupuncture procedure


Acupuncture is also an effective way to combat sexual neurasthenia. The needles directly act on the nerve endings, allowing them to relax. In addition, the use of sex hormones is acceptable, which reduces desire.

Summarizing everything described, it can be noted that sexual neurasthenia is a disease that can be cured. For this purpose, it is necessary to strive extremely to the desired result and choose the right course on an individual basis.

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