What can I eat after childbirth to a nursing mother: what foods are useful?

Pregnancy puts the expectant mother in harsh conditions. Evil doctors vyingly say what you can’t do, drink and eat during pregnancy, and therefore very often expectant mothers to dream among themselves: “But I will eat the first thing after giving birth .... They are naive, they simply have no idea: the list of what you can eat after giving birth to a nursing mother is much smaller than the similar list during pregnancy. And this is understandable.

what can I eat after childbirth to a nursing mother

Of course, immediately after childbirth, rarely does anyone have any thoughts about food - all aspirations are directed only to him, only to a new person who has been born, where can one think about breakfast or lunch. And the hospital food served at the maternity hospital leaves no particular choice. But then a week passes after childbirth, the mother and the baby are at home, and it turns out that everything the baby can’t eat: he begins to toil with his tummy, sleep poorly, he has diathesis and diarrhea, or all this at once. And, of course, this does not add strength to the young mother.

Therefore, even before the birth of the baby, it is better to consult with your doctor that you can eat after giving birth to a nursing mother. These lists vary by each specialist. But general trends can be inferred. Firstly, of course, it is better to eliminate junk food for the first time - a weakened parturient body must recover itself, and even feed the baby. Therefore, food should be nutritious and healthy. Since everything that you eat gets into breast milk, remember: the more harmful substances you personally consumed, the more your baby received them.

immediately after childbirth

What can I eat after childbirth to a nursing mother? These are vegetables, chicken, turkey and rabbit, as well as various cereals, dairy products and fruits in small quantities. All these products should not be fried - the child’s body will not be able to quickly digest heavy foods. For the same reason, you should abandon the excess of spices, salt and sugar in food. Some children do not like milk with the taste of onions or garlic, so, sadly, these vegetables are also better to exclude from the diet at first. Well and, no doubt, the ban applies to alcohol, flour and confectionery.

What can you eat after giving birth to a nursing mother, and what should I refuse? Unfortunately, the following foods are also not included in the diet: legumes, cabbage, pickles, mushrooms. These products are difficult to digest, and in addition, can contribute to gas formation in the baby, therefore it is better to forget about them for now, although their benefits in ordinary life are not questioned. In addition, limit those foods that can cause allergies in you and your baby: any red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits in large quantities, berries - it is better to introduce them later in the diet.

week after birth
The main rule for a nursing mother should be the following: you need to gradually introduce new products into your menu, looking closely at how your baby will react to them. It is better if there are no more than one or two of such elements in a month, believe me, you still have time to eat your favorite food when you stop breastfeeding!

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