Reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library: description, composition, requirements and rules

Each library, regardless of its direction, has a reference and bibliographic apparatus. It is extremely useful to understand it, because it will allow you to quickly find the right material. Information is a resource that every person needs, but there is a lot of it, so you need to be able to organize the right search.

In addition, this skill allows library staff to quickly perform their work: to help readers in obtaining material quickly and accurately.

The reference and bibliographic apparatus is a combination of all library material (fiction, reference books, articles, scientific papers) that exists to search for information.

The composition of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library

Now let’s take a closer look at what the library documentation consists of. It should be noted that both paper and electronic media are included here.

1. Directories (from the Greek “list”) are special entries that indicate the name and summary of the library stock. It may also exist in the form of pointers or catalog cards (forms); they should not be confused with reader cards.

The types of directories are as follows:

A) systematic (industry) catalog - a combination of records in which information is located by industry (sections).

B) the alphabetical index is also a kind of catalog, a collection of library fund records. It differs from the card system in that the information is sorted alphabetically according to the names of the authors. If the surname is unknown, use the first letter of the title of the work.

These are the main types of information retrieval catalogs in the library. In addition, there are many others, for example:

  • geographical (compiled by the location of the place of publication);
  • chronological (from the time of publication);
  • numbering (depends on the number assigned to each publication upon admission to the library).

Their presence is due to the orientation of the library and the number of reference materials; It is developed and approved individually in each institution.

If we talk about the degree of search efficiency, then, of course, the electronic catalog is the most convenient, allows you to quickly and accurately find the information you need. Both multi- and media resources, and remote access resources (that is, obtained via the Internet) can be used.

2. The collection of reference books is the most important part of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library. Its composition also depends on the specialization of the library.

It includes:

  • encyclopedias (most often universal);
  • encyclopedic dictionaries (explanatory, linguistic, linguistic, dictionaries of terms) and reference books;
  • decrees and resolutions (legislative documents);
  • previously completed references;
  • guides and calendars.
SBA composition

Organization of SBA libraries

The main task of librarians is to organize the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library in such a way as to facilitate their work and independent activity of visitors. This process consists of several parts:

  1. Appearance design (numbering boxes and creating labels).
  2. Interior design (bright, concise separators that help you quickly find the right material; they can be in the form of letters, syllables or numbers).
  3. Creation of a passport for each catalog (organization and time of compilation, name of parts, volume of each of them).
  4. Registration of cards (various information indexes, numbers and records).

In addition, the organization of SBA includes editing directories. It may affect the entire complex or some of its parts.

SBA Organization

Library Specialization

As mentioned earlier, the composition of the SBA largely depends on the specialization of the library, so let's look in more detail at which areas there are.

SBA is extremely important in the work of children's libraries, because the younger generation needs the correct supply of high-quality material, and it is especially difficult for them to navigate it.

SBA children's libraries

When working with the fund of reference publications in a children's institution, much attention is paid to design. It should be bright, colorful, evoke a desire to receive information about something. Using computer technology will help to captivate the child and make the cognitive process easier.

It is worth paying attention to the flow of material in a playful way. The creation of various thematic travels, classes in the spirit of “Science for Curiosities” will provide a craving for knowledge and a love of books for every kid. Interactive games on the topic of bibliography will help children understand this industry.

It is important to remember that children in preschool age are not yet ready to carry out search activities on their own. But primary and secondary schools can already learn how to work with reference books and encyclopedias.

In the work of the children's library, communication with parents is also important. You need to tell them about the literature for reading together with the children.

A lot of attention in the reference and bibliographic apparatus of children's libraries is given to the environmental theme and the issue of the native land.

Children's library

Library of the native land

The local history reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library, first of all, contains a large amount of information about the region.

It includes materials on the following topics:

  • history;
  • economy;
  • ecology;
  • geography;
  • industry and agriculture;
  • science and education;
  • art and culture (including folklore).

In addition, the catalogs and file cabinets include articles, newspaper clippings about prominent personalities and significant historical events of the region.

SBA local history library

School Library Fund

Most of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the school library is educational literature. This includes:

  1. Textbooks.
  2. Textbooks and notebooks.
  3. Cards.
  4. Reference publications, namely: dictionaries (foreign words, synonyms, explanatory, terminological and many others); encyclopedias (in subjects or branches of knowledge).
  5. Programmatic fiction.

Most materials are divided by grade or age of children.

School library

Requirements and rules for the SBA library

They are as follows:

  1. Availability. The reader should be able to obtain information on any issue that interests him. For this, the SBA must be complete and detailed.
  2. Science. The information that makes up the library’s reference fund should be written by specialists in a particular field and contain reliable facts.
  3. Easy to use. Catalogs, cards and file cabinets are created in such a way that any reader can quickly and accurately receive the necessary information, including independently.
SBA requirements and rules

To summarize

The reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library consists of many parts: catalogs and file cabinets, a collection of reference publications, cards and alphabetical indexes. The specific list depends on the specialization of the library and is approved individually for each institution.

Despite this, the main function of the SBA in any institution is a quick search for information at the request of visitors, providing high-quality, complete and accurate material. Moreover, it should be organized in such a way that the reader, if necessary, could find information independently.

Now, for sure, you have a little idea about the SBA, its work and organization, about what regional studies, school and children's libraries are additionally equipped with.

We hope that this will help in the work and a quick search for the necessary information.

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