Adenoid removal in children

Constant nasal congestion, breathing mainly through the mouth, snoring at night, frequent runny nose and otitis media are sure signs that your child has pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy, in other words, adenoids. This problem of childhood is faced by many parents, and the solution to it causes concern for many.

Adenoids do not have the best effect on the health of the child. The detection of adenoids in children is recorded at the age of one year to fifteen years. As you can see, the age range is rather big. Therefore, parents should have information about this pathology and, if it occurs in a child, make the right decision.

Adenoids are tonsils that are deep in the nasopharynx; they cannot be examined on their own. This is best done by an ENT doctor using a special mirror. Initially, all children have adenoids; they usually reach their maximum size by the age of three to seven years. During the disease, they increase in size and thus fulfill their protective function. In the case when the child is constantly sick, they do not have time to decrease back in size, begin to become inflamed and grow. As a result, large, purulent tonsils from the defender turn into a constant focus of infection.

In addition to the above-described signs of adenoids, the following can be called: frequent colds, frequent otitis media, intestinal dysbiosis, allergies.

Pay attention to the appearance of the child. Often the mouth is open in children, lips are dry, face is pale and puffy. When talking, the child is nasal.

In the behavior of the child it is noticeable that he quickly gets tired, complains of a headache, does not get enough sleep.

How to treat adenoids in children?

Only adenoids of the first degree are conservatively treated; surgery is indicated with a second and third degree.

Treatment of adenoids of the first degree involves ultraviolet irradiation, the use of general strengthening agents (immunostimulants, homeopathy, vitamins), climate therapy (removal to the sea for at least three weeks), instillation of tea tree and thuja oil, protargol, oak bark infusion in the nose.

When is adenoid removal in children indicated?

If the treatment, which lasts from three to twelve months, did not produce tangible results. In children, such an operation is done after three years. If you perform this operation earlier, there is a high probability of relapse (especially in children with allergies), adenoids can grow again.

Do I need to prepare for surgery? Removing adenoids in children involves preparing for it. It is necessary to heal all teeth affected by caries. A prerequisite is that within six months the child should not suffer from childhood infections and a cold for a month. The most favorable time for the operation is autumn or winter.

When the operation is done, you must follow the doctorโ€™s recommendations, which include the following:

1. On the first day after the removal of adenoids, children should have a half-bed regimen. The next seven days you only need to be at home.

2. For two weeks, all physical activity is prohibited.

3. In the first week after the removal of adenoids in children, you should not bathe them in hot water, as bleeding is possible.

4. If the nose is blocked, vasoconstrictive drops and astringent drying (protargolum) are prescribed in the first ten days.

5. What should be the nutrition of the child? You can not give cold, hot and spicy food, juices and fruits. It is recommended to offer the child a warm, liquid puree food (cream soup, yogurt).

The effect of the operation can be observed a month later.

So that the operation to remove adenoids does not affect your child, try to arrange for him such a lifestyle that will contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system: oral hygiene, hardening, timely treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

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