How to eliminate food poisoning: first aid

Food poisoning has been observed quite often recently. Moreover, the maximum number of cases is recorded during the New Year holidays, weddings or other dates, especially in the summer. The fact is that dishes often use mayonnaise, which cannot be stored for a long time. In addition, the products may not be fresh.

If you have food poisoning, first aid can save your life. Each person should know what actions to take in this case.

How do you know that you have poisoning?

food poisoning first aid
In principle, this problem has specific signs:

- acute pain in the abdomen;

- nausea and frequent vomiting;

- Abnormally high body temperature;

- sudden weakness and loss of consciousness;

- change in skin color (blanching);

- cardiopalmus;

- frequent diarrhea (up to 15 times a day);

- decrease in pressure.

If a person has food poisoning, first aid should be provided very quickly in order to prevent severe intoxication of the body. It is advisable to call an ambulance immediately. The fact is that doctors will help the patient quickly get rid of the effects of intoxication with the help of droppers and other drugs.

What should be done first?

food poisoning first aid
So, if a person has found food poisoning, first aid is carried out immediately. However, it is necessary to determine the product that provoked the situation. The first action to be performed in this case is to rinse the stomach. Thanks to this, you can eliminate the product that poisons the body, as well as stop the intoxication.

For this, the patient must drink a large amount of clean water, and then he should induce vomiting. Add a few teaspoons of baking soda to the liquid . Repeat the procedure 2-3 times to finally remove toxins from the stomach. The next step is to give the patient some sorbent (Enterosgel, activated carbon). Tablets should be drunk several times (4 pieces every 3 hours).

If a person has food poisoning, first aid involves calling a doctor, as the condition of the victim can deteriorate sharply even after many hours after the onset of intoxication. Only a doctor will be able to determine if the toxin has entered the bloodstream and what harm it has done to the body. In addition, in a hospital, specialists will be able to quickly eliminate the consequences of the disease.

food poisoning

Product Poisoning Prevention

To ensure that the situation does not recur, certain precautions must be taken. For example, never buy expired products. If you cook salads with mayonnaise, then they must be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. Do not leave food outdoors, as flies that carry a large number of harmful microorganisms can land on them.

Also try to thoroughly peel fruits and vegetables, conduct a very high-quality heat treatment of fish and meat. Do not store salted or pickled foods for too long. And remember, if you have food poisoning, first aid helps the body recover as soon as possible after an illness, and in some cases it saves your life.

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