Cervical lymphadenitis is called inflammation of the regional lymph nodes located on the neck, which occurs as a result of their infection by various bacteria. The infection enters the lymph node through the lymphatic paths from the main inflammatory focus. Cervical lymphadenitis very rarely occurs as an independent disease, more often it appears secondary, due to the spread of the inflammatory process.
Cervical lymphadenitis is considered a polyetiological disease, that is, a huge number of reasons can lead to its occurrence. The causative agent of the disease are bacteria: staphylococcus, tubercle bacillus or streptococcus. According to medical statistics, the most common factor provoking the disease is the inflammatory process, which develops as a result of complicated teeth destroyed by caries. Very often, cervical lymphadenitis occurs as a result of other diseases of the oral cavity, nose, ear and throat. For example, it can be stomatitis, rhinitis, purulent otitis media, gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and purulent tonsillitis. Also, inflammatory processes on the skin of the head, neck and face can provoke the development of this disease, such as: a boil, abscess and carbuncle. Cervical lymphadenitis in children always accompanies scarlet fever, and in adults - syphilis.
The disease at the initial stage does not have a vivid clinical picture. But, depending on the nature of the course of the disease, the clinic becomes apparent. Cervical lymphadenitis is acute or chronic.
The acute inflammatory process begins with a dull pain localized at the site of the affected node, and restriction of neck mobility. The lymph nodes themselves are enlarged, and when pressed on them, painful sensations are noted. If the correct treatment is carried out in time, then all the symptoms disappear after a few weeks. And in advanced cases, an infiltrate is formed in the area of ββthe node. The general well-being of the patient worsens significantly. Appears: severe pain in the cervical spine, fever, malaise, loss of appetite. A few days later, a fistula forms at the site of the infiltrate, through which pus comes out. With this course of the disease, a long and intensive treatment is required.
Chronic cervical lymphadenitis develops after the acute stage subsides and is characterized by a constant increase in lymph nodes (they are not painful). General well-being remains within normal limits. If there is an infection in the body that periodically attacks the node, then there is a possibility of the formation of a new infiltrate, and then a fistula next to the previous one.
If a person has cervical lymphadenitis, treatment should begin with the elimination of the underlying cause. For example, remove a tooth, cure stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis. In the acute form of the course of the disease, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy and physiotherapy to the patient. Dry heat can be applied to the affected area: compresses and heating pads. Be sure to prescribe anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs to the patient. If a person has developed acute lymphadenitis with the formation of infiltrates and fistulas, then he is shown immediate hospitalization. In hospitals, as a rule, an abscess is opened, washed with a solution of antibiotics and drained.
If the patient does not seek help in a timely manner, then there is a risk of complications, such as: thrombophlebitis, purulent infection metastases, sepsis, necrosis.
Prevention of the development of complications of cervical lymphadenitis consists in maintaining a constant cleanliness of the body, timely seeking qualified help, following the recommendations and following doctor's prescriptions.