"Furazolidone" for children: instruction, dosage, reviews

In the article, we consider the instructions for the use of "Furazolidone" in tablets for children.

It is a synthetic antibacterial drug with a fairly wide spectrum of effects, but inferior to many antibiotics in effectiveness. Due to its properties to inhibit the growth of various microorganisms, this medicine has found application in pediatric medicine, for example, for the treatment of infectious diseases of the digestive system and giardiasis.

furazolidone in granules

general description

According to the instructions, "Furazolidone" for children is classified as an extensive category of drugs, that is, nitrofurans. The mechanism of their action is to block the cellular respiration of pathogenic organisms. This inhibits their reproduction and leads to death. In addition, nitrofurans can interfere with the DNA synthesis of various bacteria, their energy processes and metabolism. The spectrum of effects of the drug can extend not only to bacteria, but also to simple microorganisms.

It can be given to children up to a year. Instructions for use "Furazolidone" confirms this.

A great advantage of the drug is its ability to enhance the phagocytic activity of blood and liver cells. This can help improve the immune response, quick recovery after a previous pathology.

"Furazolidone" acts very effectively on the causative agents of typhoid fever, on microorganisms that cause paratyphoid and dysentery. It is important to note that microorganisms extremely slowly develop resistance to the drug, in this regard, it is suitable for long-term use.

Release Forms

There are two pharmaceutical options for Furazolidone.

  • Tablet form. One tablet of the drug contains 50 milligrams of the main active ingredient. The package contains ten such tablets.
  • In the form of granules. Granules are intended for the preparation of a solution (suspension). They are packed in small jars with a volume of 150 milliliters. The package contains 50 grams of active substance.

This is indicated in the instructions for "Furazolidone." For children, all these forms are used. But granules for suspension are not sold in Russia. They are produced in Poland, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. Thus, for this dosage form you will have to go to these countries or order the drug from there through Russian pharmacies or the Internet.

"Furazolidone" is almost not absorbed by the body in the digestive system. Some of the active ingredient (about five percent) can enter the systemic circulation and exit through the urinary system. Therefore, when using this tool, it is possible to stain the urine in brown.

furazolidone tablets for children

When "Furazolidone" is used to treat children

The use of this medication is recommended in the treatment of various intestinal infections. Indications for its use are:

  • The presence of dysenteric infection.
  • Food poisoning and toxic infections.
  • The occurrence of typhoid and paratyphoid diseases.

The medicine is also used in the complex treatment of rotavirus infections. In this case, it can inhibit the growth of pathogenic flora in the intestine, contributing to a very fast recovery of the intestinal walls after the disease.

In accordance with the instructions, ā€œFurazolidoneā€ for children is also prescribed for the treatment of parasitic giardiasis. This drug has been used in medical practice since 1950. Its main advantage is consistently high performance indicators. As a rule, microorganisms do not develop resistance to it.

Before using "Furazolidone", it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. Some symptoms, such as diarrhea and vomiting, can be a sign of many diseases, not just intestinal infections. Only a pediatrician can determine the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

How to take "Furazolidone" in tablets

According to the instructions, tablets of the drug "Furazolidone" can be given to babies, starting from the age of one. But in practice, this drug is prescribed only to older children, already able to swallow pills. In most cases, we are talking about patients who are older than three years.

The instruction determines the dosage of ā€œFurazolidoneā€ for children at the rate of 0.01 g of medicine per kilogram of weight. This amount of medication is intended for daily use. The resulting daily dosage is divided into four doses and is given to the patient. For example, if the childā€™s weight is twenty kilograms, then he needs 200 milligrams of the drug per day. It is best to divide this dose into four doses. Thus, 50 milligrams will be released at a time. This tells us the instructions for use of "Furazolidone." Children of 3 years old have been prescribed it for many years, because the effectiveness of such treatment is noted.

Similarly, the dosage for children with giardiasis is calculated. In this case, the daily dose is 0.01 g per kilogram of the childā€™s weight. On average, the duration of treatment is from five to seven days. It all depends on the severity of clinical symptoms and the dynamics of the disease. But they do not recommend taking this drug for more than ten days.

furazolidone infants

The dosage for children in the instructions for use of tablets "Furazolidone" is described in detail.

Pellet treatment

If you can get the medicine exactly in this form of release, then immediately before its use it is necessary to prepare a medicinal suspension from the granules in the bottle. To do this, boil and cool the water, which is then added to the bottle with powder to the level of a special mark. The mark corresponds to a volume of 100 milliliters. The finished suspension is stored in the refrigerator during the entire treatment. Before use, the bottle must be shaken. This is confirmed by the instructions for use with Furazolidone.

When children are 1 year old, it is best to give the drug before meals. After drinking, you need to offer your child a large amount of liquid, not less than 200 milliliters. Recommended daily dosing:

  • From the age of birth to one year old, the daily amount is 4 milliliters.
  • 5 milliliters - for children 2 years old. Instructions for use with Furazolidone describe this in detail.
  • At the age of three to four years is given 6-7 milliliters per day.
  • From five to six years, 8-8.5 milliliters.

According to the instructions, the liquid form of the drug can be given even to patients in infancy. But the suspension of "Furazolidone" should not be used to treat newborns. This is directly related to the fact that they have insufficient maturity of the enzymatic system of the liver, so there is a risk of a violation in the work of hematopoiesis. Thus, how much and how exactly to give this drug to an infant is best decided by the doctor. The duration of therapy is usually also determined by the doctor. Give the remedy to children under one year of age and at an older age should not exceed ten days.

furazolidone contraindications

What else does the instruction for the use of Furazolidone tablets in children tell us?

Side effects

In most situations, the medicine presented is very well tolerated by children. But sometimes the following adverse reactions may occur in babies:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Onset of nausea and vomiting.
  • The development of allergies of varying severity.

In case of significant excess of the recommended doses of the drug, an overdose may occur. It manifests itself primarily in liver damage, peripheral nerve fibers also suffer. In addition, hematopoiesis may be impaired. In this case, detoxification is carried out for small patients, B-group vitamins are prescribed, as well as hepatoprotectors. Accurate compliance with the dose and regimen of the drug will help to avoid adverse reactions.

Instructions for the use of Furazolidone tablets by children and parental reviews confirm this.


You can not use this drug in such cases:

  • The child has a high sensitivity to the components in the composition of the medication.
  • Impaired renal and hepatic function.
  • A childā€™s lack of an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Compatibility with other medicines

In accordance with the instructions for "Furazolidone" for children in tablets, the drug presented is compatible with most various pharmacological agents. It is allowed to combine with drugs that improve the digestive system. This drug is combined with antibiotics. Aminoglycosides and tetracyclines are able to potentiate the effects of nitrofurans. The simultaneous use of this medication with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, Chloramphenicoloma and Ristomycin is not recommended.

furazolidone how to take

It is strictly forbidden to give this medication along with medicines that contain alcohol. This can provoke disulfiram-like reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of vomiting, severe nausea, palpitations, a feeling of lack of air, coughing, redness of the skin and psychomotor agitation. If the child has already been prescribed any other medications, then they must be reported to the attending physician about them.

Where to buy "Furazolidone" for children

Furazolidone tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctorā€™s prescription. The cost of the medicine is quite affordable. For ten tablets, you will have to pay from 70 to one hundred rubles. The cost of this medicine directly depends on the manufacturer and on the trade margins in a particular pharmacy chain. As for the granules for the preparation of the suspension, then, as noted earlier, they can be ordered via the Internet.

We reviewed the instructions for use with "Furazolidone" 50 mg for children.

Analogues of the drug

ā€œFurazolidoneā€ has no absolute analogues. But in pharmacies you can choose drugs from the category of nitrofurans, which affect the body like "Furazolidone." We are talking about Nifuroxazide, Enterofuril, Nitrofurantoin and Furazidine.

These drugs have a chemical composition similar to Furazolidone, but differ significantly in their effects. For example, Nifuroxazide and Enterofuril are used to treat intestinal infections. These drugs are almost not absorbed from the digestive system. Also in pharmacies there is a drug "Dependal M", which contains metronidazole. This medicine has a convenient children's pharmaceutical form in the form of a syrup.

ā€œFurazidineā€ and ā€œNirofurantoinā€ easily penetrate into the systemic circulation. Their main point of application is the urinary tract. In this regard, they are often used in the suppressive treatment of chronic infections of the kidneys, bladder and ureters. These drugs are prescribed for cystitis, urethritis, and pyelonephritis. "Furazidine" can also be used topically as part of a wash of wounds and therapy of inflammation on the skin.

It is not recommended to replace the medicine prescribed by your doctor on your own. The spectrum of exposure to some nitrofurans may vary, and therefore the indications for their appointment may be different.

The instruction for "Furazolidone" for children in tablets and its analogues should be carefully studied before taking.

furazolidone analogues

Advantages of Furazolidone for Children

The drug acts as an inexpensive and quite effective remedy in the presence of intestinal infections. It has a number of advantages over other antibacterial agents, including antibiotics:

  • This medication has its effect exclusively in the intestinal lumen.
  • The medication is effective against various intestinal infections.
  • The medicine helps to restore the intestinal walls.
  • It does not have a damaging effect on the natural intestinal microflora.
  • Almost does not interact with any other drugs.
  • Differs in low cost.

Next, we will get acquainted with the reviews of the parents and find out how, in their opinion, the presented medication is effective for treating children.

Reviews about "Furazolidone"

There are many positive reviews about the drug "Furazolidone" for children, which indicate that this tool actually helps to quickly eliminate the signs of almost any digestive system disorder. However, pediatric practice shows that ten percent of children experience side effects when using it. In this regard, it is necessary to strictly observe the treatment regimen prescribed by the pediatrician.

In general, based on the reviews, it can be said that almost all parents are satisfied with the results of treatment with this medication. Parents note that against the background of taking "Furazolidone" all the symptoms of the disease are markedly reduced, and subsequently completely disappears.

furazolidone side effects

Parents praise Furazolidone for helping their babies with diarrhea. It is noted that this is a reliable remedy for diarrhea. The presented drug is also effective in the treatment of various infections accompanied by vomiting and loose stools. Parents write that against the backdrop of such ailments, after only a few hours, the kids feel much better. The disease quickly recedes, and the mood in children improves. Parents praise this drug for its affordable cost, as well as the availability in any pharmacy.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that ā€œFurazolidoneā€ is today a very popular drug for children in the presence of dysenteric infection, food poisoning or paratyphoid diseases. Positive parental reviews confirm the effectiveness of this medicine. Many mothers and fathers recommend this medication to treat others.

The article presented instructions for use for "Furazolidone" for children and reviews.

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