Statins: side effects, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

In the article, we consider the possible side effects of statins.

They belong to the group of drugs, the effect of which is aimed at lowering cholesterol. They are used for treatment, and, in addition, for the prevention of atherosclerosis, which is a dangerous vascular disease and is the main culprit in the blood supply to tissues and organs.

What is the effect of statins on plaques? They inhibit the production of mevalonate - this is a substance that takes part in the production of cholesterol. Thanks to the drug, the state of the internal vascular walls at the initial stage of the development of atherosclerosis improves, blood liquefies, and, in addition, the risk of blood clots in the vessels is significantly reduced.

side effects of statins on the human body

Before taking it, it is necessary to take into account the side effects of statins on the human body.

What it is?

Statins are able to block the work of a special enzyme in the liver, which is necessary for the production of cholesterol.

Despite the fact that cholesterol is required for the healthy functioning of cells and the body, its excessively high level can lead to atherosclerosis, that is, to a condition against which plaques form in the arteries that block blood flow. By lowering cholesterol, statins reduce the risks of chest pain, heart attack, and stroke.

There are a variety of statins, for example, Atorvastatin, along with Cerivastatin, Fluvastatin, Lovastatin, Mevastatin, Pitavastatin, Pravastatin, Rosuvastatin and Simvastatin. Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin preparations are the most powerful. But “Fluvastatin”, on the contrary, is considered not the most effective.

New generation statins

The new generation statins that are highly effective in the fight against harmful cholesterol include Atorvastatin, along with Rosuvastatin, Simvastatin, Lovastatin, and so on. There is also a natural statin, which is extracted from red rice - it is monacolin. Statins are highly selective in regulating the production of mevalonate. Conventionally, cholesterol is divided into two types:

  • Good, that is, lipoproteins, characterized by high density.
  • Bad, characterized by low density lipoproteins.

What is the mechanism of action of statins?

They reduce the level of exactly the bad type of cholesterol, increasing the level of harmless against this background, without which it is simply impossible to perform a number of useful functions in the human body.

In the modern world, statins are the main means of effectively lowering cholesterol. The results of therapy, as a rule, are visible already in the second month of using the tablets and are manifested in the expansion of the arterial reserve, and, in addition, in increased blood flow to the heart muscle, lowering the risk of blood clots, restoration of heart rhythm and maintaining atherosclerotic plaques in a stable state. True, side effects of statins on the human body are not ruled out.

statins contraindications and side effects

Composition and format of the issue

Statins are produced and released in the form of coated tablets. They are intended for oral use. The active ingredient is statin. As auxiliary ingredients, as a rule, lactose is used along with starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium hydrosilicate, stearic acid and so on. Next, talk about the testimony and find out when statins are necessary for use.

Indications for use

Statins are prescribed to patients if they have the following pathological factors:

  • In the case of atherosclerosis.
  • Against the background of diabetes. This is considered a factor causing cardiac and vascular diseases.
  • In the presence of heart disease.
  • In the case of a hereditary tendency to form blood clots, when the risks of heart attacks are high.
  • If patients have ACS, that is, acute coronary syndrome.
  • In the case of myocardial infarction (regardless of whether it is primary or secondary).
  • Against the background of cardiac ischemia (that is, in the case of a high risk of heart attack or stroke).
  • With increased cholesterol in adolescents and adult patients.
  • In heart surgery and obesity.

This drug is prescribed with caution to women of reproductive age.

Contraindications and side effects of statins should be taken into account when appointing.


The main contraindications for the use of statins include:

  • The presence of serious violations in the liver.
  • The occurrence of impaired renal function.
  • In case of allergic reactions after previous courses of drugs.
  • During the bearing of the child and during lactation.
  • During the period of reproductive age in women, if reliable contraceptives are not used.
  • In the presence of hypersensitivity to the drug and its components.
    effect of statins on the liver

Immediately before using the drug, it is mandatory to stop the use of antibiotics, and, in addition, immune products along with birth control and blood thinning drugs, since under such circumstances it is likely that an undesirable complication in the work of the kidneys and liver is likely to develop. It is worth noting that during pregnancy and feeding statins are strictly contraindicated.

Mode of application

Statins are usually taken orally and only as directed by a doctor. These drugs should lower the level of bad cholesterol by sixty percent. The amount of harmless cholesterol is reduced by about thirty percent.

The main dosages for statins are usually 10, 40 or 80 milligrams per day. But at the same time, a dosage of 80 milligrams is the maximum. Only a doctor can determine the required dosage based on the general condition and health of the patient. The recommended starting dose is 10 or 20 milligrams once a day. It is advisable to take in the evening, that is, when the synthesis of cholesterol in the body is activated as much as possible.

Also, the side effect of statins will be less pronounced.


With an increase in the allowable dosages of such drugs, it is possible for a person to develop a very dangerous condition called rhabdomyolism, that is, the destruction of muscle tissue. Among other things, serious liver abnormalities are not ruled out. In case of an overdose in the patient, it is recommended to take measures to immediately flush the stomach, and, in addition, to take absorbents and perform symptomatic therapy, if necessary.

Statins and side effects

When using statins in patients, many undesirable phenomena can develop in the form of nausea, asthenia, sleep disturbances, stool, intestinal pain, dizziness, memory impairment, numbness, excessive sweating and hearing loss. In addition, taking such medications can lead to the development of hepatitis, pancreatitis, seizures, arthritis, itching, skin rashes, and Lyell's syndrome. It is also possible the development of diabetes, impotence, swelling and obesity.

Despite the fact that most people encounter only minor side effects of statins on the body, some sometimes suffer severely from a headache, and, in addition, from tingling, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, and also from a rash. Very rarely, patients can receive a severe form of muscle inflammation.

But there are two of the most serious side effects of statins, which are relatively rare. We are talking about liver failure and skeletal muscle damage. Such muscle damage is an extremely serious type of myopathy, it is called, as previously noted, rhabdomyolysis. This disease in people usually begins with muscle pain and will worsen until the patient develops kidney failure, after which death occurs. A similar condition mainly occurs when statins are used in combination with other medicines that carry high risks of rhabdomyolysis or other medicines that increase blood statins.

statins effect on the body

Effect on the liver

People with active liver disease should not use statins. In the event that liver disease still develops, then the intake of these medications must be stopped. In addition, women who are nursing and bearing a child or those women who are just about to become pregnant should not use them for treatment. The effect of statins on the liver is fatal.

Typically, patients taking drugs of this group are not recommended to combine them with various drugs, especially with protease inhibitors (those prescribed as part of AIDS treatment), Erythromycin, Itraconazole, Clarithromycin, Diltiazem, Verapamil or fibrates that lower the level of beneficial cholesterol. Such combinations are extremely detrimental to the health of the liver.

People taking statins should also avoid grapefruit juice and grapefruit due to the rather dangerous consequences of this interaction.

Storage conditions

First of all, all statins should be kept away from children, at a temperature of twenty to thirty degrees. Subject to proper storage conditions, the shelf life of these preparations is two years from the date of manufacture.

Which statin medicine has fewer side effects?

Referring to various studies, scientists have found the answer to the question of which statins are the safest and most effective. First of all, specialists distinguish a medicine called Atorvastatin. This is perhaps the most used drug, and at the same time showing the best research results.

Slightly less often use "Rosuvastatin", which is also considered one of the safest statins. Specialists put the drug “Simvastatin” in third place for safety, which is also a reliable drug that causes only minor side effects in patients, but with excellent effect on blood vessels. The statins should be selected by the doctor.

statins side effect


So, the drug “Atorvastatin” is the foremost in the list of prescribed drugs in the presence of problems in the cardiac and vascular system, as well as against the background of the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Its effectiveness, first of all, is confirmed by the high results of many clinical studies that were conducted on subjects of different age groups, and, in addition, on patients with various pathologies of the cardiac and vascular system.

The dosage variability of this medication ranges, as a rule, from 40 to 80 milligrams, which ensures safe use and adjustment, depending on the severity of the pathology. The effect of statins on the body is unique.

According to tests that were conducted, Atorvastatin can reduce the likelihood of a stroke by up to fifty percent.

The drug "Rosuvastatin"

The medicine "Rosuvastatin" is a synthetically created drug from the group of statins. It has a pronounced hydrophilicity, due to which its detrimental effect on the liver is reduced, and, in addition, the effectiveness of preventing the formation of low density lipoproteins, which are the main link in cholesterol synthesis, is increased. The drug "Rosuvastatin", as a rule, does not cause harmful effects on muscle tissue, that is, it can be used without worrying about the occurrence of myopathy and muscle cramps.

which statin medicine has fewer side effects

The use of dosages of 40 milligrams reduces the level of bad cholesterol by up to forty percent, which significantly reduces the risks of atherosclerosis. It is worth noting that the drug "Rosuvastatin" is most effective compared to other drugs. For example, applying a dosage of 40 milligrams produces a stronger effect than taking 80 milligrams of Atorvastatin. A dosage of 20 milligrams reduces the amount of bad cholesterol, as when using 80 milligrams of the same “Atorvastatin”.

The proper effect, as a rule, manifests itself already during the first week of use. Before the start of the second week, it can already be ninety-five percent, and in the fourth it is able to reach an absolute maximum and keeps constant under the condition of regular therapy.

The medicine "Simvastatin"

According to studies, the use of this drug for five years by ten percent reduces the risk of heart and vascular disease in the post-infarction period. And, in addition, a similar percentage is recorded for patients with cardiac and vascular pathologies, diabetes and those who have suffered a stroke.

It has been repeatedly proved that during the two years of administration, the ratio of lipoproteins, which are responsible for the synthesis and utilization of cholesterol, is significantly improved, the risk of blood clots in the arteries is reduced.

Everyone wants to choose statins without side effects for the elderly.

In general, it must be said that statins are quite safe in their use. Risks of side effects, of course, exist, but they are quite small. Everything directly depends on caution, and, in addition, on the patient's consciousness. As part of the analysis of the individual characteristics of patients, their age data and heredity, you can always determine which statin is needed to provide the most favorable effect.

What are the benefits of statins for the elderly?

Statins are drugs that reduce the risks of heart attack and stroke, since they inhibit the development of atherosclerosis in patients. They also increase the stability of atherosclerotic plaques. The fact is that the more stable the plaques, the less will be the risk of their rupture. In case of sudden rupture of atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots form, which completely clog the artery. In this case, a heart attack or ischemic stroke may occur. Statins reduce the risks of this development. For older people, this is very useful, since their vessels are often significantly damaged by atherosclerosis.

vascular action of statins

Among the frequently used, and at the same time popular statins, are Rosuvastatin along with Krestor, Mertenil, Roxer and Rosucard. A series of studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of statins for elderly patients who suffer from ischemic heart disease or have had a heart attack. Taking such medications significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke for older people, and also eliminates the need for coronary artery bypass grafting and stenting.

The effect of statins on the human body is more positive.

People who suffer from coronary disease are, first of all, patients belonging to the risk group for heart and vascular diseases. For those who have had a heart attack, a second case may occur. In this regard, in this category of patients it is necessary to take such drugs, even despite the likely side effects of statins. In older people, the risks of heart and vascular diseases increase, so these medications are even more important drugs. No other drugs can also lower the risks of a first and subsequent heart attack or stroke.

So, we considered contraindications and side effects of statins.

Statin Reviews

In the modern world, statins are firmly established in drugstore shelves. The high demand for these drugs is explained by the great susceptibility of modern society to such a disease as atherosclerosis. Moreover, high cholesterol is observed in people not only in retirement age, but also in young patients.

In the reviews, people say that because of high cholesterol, they are forced to regularly take statins to maintain vascular health and prevent atherosclerosis. Despite a number of side effects that can cause statins, doctors nevertheless insist on the importance of taking them.

As patients say in their reviews, most often doctors try to prescribe them the safest statins in the form of Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin.It is reported that while taking these drugs, cholesterol is kept within normal limits, and, in addition, patients have no serious side effects. Reviews of statins should be consulted in advance.

Preference is sometimes given to Simvastatin, which, according to consumers, is the safest.

The article described the side effects of statins on the body.

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