Riddles are a very common genre of folklore. Along with nursery rhymes, jokes, sayings, songs, ditties, proverbs and sayings, they help to develop all cognitive processes: memory, attention, imagination, thinking. It is extremely useful for a child to read puzzles.
At the same time, you must try so that he himself thinks of the correct answer. Of course, you can tell a little, because the right direction can greatly simplify the difficult task. The riddle about the wheel should emphasize the usefulness of this device for humans. You can select various texts for your child for better memorization.
The wheels are round, so they are convenient for transportation. Starting from the ground, they set in motion the whole mechanism. Based on this feature, you can read the riddle to the baby.
They are amazingly round
They help not to go astray.
Itโs important to know the direction
Which awaits us ahead .
You can find puzzles for the child about the radius of the wheels.
Children of the younger group must be sure to understand why people use such a device as a wheel. Using appropriate puzzles, you can achieve a complete understanding of the essence of a particular subject.
Walk fast on the road
Four brothers. But not the legs!
Take a closer look at them,
Arrive at the house, open the door .
It is important to give children an idea of โโwhat the wheel is used for, what have external features and why in modern society it is absolutely impossible to do without it.
Thus, riddles about the wheel will be useful for children three to four years old. They will help in the study of form, in the formation of an understanding of how everything is arranged in the world. These short texts can be used by the parents of those children who are just beginning to learn the world around them.