Tincture of Eleutherococcus, the instruction confirms this, is a drug with anti-stress, tonic and restorative effect. This tool improves the body's resistance (non-specific), and also increases its resistance to negative environmental factors.
Tincture of Eleutherococcus (the instructions describe this in detail) is prescribed in complex treatment in the following cases:
- psychoemotional stress;
- disorders of the nervous system (functional);
- anorexia;
- overwork;
- the period after diseases that deplete the body;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- obesity;
- immunodeficiencies;
- impotence;
- asthenia;
- chronic fatigue syndrome;
- decreased performance;
- recovery after chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
The medicinal raw materials that have a therapeutic effect are the roots and rhizomes of the plant. The optimal harvesting time is late autumn. Eleutheroside glycosides contained in eleutherococcus are plant biologically active substances.
The roots of the plant are included in the British and European Pharmacopoeia as an immunomodulator and adaptogen.
Tincture of Eleutherococcus, the instruction informs, has a positive effect on the body, it consists in the following:
- excitation of the central nervous system;
- activation of conditioned reflex activity and motor activity ;
- increase mental and physical performance;
- decrease in drowsiness;
- increased visual acuity and improved hearing;
- increased resistance to the effects of stress, adverse and extreme factors;
- increasing adaptogenic properties of the body;
- activation of the main exchange;
- appetite improvement;
- increased potency and normalization of the reproductive system;
- normalization of blood pressure with hypotension;
- restoration of lipid metabolism;
- lower blood sugar and cholesterol;
- prevention of atherosclerosis;
- lowering hyperglycemia;
- strengthening the cardiovascular system;
- contributing to the elimination of toxins from the body (reduces the hypnotic effect of ether and barbiturates, the toxic effect of aminazil, ethanol and others);
- increasing the body's resistance to various ailments;
- reduced risk of cancer.
Tincture of Eleutherococcus (instructions noted), even with a single application, significantly increases the efficiency of the body. With regular admission, its tonic effect is noted. In addition, this medication helps to get rid of oily seborrhea of ββthe skin and early baldness.
The pharmaceutical agent in question is used, as a rule, in the first half of the day during meals or 30 minutes before it.
Tincture of the plant can be prepared at home. To do this, pour a liter of vodka 150-200 grams of crushed dried roots of Eleutherococcus. The resulting mass must be insisted for fourteen days, sometimes shaking it. After this time, the infusion is filtered and taken several times a day for half a teaspoon.
Tincture of Eleutherococcus. Contraindications
The drug is not recommended for use with severe atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, impaired cardiac activity, insomnia, increased nervous irritability. The drug is not used in the acute phase of somatic and infectious diseases, as well as with individual intolerance to its components. Tincture of Eleutherococcus during pregnancy and lactation is not prescribed. It is also contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.
The drug is recommended to be stored in a cool and dry place.