Wall painting: from cave paintings to the present

Wall painting is the oldest form of fine art, however, it is rather difficult to determine exactly when it first appeared.

Cave painting

It is known that even in prehistoric times, our ancestors applied primitive drawings to the walls of the caves in which they lived. Rock art dates from the Paleolithic era. Primitive people are the first artists in the world to leave silent evidence of their existence on earth, and the drawings contain an incredible amount of valuable information about their life and way of life.

Wall art

Wall painting of the tombs of the pharaohs

Not all experts agree that cave paintings are a prototype of such a painting. Many call the mural of Ancient Egypt a wonderful example of fine art. Decorated memorial temples testify to the great talent and giftedness of the inhabitants of the great civilization, which left many mysteries to the descendants.

Wall painting tells about formidable deities and important historical events. All works closely associated with mythology and religion obeyed strict canons. Artificially created space was filled with murals that make sense. Over time, magnificent masterpieces began to appear in the tombs of the pharaohs who dreamed of decorating their posthumous dwelling. The ancient masters pursued several goals - to exalt the ruler and do everything so that his tomb was considered the most beautiful.

wall painting of egypt

The drawings were applied to the walls of the tombs and thus perpetuated the life of the deceased pharaoh in the afterlife. That is why the wall painting of Egypt does not reproduce landscapes and any emotions. The drawings were often supplied with hieroglyphs that complement the essence of the image.

The significant difference between the drawings of primitive man and the Egyptians

Are there any differences in cave paintings made by primitive man from images in Egyptian tombs? They are related by the apparent simplicity of the drawings, however, the artists of the most famous civilization reliably reproduced every part of the body, excluding the slightest distortion. They carefully observed all the proportions of the human figure. Imperturbable rulers, on whose faces there are no feelings, were always portrayed as young and tall, thus the artists emphasized their importance in society.

Over time, the technique of wall painting is being improved: the images are clearly transmitted, the composition takes on organization.

The Art of Ancient Rome

The most common version is the one that sees the close connection of wall painting with frescoes made by masters of the greatest state of Antiquity. And when it comes to ancient Roman art, it should be noted that it is radically different from Egyptian.

wall painting technique

Murals are a special type of wall painting, where the coloring powder is mixed with water and applied to a damp surface, previously covered with a layer of plaster. They are well preserved in a dry climate, so they have gained such popularity in Italy.

Altar of the world - a new word in painting

During the reign of Emperor Augustus, an altar appeared in honor of the goddess of peace, which is a quadrangular structure. The walls of the historical monument, painted with images and ornaments, seem to protrude above the plane and begin to interact with space. Artists and architects achieved an incredible effect: it seemed to the audience that they were in a niche, thereby creating an illusion of depth masters.

Ancient Roman creators were already familiar with the methods of chiaroscuro and applied them, embodying vivid artistic images. The paintings were accompanied by a landscape background, the inclusion of inserts with the contour figures of people, and later wall painting was a complex structure resembling a theater stage.

Religious subjects are replaced by images of social life.

During the Renaissance, artists depicting illusions on the walls were extremely appreciated, and their masterpieces were so realistic that the audience did not find the line between the fictional world and the present. It was during this period that wall painting became secular. Brilliant creators paint not only churches, but also the interiors of residential premises.

Modern wall painting

Before the revolution in Russia, wall painting was considered a measure of the status of the owner - the drawings made up the idea of โ€‹โ€‹his wealth. In recent years, in our country it has regained popularity, because due to the voluminous drawings it is possible to expand the space of the room and emphasize the individuality of its inhabitants. Modern designers know how to diversify the interior and make bright colors in the houses and apartments built according to the pattern.

kind of wall painting

Wall painting is not only beauty and harmony, but also durability. Many works that add charm are unique, and the idea that they are the only owners of genuine masterpieces warms their owners.

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