Cream "Skin-Cap": instructions for use, reviews

“Skin-Cap” is a drug produced in the form of a cream and intended for application to the skin. The drug can be used exclusively externally. It is able to exhibit antibacterial and antimycotic activity.

Against the background of its application, the regeneration of damaged tissues is reduced. The drug has a number of indications and specific contraindications, and its use in pediatrics is limited. The impact on the woman’s body during pregnancy and on the fetal development process has not been studied by specialists, and therefore it is not recommended to use the cream during this period.

The manufacturer produces the medicine in the form of a cream that can be used exclusively externally.

skin cap

The composition and description of such a drug

Cream "Skin-Cap" has a white color and a pronounced specific odor. The main active ingredient in the composition of the drug is activated zinc pyrithione. As auxiliary components in the manufacture of cream are used:

  • purified water;
  • flavoring;
  • stearyl alcohol;
  • cyclomethicone;
  • isopropyl palmitate;
  • polyglycerol distearate;
  • glycerol stearate;
  • octyl octanoate;
  • sucrose cocoate;
  • glycerol;
  • nipagin;
  • butylhydroxytoluene.

Pharmacological group of the drug

Skin-Cap is a drug with a combined type of exposure, which is intended for external use. The active substances of the drug after its application remain in the surface layers of the dermis. The drug has an accumulative ability, which makes it possible to spread active molecules in problem areas.

The active component is absorbed quite quickly, characterized by a long half-elimination period. Absorption into the systemic circulation occurs in small quantities. It does not directly affect the structure of the body.

It is metabolized by liver tissue, excreted in conjunction with kidney metabolites. Even prolonged use of a medication is not addictive to the active component.

skin cap instruction

Indications for use of a similar drug

Find out in what cases the remedy is prescribed? According to the instructions, Skin-Cap is prescribed to patients if the following diseases of the dermis are noted:

  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • dry water cover;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

In adult patients, the drug can be used in the presence of these indications. However, before starting a course of therapy, it is worth consulting a doctor. The drug can be used in the treatment of children from 1 year, but only if there are indications and recommendations of a specialist.

Clinical studies confirming the safety of the drug in the treatment of pregnant women and during lactation have not been conducted. In this connection, in order to avoid complications, it is recommended to refrain from using "Skin-Cap" in these periods of life.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

The drug "Skin-Cap" is unacceptable for use in patients with an individual susceptibility to the main or any auxiliary component of the cream. It does not recommend the use of funds by persons who are predisposed to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

skin cap cream

Drug use

As the instructions indicate, the Skin-Cap cream can be used exclusively for external application. Apply the cream with a thin even layer on the affected areas of the dermis, and then leave until it is completely absorbed. Before applying the tube with the medication, it is recommended to shake thoroughly.

Adult patients should apply the cream twice a day to the affected area. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually by the specialist.

The use of medicinal cream in pediatrics is allowed, but only as directed by a doctor. It is necessary to apply the drug in an even thin layer and exclusively on limited areas of the dermis. It is very important to fix developing reactions in time. If a child has side effects, the use of the drug should be stopped immediately.

Use of "Skin-Cap" for lactation and pregnancy is not recommended. A similar ban is due to the lack of sufficient evidence of the safety of the drug.

skin cap instructions for use

Negative effects of the use of the drug

The use of Skin-Cap, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients, and negative reactions are extremely rare. However, it is impossible to completely exclude their development. In some cases, against the background of the use of medicinal cream, an allergic reaction may develop. If the patient has a hypersensitivity reaction, you should refuse to use the cream and consult your doctor about changing the treatment regimen and replacing the drug.

Currently, cases of negative drug interactions between Skin-Cap and other medicines have not been reported.

skin cap cream instruction

Special instructions for use

What else can you learn from the instructions for use for Skin-Kap? There are no clinical studies capable of confirming the complete safety of the active component during its use during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, therapy with its use in these periods is limited.

In drugstores, the drug is on sale, a prescription from a doctor for its purchase is not required.

There are no reported cases of overdose when using Skin-Cap cream, medicinal ointment due to the low ability of the active component to penetrate into the systemic circulation.

skin cap reviews


If necessary, and sensitivity to the components, it can be replaced by drugs whose active components or therapeutic effect are similar to those of the agent in question. However, it is important to remember that each medication is able to provoke the occurrence of various negative reactions, and it also has a number of specific contraindications. That is why any replacement of the drug with its analogue should be agreed with the attending physician.

The most popular and common analogues of Skin-Cap are the following drugs:

  1. Lokoid. When using Lokoid, the signs of pathological changes that affect the upper layers of the dermis and proceed without infection are quickly eliminated. The drug shows its therapeutic effect in the treatment of psoriasis or eczema, allowing you to reach the stage of remission. The medication is a drug of the corticosteroid group. The use of Lokoid in pediatrics, with lactation, during pregnancy is limited.
  2. "Psoriatic." The drug is often used as an important element in the complex therapy of psoriatic manifestations and other systemic pathologies that cause dermatological changes. The product is characterized by high safety, it is often considered as a homeopathic remedy. The main advantage of such a medicine is the possibility of its use during lactation and during pregnancy. Negative effects on the background of its use are extremely rare.
  3. "Imunofan." It is a drug that is produced in several pharmacological forms. The medication is often used to treat a variety of dermatological pathologies that develop due to a general decrease in immunity. The medicine allows you to activate local immunity.
  4. "Troutel". This analogue of Skin-Capa is a medicine used to accelerate regenerative processes in cases of lesions of the dermis. The drug is actively used to eliminate inflammation, it helps to stop itching. The active components of "Foretel" are well tolerated by patients, do not provoke the development of negative reactions. In this case, the list of contraindications for the medication is very limited.

Also substitutes are: “Friderm Zinc”, “Tsinokap”, “Pirition Zinc”, “Regein”, “Badyaga”, “Badyaga Forte”, “Silokast”, “Psoriderm”, “Alerana”, “Generolon”, “Capsiol” .

skin cap cream application

Reviews about "Skin-Cape"

Patients very often report high rates of drug efficacy in the treatment of dermatitis and psoriasis. A positive characteristic of the drug is also the possibility of its use in the treatment of infants.

A negative characteristic of the drug is a rather high cost. Also, some users report that even prolonged use of the drug did not allow them to obtain the expected therapeutic effect. The indisputable advantage of the medication is that it practically does not provoke the development of undesirable reactions.

It is worth remembering that therapy will be most effective, and the risk of complications will be minimized if the drug is used according to the indications and recommendations of a doctor. Self-medication is fraught with the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

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