Actress Vera Voronkova: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

“Lover”, “Diary of his wife”, “Time of the dancer”, “Diary of a killer”, “Code of honor”, ​​“Right to defense”, “Claw from Mauritania” - films and series, thanks to which the audience remembered actress Vera Voronkova. By the age of 52, this talented woman managed to star in more than fifty film and television projects. What is the story of the star?

Actress Vera Voronkova: family, childhood

The star of domestic cinema was born in Nizhny Novgorod, it happened in March 1965. Actress Vera Voronkova was born in an incomplete family, grew up without a father. Mother surrounded the only child with love and care, so the girl did not feel deprived.

Vera Voronkova actress

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Vera Voronkova movies

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- 1990 . , . . « », « », «», « » - .

Vera Aleksandrovna Voronkova

1997 . . . « , », «», « » - , . «» , «» «».

, 2000 . « », «», « , », « », «» - , .

1990 . «. Chernov», , . «», «», « « ».

Actress Vera Voronkova biography

1992 « », , . . 1994 « », , . .

1997 . « ». , . « » « ».

Vera Voronkova husband

2002 . « », « », « » - . , . «», . «-4» «-3», «».

2013 «». , . – , .

2015 « ». , () . « » , . «».

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