Potato Lady Claire: variety description, photos, reviews. When to plant potatoes? Potato growing sequence

If you have a summer house with a plot of land, then you are most likely engaged in growing vegetables. Each gardener has several hundred square meters for growing potatoes, without which it is impossible to do. Speaking about potatoes, the Soviet film “Girls” is recalled, where the cook listed all kinds of dishes that can be prepared from this root vegetable. Of course, every grower is interested in the yield and taste of the grown vegetable, so before buying a new variety you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics. Today we propose to consider Lady Claire's potatoes. Description of the variety, photos, reviews of gardeners can be found in this article. Also, all the necessary information will be provided here in order to properly grow this variety, to have a good harvest.

Potato Lady Claire: Characteristic

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sequence of work when growing potatoes

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potato lady claire productivity

Potato Lady Claire fell in love with her unpretentiousness. Gardeners write that this is one of the easiest varieties to grow. At the same time, he is one of the highest yielding. About taste they say that they are good. Potatoes of a pleasant taste, soft, moderately crumbly.

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