The South African guest has long attracted Russian flower growers, since calla is very beautiful, elegant and unusual. This plant is often associated with the bride and is considered a wedding flower, especially of a snow-white color, according to a belief, it helps family happiness. They grow it mainly in winter gardens, greenhouses and home conditions, but now calla has appeared in the garden.
Growing this flower in the open ground is possible because it is somewhat similar to dahlias or gladioli. The first experimental variety was Ethiopian calla, it can easily tolerate light frosts and is unpretentious to growing conditions. Then, the zantedeschia of the Elliott and the zantedeschia of Remani still gained popularity. These three varieties perfectly take root in the climatic conditions of central Russia, so, if desired, everyone can plant callas in their garden.
Growing healthy and abundantly flowering bushes is possible only if optimal conditions are created. At home, living grows near the shores of fresh water, in flooded areas, for this reason we have quickly adapted to the earth calla in the garden. Growing involves adding a minimum amount of organic matter to the soil, since nitrogen has a poor effect on flowering. Calla feels great on light loam, it can be created by adding peat and sand to the clay.
, , , , . 5 – 10 , , . , , . , , .
Since this is a moisture-loving plant, with constant droughts, calla lilies in the garden can fade. Growing in such conditions involves constant watering, planting in openwork shade, and not in the sun. This flower is quite unpretentious and not susceptible to disease, it can only slightly harm whiteflies., , . 5 - 15°. , , . , .
Calla should be stored in a cool place to prevent sprouting and wrinkling of the roots. If this still happened, then the flower sits in a pot, and with the advent of spring it is transplanted into the open ground, but it will not bloom so plentifully. Proper care, a little care and attention work wonders, already in the first year of planting calla lilies in the garden, you can admire its delicate flowering.