How to protect grapes from wasps? The most effective methods

Juicy and sweet grapes like not only people. They do not mind eating wasps. They gnaw through the skin of the fetus without much difficulty, reaching the delicate pulp. And although they are not able to eat the whole crop, the berries that they “tried” rot, they as a result, the whole brush is affected by bacteria and fungus. Damage, thus, increases at times. So how to protect grapes from wasps?

how to protect grapes from wasps
The first thought that comes to mind is to use insecticides. But spraying with chemistry already matured brushes is unreasonable. And the sense of such events is almost minimal. Specially prepared traps are much more effective.

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how to save grapes from wasps
If you are thinking about how to protect grapes from wasps in less risky ways, then put in traps from plastic bottles. You can also search for manufactured structures in an industrial way, but they are rarely found on sale, and it makes no sense to spend money on them. It’s easier to put in the usual plastic one and a half. We cut the bottle off the shoulders, then turn the neck over and place it on the base of the container. To prevent the two parts from falling apart, wrap them with tape. We make a loop from a rope, pour sugar syrup or jam diluted with water into the prepared trap. Done. We hang several traps along the trellis and periodically check. Dispose of the vessels filled with suffocated insects, and put a new bottle in their place.

wasp control on grapes
How to save grapes from wasps in the case when their population on the site does not decrease even after the use of poisonous baits and traps? Then it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the territory for the detection of an aspen nest. Just be careful. Insects are unlikely to be happy with your presence. Therefore, it is better to destroy the nest in the late evening or in the very early morning. Carefully cover the nest with a bag, separate it from the surface to which it is attached, and burn it. You can pre-treat it with dichlorvos or fumigate with smoke.

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