Planting pepper seedlings in the ground differs from other vegetable crops, such as tomatoes and eggplant, in that it must be done very carefully with respect to the roots. They are so sensitive and vulnerable that careless handling can lead to plant disease. Therefore, the planting of pepper in the ground begins with the preparation of beds. Then you need to very carefully remove it from the container or pot with a lump of earth. It is important that the root of the plant does not touch at this time.
no hard surface. That is, it is not necessary to rearrange the taken seedlings in another container or box for transferring to a new place., , -, , , . . . . . , .
The experience of gardeners from non-chernozem regions, who prefer to specially prepare ridges for planting this crop, is remarkable. Here, pepper is planted in the ground exclusively under cover. As a covering material
use lightweight nonwovens. They are remarkable in that they are able to pass moisture through themselves and allow plants to breathe. This is their great advantage over plastic films, which create a greenhouse effect and overheat plants. Because of this, gardeners have to open these shelters in warm weather. Typically, pepper is planted in the ground at the end of May. Thanks to the covering material, the temperature in the garden rises by ten degrees. If the weather is warm in June, then it is removed, if not, then sometimes left for a whole month.Another opportunity to create favorable conditions for pepper during planting is the arrangement of warm beds. It consists in first digging a trench, which is stuffed with straw mixed with
last year's manure. It is covered with fertile soil about seven centimeters and holes are laid in which pepper seedlings are planted. Growing pepper in straw bales is an alternative to this method of warming the roots. True, for this method you need to have special chemical mixtures that turn ordinary straw into a fertile garden.In conclusion, it would be useful to say a few words about the formation of pepper after it has been planted in the ground and irrigated. Here you need to adhere to the well-known rule: the more stems there will be on the bush (and there can be from one to four), the more plentiful, but its fruits will be smaller. You need to water regularly every other day or two, but limit the amount of water to five liters per square meter. Water should be warm, that is, from 22 to 26 degrees.